First weekend in the House

The first weekend of the year and we already feel at home!!

The girls have enjoyed a great weekend tidying and decorating their rooms and getting to know each other; already the vibes of the house are amazing.

There was time for everything, a bit of active life doing bodyshapping, pilates and stretching, our Sunday brunch to recover some energy and Saturday Movie night to chill and relax sharing popcorn, homemade strawberries with chocolate and ice cream.

No doubt it is just the beginning of a wonderful year!

Lots of love,

Yewande & Aida

Swiss Eats & Sweet Feats: Our First Boarding Assembly Recap

Tonight was our first boarding assembly, and it was a blast! We kicked off the term with lots of energy and wrapped it up with a cozy Swiss dinner that had everyone in high spirits. Huge cheers to our awesome prefects, Marina, Anna and Etoile , for stepping up as leaders. And an extra shoutout to Etoile , who’s now our Head Girl, an achievement that reflects her exceptional commitment and character.

Looking forward to an amazing year together!
Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back, everyone! We’re excited to let you know that the house officially opens tomorrow, August 19th. We can’t wait to see all of you and kick off another amazing year together! See you soon!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande