Emotions & Plank Challenge

After the break we challenge the students to a couple of “isometric* exercises which got very motivated to some of them. Before the challenge, we sat with the students and talked about the recognition of the emotions and the importance of dealing with them.

Role Models

Today at the house we sat and spoke about Role Models.
The students shared who they look up to and why. Most of the students consider their father the best role model. They also mentioned public figures, students of the community, the director of Boarding and other members of the family such as the grandma.

We also discussed about the students being a role model for their younger siblings or other students in the community.

Left to right: Christopher McCandless, Superman, a father, Casper Ko (CDL Prefect), Justin Usher, a grandmother.

Wellbeing – Sociability

Today our students worked in groups and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of working in a group and individually.

They also explained what kind of skills we need and develop in both of the circumstances.

We also spoke about the different stages of how to improve our social skills (Inner-self, outer-self, one on one on one & group interaction). We closed the session with 10 minutes of deep breathing and relaxation.

Louis Degallier takes to the slopes in Crans Montana!

Louis Degallier and the whole boarding community packed their skis and headed to Grans Montana this weekend. The boys enjoyed perfect weather on Saturday and took the time to master their skiing skills.


The weather was perfect on saturday, even if the snow was getting a little bit think on the ground.

Guess who????????
Aitik hiding from the cold

This was Arshia’s first time on skis

He perfected the snowplough.

Then we all packed up our skis and headed straight back to Louis Degallier. There was no rest for Arshia who jumped straight off is skis and into his studies.