Bake-Off House Competition

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Today, Louis Yung 7 took part in the inter-house Bake-Off competition. With Regina being the master pastry chef, and Ameli, Eva and Marusya being excellent sous-chefs, the girls spent a really fun afternoon in the kitchen preparing our carrot cake. The result certainly impressed our judges, but what is more, is that we all enjoyed […]

Weekend activities in Louis Yung 7

Apart from ‘Samedi du Partage’, today the girls took part in several on-campus activities of their choice, such as Woodcraft, Stretching, Bodyshaping and Running. They also helped out in decorating the dining hall Christmas tree. It’s always great to see them being this active and trying their best to keep a balance between academics, fitness and hobbies!

Samedi du Partage

As every year, CDL participated again in the Samedi du Partage initiative with a lot of our students volunteering during the day on Saturday to promote the activity. The aim of the food collection of Samedi du Partage is to help all people in need in Geneva, whatever their difficulties, their age or their situation. From our House, Stacy, Zia and Martina took on this volunteering role with a huge smile and a great sense of responsibility! Thank you, girls, for all that you do to be active members of the broader community!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

The Wednesday assembly was a little bit different today. December is coming soon which means… Christmas too! It was time to decorate the House! Everyone helped!

But first, the girls prepared some delicious popcorn to give us the energy to decorate the whole house.

Then, Martina put Christmas songs to get us into the Christmas spirit and… LET’S GO!

To conclude this beautiful evening, we had a show from our new Christmas trio. A round of applause for them please!





Weekend is here… Let’s go outside!

Louis Yung 7 was quite empty this weekend because the girls went outside to enjoy the sunny weather.

Martina decided to be part of the running activity…

While Ameli was enjoying her Interlaken’s trip…

And Stacy did some shopping for Chritmas at Montreux!


Pillar 2 : Diversity.

Noticing differences is normal but there are many ways to be an ally.
While last week we reflected on how the sense of diversity is part of a global world, this week we will reflect with the students on the notion of diversity itself. It’s easy to label diversity as something uniquely linked to ethnicity, creed or sexuality… However, there are many, many other forms of diversity.
Simple things such as personal tastes or hobbies are a source of diversity, and these are at least as visible as the above-mentioned ones.
Therefore, why do we bear a judgement towards someone who doesn’t have the same religion or the same beliefs and not towards someone who doesn’t listen to the same music or supports another sports team?
The video below gives a simple explanation on the real notion of differences and diversity.

We all want to be allies in this crusade and all our work in terms of charity and community service does pay a great service to bring us together, acknowledging the differences but strengthening our similarities. That should be the key and that is the way that as a school we’re paving.
On a more individual level, we believe the answer lies in the following video.

University advising

Today, Eva and Regina had an important meeting with Mrs. Batey, our CDL University Advisor to discuss their plans for the future. As you can see, they are very focused and probably thinking about which university they should choose for next year!