A special dinner

Tonight, we have celebrated a very special event. Tonight the grade 12 girls returned and we have had the opportunity to have a last dinner together. Even though it is not raclette session, it was girls’s choice. And we made virgin cocktails. We share laughs news and a very nice evening once again all together for last time this year. After dinner we played a very special Kahoot that make girls laugh and cry of emotion for our farewell.





Our garden is growing

We have planted several vegetables and flowers and it is already visible how soon we will have some results. Today we have seen our first bean!! Our main gardener is Varya who is excellent with plants and loves to spend time taking care of the garden.

Homemade virgin cocktails

This sunny weather has inspired Varya today to collect some mint and flowers in our garden to create a refresh and beautiful virgin cocktails for us in the House. Varya is very creative and she has prepared this lovely drink tonight. Thank you Varya!