Wellbeing Programme Pillar 5 Making Safe and Responsible Choices.

In tonight’s house assembly, we focused on the first key takeaway of this pillar: Time in, How do you connect with the inner world?

What we experience in our inner world, which includes our feelings, thoughts, perceptions, memories, beliefs, hopes, dreams, desires, motivations, longings etc., can occur even without us being aware of it. The lack of self-awareness entails the failure to see the patterns in our behaviours and thinking. As a result, we risk making choices that are not aligned with what we really are and with what we really want.

On the contrary, when we develop the habit to pay attention to these inner experiences we become more self-aware. This can help us have more control over the decisions and choices we make and prevent us from being at the mercy of our own feelings, desires and external negative pressure.

May Boarding Assembly

Today, we had our Monthly Boarding Assembly which covered many topics!

Martina went to the stage to explain her mum’s Charity and everything that it means for her to participate in this project. Martina will go to Madagascar to help to build a library and what she did in CDL was to collect some books and she will bring them to the library in Madagascar. Well done Martina we are so proud of you!!!!.

Mr Salva also introduced our fifth and final Wellbeing Pillar, Making Safe and Responsible Choices. As announced during the Assembly the key take-away points will be:

• Time in: how do you connect with the inner world?
• Attachment figures: how our attachment style influences the way we make our decisions?

This week we will focus on Time in!

What we experience in our inner world, which includes our feelings, thoughts, perceptions,
memories, beliefs, hopes, dreams, desires, motivations, longings etc, can occur even without us
being aware of it. The lack of self-awareness entails the failure to see the patterns in our behaviours
and thinking. As a result, we risk making choices that are not aligned with what we really are and
with what we really want.

On the contrary, when we develop the habit to pay attention to these inner experiences we become
more self-aware. This can help us have more control over the decisions and choices we make and
prevent us from being at the mercy of our own feelings, desires and external negative pressure.

Mr Salva will share some self-reflection activities to be handed out during House
Assemblies. The objective is to raise awareness of the root causes of wrong decision-making such
as Self-esteem, Self-belief, Self-fulfillment, Social approval / Acceptance, Emotional detachment etc
rather than focusing on the symptoms.


F4 – Discovery Days – Torgon, Valais

This morning, the F4’s set off on their Discovery Trip to Torgon, Valais, where they will learn some amazing new skills, have a great time with their teachers and friends, and participate in wonderful activities in the mountains!

Have a great time boys!

James, Ronan, Nathan, and Akim