This odd day was inserted after the sixth day before the kalends of March, i.e.,after the 24th of February, and was not counted as an addition to the year, but asa sort of appendix. Hence the sixth of the kalends of March was called bissextus, or double sixth, which root is still retained in our word bissextile, though the day isnow added at the end of February.E. S. Burns, “History of Chronology,” The Popular Science Monthly, April, 1881
The Romans looked upon the Bissextile, or leap day, as unfortunate, and in theMiddle Ages this superstition was extended to the whole year. The French are stillin the habit of saying, when any misfortune happens, that the bissextus has fallenupon the business.T. F. Thiselton Dyer, “Antiquarian Gossip on the Months,” The Leisure Hour.