
IMG-20151114-WA0001IMG_7109-1dqo8pa-768x1024Vanessa, Enegul, Eliia Fernanda and Malika (not on the picture) went last saturday in the school Le Rosey for the TedX activity. They listened to different people making random but very interesting speeches. That was a good experience for them!

Black and White dinner

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Just before the charity concert we had a Black and White dinner, organised by the Boarding House committee, that Malika, Eliia and Vanessa are part of. It was a great evening, very classy and almost everyone played the game.

It was a very good idea,

we can’t wait for the next event to come!!

PFA BBQ Party!

2015-10-02 18.27.20 2015-10-02 18.27.55

The annual start of year PFA barbecue was a succes! A lot of parents came to enjoy and share this moment with the day students, the boarders, the teachers and the house parents.

Everyone had a great time, good dishes – mostly prepared by the parents – and good music played by teachers and students.