Winter Ball evening

Last Saturday, the entire Boarding community attended the Winter Ball to celebrate the end of the first semester.

Everyone did their best to dress up like true gentlemen, as we try to instill in them at Concha Annexe.

Unfortunately, Adam, Nikita, and Mr. Manuel couldn’t join us for this great moment.

Escalade celebration

Les garçons de Concha Annexe se sont réjouis de l’esprit de l’Escalade, savourant les délices de la marmite en chocolat. Des rires et une camaraderie remplissaient l’air alors qu’ils embrassaient la tradition, partageant des moments de joie. L’atmosphère festive capturait l’essence de la célébration, forgeant des liens et créant des souvenirs durables au cœur de cet événement annuel tant chéri.

Concha Annexe’s boys reveled in Escalade’s spirit, savoring chocolate marmite delights. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as they embraced tradition, sharing sweet moments of joy. The festive atmosphere captured the essence of the celebration, forging bonds and creating lasting memories in the heart of this cherished annual event.

The traditional sentence “Ainsi périssent les ennemis de la République” translates to “Thus perish the enemies of the Republic.” The oldest and youngest persons in the room say this before smashing the marmite during the Escalade celebration in Geneva.

Winter Ball 2023

On Saturday, the CDL boarding community celebrated the end of the year by holding a winter ball, held at the Hilton.

A lovely time was had by all, brilliant food, fantastic music, and only the tiniest amount of shenanigans.

The Concha boys rolled out to the event in finery – as is only natural for these fine young gentlmen.

Massive thank you to Lucélia for spearheading the night’s organisation, the Hilton Staff, and everyone who was involved in making sure the night was as great as it was – the boys had a blast!

The Boys dressed to the Nines

Pizza Party!

The Concha boys (plus a few visitors) had a blast on friday with a pizza party, to kick off the last weekend before the Departures next week. Our very own Nathan popped by to join in on the fun and was only mildly disappointed that they were not all for him.

In an international school and an international house, there is one thing we can all agree on – everyone likes pizza!

Rhythm and Grooves

Tonight, Muhan and Vincent showed off their fantastic breakdancing skills at the Extracurricular Winter Show. Absolutely wonderful show, well done to the boys and to everyone that took part!


Muhan making sure the crowd knows whats about to go down!

Vincent starting the hype and getting ready to throw out some serious moves!

Boarding Awards Ceremony 🥇

Today, our vibrant Boarding community gathered for one of the most highly anticipated events of the year—the first leg of awards. This special occasion served as a platform to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievements in Boarding Life, Activities Participation, and Academics.

A heartfelt congratulations goes out to Adam and Kristian, whose exceptional efforts and commitment earned them well-deserved medals in the first two categories—Boarding Life and Activities Participation. Their dedication and positive contributions to the community have truly set them apart.

The entire Boarding community takes pride in recognizing and applauding the achievements of these remarkable individuals. This recognition not only highlights their current successes but also sets the stage for continued excellence in the future. Keep up the fantastic work, Adam and Kristian! Your achievements are a source of inspiration for us all.

The 7-6 Keyboard Skills Showcase

This evening, Firdavs and Andrew, along with their 7-6 classmates showcased their collective skills on the keyboard.

Well done to the boys and to everyone involved – you were all fantastic!

Firdavs wowed the crowd with the lvl 11 Tourelay, Tourelay

Andrew amazed everyone with the lvl 14 Can, Can

Celebrating Excellence: Our First Awards Ceremony

Tonight marked a milestone as we celebrated outstanding students. Medals were awarded for excellence in Activities, Boarding Life, and Academics. These boys exemplify well-rounded individuals, contributing to the vibrant spirit of our community. From active participation in diverse activities to fostering a positive boarding life and achieving remarkable academic grades, each recipient deserves applause.

We were very pleased in the House to see our very own Michael (Boarding Life and Academics), Shiryu (Boarding Life and Academics), Ariel (Activities) and Vincent (Activities) winning well deserved awards.

This ceremony not only acknowledged individual accomplishments but also showcased our collective commitment to excellence. Congratulations to all the winners; your dedication and passion make us proud!

First Boarding Awards Ceremony of 2023/2024

Grade 8 Winner

Activities Winners

Boarding Life Winners

Grade 9 Academics Winners