The Pillar 2 of our Wellbeing programme is now being launched.
Its title gives us plenty of points for reflection and a lot of possibilities for the projects we will be completing during the coming weeks.
It goes without saying for all of us, that Bullying is something we do not tolerate as a school, but more importantly, we do not tolerate it as individuals. We do all believe in mutual respect as the minimum link between two people, for as different as they may be.
And together we this, and because unfortunately, this type of situation is still a problem in today’s world, it is important that the weaker sides feel they are supported at all levels.
We believe as well that promoting Diversity is one of the best tools to fight Bullying. The respect and promotion of the richness of Diversity can be a wall protecting us.
One important step to have in mind is the awareness that Diversity is not just about race.
With that in mind, we hope our students find interesting individual projects to complete during the weeks to go. With a little bit of imagination, a lot can be done and shared as to why Diversity is a treasure to be cherished. And us, in a global setting as the one we are in, should be the first ones to put it forward.