Which team do you suppport? We are all a TEAM!

Wednesdays in Old Portena are our special House moments where our girls sit together and take a moment to reflect on the past weekend and upcoming week.

This week we have launched our Internal House Competition:

 The girls earn points based on their behavior and dedication to both our house and the boarding community. This encourages a spirit of unity and shared responsibility, fostering good behavior, teamwork, and a strong sense of community engagement. It’s a fantastic way for our girls to not only showcase their individual strengths but also to collectively make a positive impact on the world around us.

After the break, come ready with ideas and full of energy to win every week!!!

Which team are you in?

Go Cheetahs!

Go Lions!

Go Tigers!


Happy Birthday Layla!

Today’s house meeting was extra special as we also celebrated Layla’s birthday. We wish you the very best Layla!

The girls also continued filling in their Old Portena yearbook, cutting and putting pictures on it to capture memories of the year.

October Mornings

The cool October mornings bring a sense of coziness and warmth to our boarding house, where every day begins with a shared ritual – breakfast. For the past few days, Liza and Miyuki decided to add a little extra charm to the start of their day by twinning in style!

Snippets of Boarding Life

In Old Portena, there are always things happening and we are always on the go!

We had a lovely tree that was painted by a day student, all done and brightening up our staircase. Friday afternoon after school, we went to Coop to stock up on food, and then on the weekend we had our usual activities. A particular highlight was the 5KM race for both students and staff, and in which Karen and Layla took part in! Well done girls and everyone!

This is our last weekend before the October break next week, and the weather was definitely on our side – sunny and lovely!

Thai International Dinner

Dinner on Wednesdays are special because we get to eat food from other countries. And last night we were transported to the rich and vibrant flavours of Thailand.

International Dinners at Collège du Léman is a celebration of diversity, a reminder of sharing experiences and flavours from around the world. It’s also a time for our students to bond over their love of food! What culinary adventure are we going to next week? Stay tuned for more!

Weekend Recap

This past weekend has been a busy one.

On Friday afternoon after school, Karen, Anne, Mira, Kate and Radi left for Disneyland Paris with other boarders. They spent the weekend there, experiencing the rides and magical atmosphere Disneyland is known for.

Back on campus, aside from doing their usual activities, and the weekly Geneva outing, the girls also ventured to a nearby adventure park called Walibi on Sunday. Lots of fun and laughter was had that day!

Looking forward to the next weekend!


Wellbeing session and New Project: Old Portena Year Book

We’re thrilled to introduce our exciting new project, the Old Portena Year Book, which is all about celebrating the vibrant spirit and well-being of our community. We believe that physical activity plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall well-being. As we embark on this journey to create a memorable yearbook from scratch, we’re not only preserving memories but also promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. Let’s capture the joy of movement and the essence of our amazing community on every page. Stay tuned for updates and be part of this wellness-filled adventure!


Saturday Activities

Saturday is the best day of the week! There is no school, and is a free day for the girls to enjoy their activities, like horse riding, cooking and running. It’s also a day where the girls can go to Geneva to shop!