Happy Summer Holidays!!

Léman will soon be closing for the summer break. We have had a great year, and we hope everyone enjoys a fantastic summer break with their loved ones. We look forward to seeing all the students arrive back on campus in August! Take care everyone!

End of Year Event 🎉☀️🌄

Yesterday the boys had the chance to enjoy the marvellous weather with the End of Year Event. Many games were offered : water games, laser game, bikes, water slide, foam party… It was amazing to see the boys with such big smiles, enjoying a nice moment together before the summer. The day finished by a food truck in the garden, to see the sun setting.

Runners vs Riders 2024

Today, both staff and students, including those in Léman Boarding House, took part in a charity event. The challenge? 170km cycling vs 60km running. The question? Who gets back first?

3 members of the Boarding team and the PE department embarked on a gigantic bike ride around Lake Geneva, whilst a number of students and staff members each participated in a 6km run, in a relay style, until we reached a total of 60km.

After over 5 hours on the road, the cycling group arrived on campus 20 minutes before the final runner! Everyone worked hard and did incredibly well! Congratulations to everyone who took part in this event.

This was all to support the World Bicycle relief – a charity which aims to provides bicycles to those without access to them. To learn more about the charity and the event which took place, please click the link below.



Bol d’Or Mirabaud 2024

This weekend, there was the annual Bol d’Or Mirabaud on Lake Geneva. This incredible sailing race, which is the largest inland lake regatta in the world, takes place from Geneva, all the way to the other end of the lake and back, and can take a number of hours to complete. We had the privilege to see many of the incredible boats sail past Versoix this morning, and we also had our very own CDL sailing team participating.

Graduation 2024

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024!

It was an amazing ceremony this morning and it was an extremely proud moment for us to see all the Léman boys go on stage to get their diplomas.

Congratulations also to Ablai and Amir for their amazing musical performances!!

Boarding Trip to Porto

This weekend, our Boarding students were handed the wonderful opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Porto in Portugal.

We can see from the pictures that the students had a fun time touring around the city, seeing all the fantastic sights.


Fitness Challenge – 5km Run

The annual May Fitness Challenge is back!!

This time of year can be stressful for students as they prepare for exams. This gives them the opportunity to spend their free time in a positive way, that will also help them destress from any pressures they may be feeling.

Today we held a 5km run on campus for the Boarding students. A massive well done to everyone who took part!!

Lake Geneva

Summer is approaching, the sky is blue and the sun is starting to shine.

This means only one thing……. activities on the lake!!

The Léman boys took full advantage this weekend and boarded the boat for wakeboarding! The first of many weekends to come for fun activities on the lake.





Weekend Activities

It was another lovely weekend on campus with a lot of the Léman participating in some of the exciting activities we have on our offer.

The boys had the opportunity to take part in Tennis, Cooking, Climbing, Running, Golf, The Trampoline Park, Chess, and many more…..

CDL Boarding Theatre Production

This evening on campus we held the first Boarding Theatre Production. It was pleasure to see all the incredible performances from the entire cast, which included three of our very own Léman boys. Congratulations to everyone who was involved, and thank you for providing us with an evening of quality entertainment.

CDL Day – The Grand Prix!!

It was that time of year again …… CDL Day!!

To celebrate the occasion, the annual Grand Prix running race took place on campus.

Congratulations to all the Léman boys who took part in this fantastic event, which was held in support of the Food Prints Awareness charity. The atmosphere and support was immense, and we are proud of all the effort put in from the runners! Well done boys!!

Charity Football Tournament !

We are so happy to say that many of our boys played at the Charity Football Tournament this evening. They had the chance to compete between houses and show their talent, while contributing to the fund raising. We always are glad to see them being so involved in our community. Amazing job boys !

Plenty more weekend activities for the Léman boys!!

Spring is upon us and the Léman boys took full advantage of the blue skies and beautifully fresh weather this weekend.

There were plenty of opportunities for the students to enjoy a vast amount of sports and activities this weekend. Some of the acitivities on offer included; Tennis, Climbing, Running, Handball, Boxing, Pilates, and many more!!

Geneva Motor Show

This weekend, our students had the fantastic opportunity to visit the annual Geneva Motor Show. The spectacle was as impressive as ever with many incredible cars on display. The Léman boys who attended the outing, said they enjoyed it very much.

Benvenuti a Roma !

This week-end our students had the amazing opportunity to take part in the trip to Rome. They had a lovely time where they spent it between italian culture & food, fun and of course shopping. They had to the chance to visit the Museum of Vatican and the famous Sistine Chapel. What an enriching trip !


Congratulations to the Léman basketball team who won the second place at the tournament against Zurich International School !!! We are particularly proud of our two boys, Teodoro and Roi who did an amazing job in the team. They are not only making us proud but the whole school.