Outside the entrance to reception at CDL stands a tall interesting statue. We all walk past it every day and at some point, as with the purpose of art, it makes us ponder what its meaning is. I was curious to get the opinion of student to see what they felt the statue represented.
Daniil has a room at the end of the hall with a window that looks out over the reception and indeed on this statue. Every day when he awakens and looks out he sees it and I was curious to know his thoughts.
“…..a very beautiful statue in front of reception. We can see a figure of people, who stand one higher than another one and make a high pyramid. I think, the artist wants to say to us about how we must connect in our society. We are stronger, if we work in the group together, because we can help each other in difficult situations, share, care about somebody, be open with another person. If we will do this, we can make our own life much happier and more successful……” Daniil Grade 9.
Great article- and great to read Danil’s interpretation!