Wellbeing Program at Collège du Léman. We care about our students !!

Following our Pastoral Program, last Tuesday we had our first Wellbeing session: Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies. 

We began by asking them to give us a synonym for the word Wellbeing and what personal association they have with that word. Understanding the initial concept is important. Some of their responses included: feeling happy, healthy, calm, lively, vital, energetic, having a good sense of humor and being glad.

Following, we asked them questions like:

– How many hours do you sleep and what time do you approximately fall asleep?

– How do you manage to relax in the face of problems in general?

– How many meals do you have per day and what do you eat? What do you drink?

– What sports do you practice and how often? Do you practice yoga or meditation?

They will give us their answers in detail the following week and we will discuss it together

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