Wellbeing in Versoix

We don’t need to do great things in order to improve our wellbeing, sometimes the simple things like a walk or making healthier snack choices can have a big impact! Some of our girls stayed closer to school and tried this at the local supermarket. They were all encouraged to make at least one healthy choice in their weekly shopping and these are some of the results.


La gastronomie à Genève

As every Saturday, our girls today enjoyed a shopping afternoon in Geneva, the perfect way to relax and disconnect after a long week in school 😁 Today they took advantage to enjoy the delights of French and Japanese cuisine, and even did some shopping to cook at home!

Friday wellbeing – drawing meditation

For our wellbeing session of today we proposed a drawing meditation to our girls. First, they closed their eyes and tried to be aware of their bodies and emotions. After, they drew freely with their eyes still closed listening to the meditation guide. Finally, they started filling their drawings with the shapes that expressed best their present state. We love the results 🙂