Chinese New Year 🇨🇳 🏮🎊

Today in CdL we have celebrated a very special day for the Chinese community: The Chinese New Year. In Collège du Léman we want to guarantee, as part of our international environment, that all the different nationalities feel like at home and bring them part of their culture. Of course the Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox, was not going to be an exception.

The School, boarders and boarding staff and specially the kitchen staff have been working very hard to prepare a very special night with a wonderful decoration and a delicious food. All the boys and girls have really appreciated this evening. A big Thank you to all the people involved and Happy New Year to all the Chinese community !!











After this wonderful dinner our boys decided to burn some calories doing some sport. Football first and Volleybal later. Some of them, of course decide to do double session 😀


February Boarding Assembly

This month’s assembly has been mainly focused on closing Pillar 3 of the wellbeing programme which, as you know, has been focused on Building Friendships and managing different situations such as Peer Pressure. We have seen the different projects, both individual and group, that have been carried out at Collège du Léman by our Boarders, all of them very original and we are sure that we have all learnt a lot from them.

We have also seen the Solidarity Project “Change the World Action” carried out by Alex and Emma from Villa du Lac.

Finally, an interview with Loris (Grade 7) where he explained how he manages to combine his studies, where he is getting great grades, with his passion for Basketball where he is also getting great achievements as part of the Geneva Basketball Team, CdL Basketball Team and Versoix Basket.

P.S. Thank you Mr. Salva and Elisa for such a nice start of the assembly and also to Mr. Usher and the girls of Villa du Lac for such a great performance 😉