Student Government


12138320_10100594131168542_8437075810366689681_oWe are very proud of our four Middle School Boarders who have been elected into the Student Government for 2015. They have each been given a position of great responsibility and we wish them all the best as they aim to make our school better each day. Well done to Azzaya and Louise from Old Portena and Rodrigo and Dima from Concha!

11224288_10100594131912052_3991550829312094151_o12140891_10100594131467942_5161329274467009040_o12120198_10100594131622632_7488421980689722871_o12079952_10100594131737402_160829844154992097_o12132408_10100594131033812_7042706436952947120_o (1)






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