What a delicious week-end !

The most part of our raining week-end turned around eating, and cooking.

What a delicious week-end !

First on Saturday night we had the joy to welcome Emma’s friends, with whom we could celebrate Internationalism (So it was our part II of our  “LET’S CELEBRATE INTERNATIONALISM”. It was wonderful to see 4 different young ladies, with three different nationalities, cooking together a Brazilian dessert, and a very special kind of pizza. They danced, laughed and watched a movie together. One of them even slept over. It was so nice to have her.

Today two of our girls marched through Versoix roads to celebrate the Women’s day. I’ve just heard they had so much fun during this time, what a joy to hear that our ladies are more than satisfied with their resting week-end.

This afternoon, I treated our girls with chocolate dessert, and Choetsho did it by making waffles. It’s always good to share this friendship together.

Cooking, and cooking again, Choetsho also had the priviledge to be tought by a chef how to bake a Black Forest, it looks so beautiful.

As we say in French : “Allez bon appétit !”

Saint Loup 4 team.




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