Smashing the Marmite

To celebrate the Escalade, one of the oldest traditions in Geneva, we come together to “Smash the Marmite”. According to the tradition, the smashing should be done by the youngest and oldest person in the room and when doing it, they should pronounce “ainsi pรฉrissent less enemmis de la rรฉpublique”.

Well done to Lily and Melissa for this powerful smashing!

Gnocchi day ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

Promoting internationalism among students is important for us to let the girls know about other cultures and traditions. Having a big House with girls from seventeen nationalities is a great opportunity to involve them in activities that can enrich them.

Before the Winter holidays, we have decided to have a convivial moment all together: we kneaded gnocchi dough, cooked, and ate together. Special thanks to Gergana for making also original hearth-shaped gnocchi ๐Ÿคฉ