Christmas spirit

Generosity is one of the key elements of what we try to pass on to our students and it’s amazing to see that values of this nature are part of their lives.

A huge well done and thank you goes to Johannes, Taichi, Kotaro, Alex, Amirhossein and Rayaan for having taken the time to buy a Christmas present to a child in a foster home here in Geneva area. It’s surely a small thing but it will probably mean a lot to a child. Doing something to others is definitely something magic 🙂


Well-being Time – Respect and Appreciation

During last weeks session, the students were asked to carry out a number of good deeds throughout the week. The aim of this was to encourage the students to do genuinely nice things for people, out of the kindness of their heart, without expecting anything back in return. We started this weeks session by sharing everyone’s deeds that they carried out. It is was very pleasing to hear that the boys have done a lot of nice things for people this week, in many different ways :).

During our well-being session this week, we continued to speak about the second pillar of well-being – ‘protecting against bullying and respecting diversity’.

This week, we took a closer look at respect, and the ways it should be used throughout the school. There are lots of people throughout the school, from the cleaning department, to the kitchen staff to the teachers who do a lot for us. We talked about how we could give the respect they truly deserve, back to these people. This linked to the topic of appreciation and showing gratitude for the people who work very hard to do nice things for us. The boys suggested that we should always:

  • Smile
  • Be polite and show good manners
  • Listen to what people have to say
  • Try to understand any point that people are trying to make to you


Diversity, Respect and Helping Others

In our Well Being period today we had a special moment.

On the topic of Respect and Diversity we ended up directing our conversation to how to help others.

Johannes gave us a lovely testimonial, on how he felt he could be helpful and useful to the primary boys he is seeing on a regular basis. According to him, he always wished he would have had an older brother to guide him in life and today he feels he can be a little bit the bigger brother to these younger students who are away from home.

Our Community Service and Charity service provide us with a good structure to do something  meaningful to others. However what is important is to have our hearts full of good will towards others and not necessarily counting with a formal reward in then end of each gesture.

In his own way, Johannes is leading by example and his generosity is deeply appreciated.