Another great weekend at CDL!

Another weekend is slowly coming to an end. We had so much fun at our weekend activities! We also got to do some community service around our area. It is really important to take care of our surroundings as much as ourselves and anyone who needs it.

We are ready for the week ahead!

Here are a few pictures:


The Saint Loup team ❤

Sleep Better Challenge is on!

Today we talked about Pillar 1 of the Well-being Project and Etoile who is our representative for Saint Loup presented us with all the wonderful options for better sleep!

Each girl chose one of the tips below so this week we aim for a good night`s rest, and a positive morning mood!

What will you try out before bed?

The Saint Loup team ❤

Verbier Mountain Weekend was a blast!

We just spent the weekend in the mountains and it was an amazing trip! We got to try out new activities, we learned new things about ourselves and the people around us. The weather was amazing, we went hiking in the mountains, climbed up walls, biked down the mountain slope, we did all sorts of sports including an Olympic competition on Sunday morning!

This was the best beginning of the year ever!

the Saint Loup team ❤

Saint Loup 4&9!

Ready for the first Monday of the year! ❤

All the girls at Saint Loup are now here and we just had the loveliest Sunday evening together! We got to know each other a bit better and share a laugh, future plans and all the wonderful things we are doing at school in September!

Here we are just before the first full week of school! We are ready to have the best Monday!

St Loup 4 girls & Anastasia