Friends become our chosen Family

During our weekly housemeeting we introduced the next wellbeing pillar: Building Positive Friendships
We concentrated on the questions:

  • How does the boarding house support and encourage international friendships, give examples
  • What advice would you give future students coming into an international school environment
  • Can you think of some examples of famous international friendships?
  • Self-Reflection – Do you embrace the international community, or do you prefer the convenience of building friendships within your own culture and language?

By the end of the pillar we want to find an answer on the take-away point: What are the benefits of an international friendship? 👬

A first reflection provided us with the following answers.

We learn about differences in culture and how other nationalities perceive things that are for one considered ‘normal’ but are not for others. This opens very interesting discussions and broadens our view. It occurs as well that we encounter funny situations because of this!
-Being able to travel all over the world and know people anywhere

Afterwards, we discussed what we will be doing as a house project. We came up with some fun ideas that we will put into practice for next week! So keep an eye out on our blog 🤩

For those who want to see the video that we watched together:

Of course, there are no International friendships without international dinners. For this week we had a Chinese caterer!