Author Archives: npvlarcelet
Fall break
Turkish dinner
Crepe party
Italian restaurant in CDL
French and cooking lesson
Alumni visit
On friday I had a very good surpise. The visit of Momo and Akiko who were boarders some years ago (graduated in 2007 and 2008) and of an ex-colleague who was working in the Boarding House Ferrari back then.
They decided to come all the way from Japan to see us!!
It was a very nice and emotional moment, remembering stories and students from that time, sharing news from each other around a cup of tea.
They also had the opportunity to meet Tomomi who was very interested in listening to their CDL boarder experience.
They’re adult now but CDL was a big and important part of their teenage years.
Open House at CDL
Sofia’s performance for a charity purpose!
Tonight Sofia made a great singing performance on stage for a charity concert organised in school by some students.
It was a large display of singing, playing piano or other Mongolian instrument. It was a great moment to share.
Well done Sofia for the show and for the involvement!