CDL 2km Run – Manuel

Manuel participated in the CDL 2km Run on Friday afternoon, and posted one of the best scores in his age group!

Well done, Manuel!

A message from Coach Jamie is below:

“This message is to congratulate all those who came with us to the sports centre this afternoon to compete in the 2k run. It was wonderful to see so many talented athletes enjoying the sunshine and completing 5 laps of the track in lightning-fast times! We had very nearly 60 runners – what a great turnout, I am sure you have set us off brilliantly in the Nord Anglia Global Sports Competition.

However, the results don’t get posted until Monday, so if you didn’t manage to join us, you can still do 2k in your own time this weekend and tell us about it here. Remember, parents and house parents are also very welcome to join our team so please feel free to encourage your family to follow in your footsteps and join the CDL team, they can also upload their times using the same method.
Once again, a huge congratulations to everybody who participated. Have a great weekend – you earned it!”