This morning we headed to Geneva with the other boarders for a guided tour of the city- luckily we didn’t get rained on as expected!
Saturday afternoon in Geneva
Fun and Friends, Music and Games!
Welcome Dinner!
Some of our new girls getting to know each other!
Happy Holidays!
Goodbye to the Grade 8’s and Miss Becky!
Riddle Me This…
This evening, Katya has been quizzing us with riddles – see if you can answer any of them!
What has a mouth but never sleeps? What has a bed but never sleeps?
What is better than God, worse than the Devil, poor people have it, rich people don’t, and eating it will kill you?
Answer in the comments!
Goodbye, Michelle!
End of Year Event
A big thank you from all the girls of Old Portena to those who organised yesterday’s event – as you can see from the photos, the girls had a lot of fun!
- Herluce enjoying the traditional games
- Natalina found the courage to take on the bungee
- Lazer tag time!
- Cool as a cucumber!
- Is Katya nervous for the bungee?
- Taking shelter from the showers
- Sandra keeps smiling through the rain!
- Margie tries her hand at the traditional games
- Erika places her bets on who will win…
- Azzaya keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings
- Nervous, Nastia?
- Smiling after
- Stealth!
- Even Mr Usher got involved!
- Irina loves to laugh!
- Don’t worry, Marina!