One part of our values in CDL is to promote internationalism. It’s a real chance for our boarders and day students to have the opportunity to live and learn with so many people coming from so many different countries and cultural backgrounds. It allows them to enlarge their vision of the world and enriches their knowledge and it gives them a better sense of tolerance.
In our home sweet home (St Loup 9) we have 7 boarders, 2 house parents, 8 nationalities, 6 languages. A real chance to be together. The challenge I gave to our wonderful boarders, a few months ago, was to showcase anything that they would like to share to their home mates and even to other boarders from other villas, about their cultures and country.
Today Etoile from France was the first one to try the challenge, two of her housemates joined, and we also had the pleasure to welcome another boarder from another villa, and also a day student.
It was a magical time, with lots of joy, and fun. Etoile taught her friends how to make French crêpes, she played French music, and a very popular song from a very popular singer popped up. “Cette soirée là”, from Claude François. Etoile was happy to speak a little bit concerning this French artist, and gave a little bit of background concerning him. If you are curious, I would encourage you to have a look at that video too : Claude François – Cette année là (Clip officiel) (youtube.com)
Please let us know in the comments what you think about this song and choreography.
The most funny part of this afternoon was that suddenly the guests decided to make their own recipe, adding ingredients to the crêpes dough.
This is what we call a cultural melting pot.
It was a real success. And we are looking forwards to live another internationalism adventure, maybe next time we will have the joy to taste a special meal from Republican Republic or we will have the opportunity to hear a song from Bhutan, or someone will teach us a Ukrainian dance. Who knows who will be the next one to try the challenge, but for sure we are looking forwards to have another fantastic time together.
Special thanks to Etoile for being the leader of this wonderful time.