Master Chef House Competition

12107265_10100595522944412_2783970280082814581_nEach house were given chf60 to spend on our competition meal for the judges and we are looking forward to hearing the results!
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Preparing for Master Chef

The whole house were involved in each part of the meal in their teams to make a delicious, colourful light lunch.

12088192_10100595523797702_3937767031906778650_n 12088323_10100595523568162_2112640948001450080_n 12107823_10100595523682932_1643197828614354365_n 12105836_10100595523872552_5711311453700825276_n12141569_10100595523952392_5082457223027766018_n



Student Government


12138320_10100594131168542_8437075810366689681_oWe are very proud of our four Middle School Boarders who have been elected into the Student Government for 2015. They have each been given a position of great responsibility and we wish them all the best as they aim to make our school better each day. Well done to Azzaya and Louise from Old Portena and Rodrigo and Dima from Concha!

11224288_10100594131912052_3991550829312094151_o12140891_10100594131467942_5161329274467009040_o12120198_10100594131622632_7488421980689722871_o12079952_10100594131737402_160829844154992097_o12132408_10100594131033812_7042706436952947120_o (1)






International Living

Azzaya shows us the benefits of living in a Boarding school; coming from Mongolia to Geneva, she speaks Mongolian, French and English fluently and is now learning Chinese! image image


Clocking up REACH Hours

Ayaka and Margie are doing a great job with the younger students in Old Portena helping them with their homework and to be organised for school. Ayaka and Margie are working towards their REACH hours each night for the areas of Responsibility: Eco Friendly: Active: Creativity: Helpfulness. We are very proud of their efforts already!




Twins and Tennis

This weekend new skills were learnt on the tennis court and the real twins had some competition from Herluce and Irina who dressed the same way on Saturday and Sunday without realising it! 🙂image