Re-enrolment 2016-2017


Dear Parents,

The re-enrolment campaign has begun.

The process will once again be online and you will receive an email notification.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the admissions team at or +41 22 775 55 55.

We look forward to welcoming your child back to Collège du Léman next year.

Best regards,

The Boarding Team.

Build me a Spaghetti Tower !!!!! Go


Jianou and Wentao went for the quick and simple method and relaxed thinking they had it in the bag.

With the new year came a new house competition, and after Ali ben was beaten so badly at Go-Karting he was out to try and win back some points. The challange was to build a spaghetti tower, its simple the tallest wins.


Ali Ben and Faisal went for the straight up method, and somehow with alot of tape and I think by holding their breath he got it to stay up and take second place with 50cm


But in first place with a very impressive tower showing knowledge of a strong base and the strength in triangles. Gleb and Denis produced this tower and 60cm


Just dont Sneeze


The guys were given 20 pieces of spagetti a metre of string and metre of tape and a marshmallow for the top. ( I didnt get any marshmallows back by the way)



But there was only one winner, WELL DONE GLEB AND DENIS


Roll up, Roll up, All teachers welcome!!!!


On Tuesday evening the Guys welcomed teachers into the house, Some teachers taught them now, some taught them two or three years ago but a lot of stories were shared.


And even more biscuits were eaten


Even Harry popped down to see what all the fuss was about!!! Sorry Harry all the biscuits are gone


Ali Ben perfecting his role as number 1 babysitter


Ali Ben, Your Hired


Are thoughts and prayers go out to Paris


After the atrocities in Paris last Friday, College Du Leman and the boarding house took time on Tuesday to pay their respects to the innocent people killed in the barbaric attacks on Friday evening in Paris. In a time of such uncertainty and worry the international spirit off goodness and freedom shone through as the world stood in unity against the mindless minority trying to disrupt and terrorize our way of living. Our thoughts and Prayers go out to everyone affected.