Sport Competition

Today we have had the first House competition of the year!! The girls have participated in the games and had so much fun. It has been a pleasure to see them trying hard to beat other Houses and gain some point for the House Competition. They are already winners for us!! Well done girls!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande


Ready for the new School Year!

We are happy to announce that Louis Yung 7 Boarding House is open and ready to receive the girls. We are excited to start a new year full of new things to experience, learn and live in Boarding. We are ready to welcome you all to this year 2023-2024!

End of year event!!

As the school year comes to an end, it’s time to celebrate and bid farewell to the year. What better way to do so than with an epic end-of-school event that promises a day filled with laughter, excitement, and an abundance of fun? Our students had so much fun and some of our gils were brave enough to try a scary jump!!  We got some energy with popcorn, ice cream, and burritos for dinner.

International Day

Today we have celebrated International Day in CDL. A very important day for us to celebrate in our community. The girls have volunteered to help and had so much fun. Thank you girls for your support in this important day.

Welcome back to Louis Yung 7! 

Arrival weekend has just come to an end, with our girls returning from all over the world, after having spent an enjoyable week away with family. From our side, we are definitely glad to have them back and to hear them share their experiences with such enthusiasm! On another note, with Halloween being just around the corner, the atmosphere on campus is rather ‘spooky’ and so is our House! A big warm welcome back and Happy Halloween! 

A Lebanese dinner in our House

Tonight we have improvised a House dinner, as we received a nice present from Gia’s family: local and homemade Lebanese food. It was delicious and we also enjoyed nice and intense conversations to get to know each other better and celebrate Aída’s birthday with a lovely cake. The “Happy birthday” song was sung in 8 different languages!! It has been a very nice evening with a great family ambience.

Wellbeing programe – First Pilar

Tonight at our weekly meeting we had the opportunity to reflect on paper about this first pillar of our wellbeing program. The girls have written about how their friends and the people around them have a positive impact on their healthy balanced lifestyle regarding nutrition and physical activity.

An active weekend

Even though the weather has become a bit grey and wet, our weekend has been very active. Our girls have participated in different activities, such as running club, tennis or golf. Of course, we have also been delighted by our Sunday’s brunch to recover.