A Weekend in Berlin

Dear all,

While those of us who stuck around the campus this weekend were able to take part in all the usual amazing activites offered for us –  a group of students were able to utilise their weekend to the maximum and visit Berlin!

Included in this group was our very own Luiz Eduardo, who simply loved the trip, returning home on Sunday evening tired, yet thrilled, at all the things he was given the chance to see. From walking tours, to a river a cruise and seeing the Berliner Fernsehturm Television Tower – there was certainly a lot to enjoy!



Welcome back

After a well deserved Easter break, our students are back in St-Loup for the final stretch before the end of the school year.

Both Luis and Eduardo enjoyed some time with their families during the holiday break, travelling far away from Versoix.

On the other hand, David spent time with his friends on a school trip in Tanzania and Zanzibar where he engaged in a variety of different activities. These include visiting a coffee farm, helping build a goat shed as part of a community project, going on a safari to see the wildlife, and learning about the local traditions and cuisine. This trip is sure to have a lasting effect on him, providing him with life experience and memories that will last a lifetime.

After what has been an eventful break, the boys are ready to face the final couple of months before the summer holidays.