Welcome Back!

Well, it’s been a very busy weekend in Old Portena welcoming everybody back to the boarding house. It’s been lovely to see all the girls so excited to return to school and catch up with all their new school friends. Very soon we’ll be posting photos from the surf camp that many Old Portena girls enjoyed. We’ve also got lots of fun activities planned in the run up to the Christmas break so keep following the blog for more updates!





Sports Day Was A Success!

It’s been a busy weekend with many activities going on. Today we enjoyed the good weather during our annual interhouse sports day including a variety of both usual and unusual sports. As you can see by the concentration and determination shown in the photos, it was a success. Although the final calculations and scores are still being verified, Old Portena house definitely showed that girls can be just as sporty as boys and we’re confident that we’ll be taking forward lots of points towards the overall house competition. There were a variety of games played over the course of the afternoon including tug of war, a three legged race and the ping pong ball on a spoon race. As you can see by the photos, much fun was had by all.






During ‘social time’ from Monday to Thursday, some of the Prefects come to Old Portena to help the girls in any way that they can. From giving advice, helping with homework and chatting about the day in general, they are always around to help. Ruitung was a Boarder in Old Portena 4 years ago so it is very special to have her back with us.