Down Time

From Mondays – Thursdays, the Old Portena girls get together for thirty minutes after dinner to have some fun time to ourselves. Tonight we had some impressive gymnastics and beach ball skills but each day is different:

Monday is to learn and practice a musical instrument.

Tuesday we go to the dome to play some sport.

Wednesday is games night.

Thursday is ‘your choice’, reading, music, basketball or whatever you enjoy most.




Old Portena House Meetings

Each week two girls volunteer to organise and lead our house meetings on Wednesday evening. Today Irina and Liza put a lot of effort into planning, leading and preparing a surprise for the house. They did a great job!


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Superstar Awards

We are very proud of the Old Portena girls for trying hard each week and many of the girls have achieved so many stars for grade A’s in school and for helping with different tasks in the boarding house.
