On this day, the first Wednesday of October, a special assembly of Boarders occurred.
Man v. Food? Nope, Concha vs Thai Red Chicken
Every Wednesday here at CDL, we, as a boarding community, get to enjoy an International Meal from a different country every week from around the world. This week, we had a Thai evening.
And while the spice may have knocked the boys back, it didn’t keep them down. It was absolutely brilliant and went down a treat! Thank you to all the kitchen staff who always put in so much effort to keep us well fed.
We were truely on a mission to Thai the knot with this delicious meal!
Lá Breithe Shona Joseph! 🎂🎉
However, despite all the trips and fun had this weekend, the true cherry on top of the entire weekend, was the opportunity to celebrate Joe’s birthday!
This milestone deserves a special celebration, and with a nice slice of chocolate cake – that’s the proper way to start the party!
Happy birthday Joe!
Mouse-querading at Disneyland Paris
The highlight (not to be too biased) from the activities of the weekend, the cream of the crop – or the cream of the castle, so to speak – was the the magical escapde taken to explore the wonderous Disneyland Paris.
To see the boys had a magical time would be an understatement; with a whopping fifteen glorious hours clocked out in the park over Saaturday and Sunday; the crew got to truly experience eveyrthing the Mouse had to offer.
With attratcions and characters ranging from classic Disney, to Star Wars and Marvel; there was no shortage of things to do.
A truly magical time had by all. Thank you to all the Trip Staff for your fantastic effort in making all the pieces come together; it was throughly apprecited and certainly well enjoyed!
Weekend Vibes
Spins and Grins: Adventure time at Walibi Rhone-Alpes
Derby Diaries: Servette FC vs Lausanne
Our Wellbeing, Our Priority. Reflections on pillar 1
To conclude this pillar before the holiday break, we conducted a session associated with the challenge we presented to our students. We have compiled reflections on the poster below.
Our team of student advocates for this pillar has created a final video discussing the importance of sports and physical exercise in our daily well-being that we also visualised during the meeting. Well done to them and to Miss Perrine for conducting. We will have a final word and wrap-up session next Wednesday in our assembly.
Happy Birthday Nikita!!!
Boarding Basketball Tournament: Concha vs VDL
This evening our boys went up against the Villa du Lac team and won! It was a fun game filled with enthusiastic students.