Everyone arrived!

All of our girls arrived!
Last night we had our first house meeting during which we did a small quiz to break the ice and get the know each other.

Today, they had their first day of school and some of the girls will join their first activity tonight!

Lots of love,

Terri, Sarah, MarĂ­a and Marie

Lake activities

0Tubing video

Today, Luisa, Roberta and Skyler joined us for some lake (and on shore) activities, the day started cloudy but thankfully skies cleared up after the girls came out of the water! Afterwards, we had a lovely brunch with the whole boarding family 🙂

(Click on “tubing video” to see one of the lake activities)

Lots of love,

Terri, Sarah, MarĂ­a and Marie

First weekend with our new students

Hello everyone!

It has been a pleasure to welcome all of the new girls.

This weekend’s focus has been on getting to each other and the surroundings of the school. Our new girls Skyler, Ingrid, Luisa, Roberta and Amaliya have attended many activities including visiting Versoix and the chocolate factory Favarger, a movie night and a wonderful tour in Geneva this Saturday.

Lots of love,

Terri, Sarah, MarĂ­a and Marie



Welcome To New Portena!

Welcome back to those who are returning and a very warm welcome to those who are new in this adventure!

We are very happy to receive you in your home away from home.

Within our team we have two wonderful House Tutors, two House Parents and an activity leader who will come every evening to organize different activities with the girls.

Together with the entire boarding community we are looking forwards to this wonderful year ahead of us.

Welcome to the New Portena family!

With love,

Terry, Sarah, Maria and Marie.