What is the best way to prepare for the week ahead? Eat some yummy homemade cake of course!
Author Archives: dlacambra
Wellbeing Session – Pillar 2
This afternoon in our weekly wellbeing session, we continued our discussion about diversity.
The second takeaway point this week is: Noticing differences is normal but there are many ways to be an ally.
A fruitful discussion was had as we talked about how diversity isn’t just about our ethnicity or the colour of our skin, but also about our hobbies and personal interests. It’s about what makes us unique and different from everyone else, but also embracing that uniqueness because without it, the world would be a boring place.
At the end of the session, everyone had the chance to write nice qualities about each other. It was an interesting session indeed!
Fun in Photography Class
Wellbeing Pillar 2 – Fighting Bullying and Promoting Diversity
This week in the second pillar of our wellbeing program, we talked about integration and promoting diversity.
Our first takeaway point is: Integration and diversity are part of the international agenda of the world’s most important institutions.
The girls watched a video about diversity and they wrote down what it means to them. Find some photos below!
Weekend in Old Portena
Weekends are never boring! Let’s take a look at what the girls did…
Happy October break!
…and an exciting weekend for others!
Weekend activities
The girls were busy this weekend and took part in activities such as cooking, tennis, golf, baking, chess, body shaping and also an outing to Geneva!