Daily Archives: September 10, 2019
Wellbeing , Second Session
In our second Welbeing Session, the girls answered the four issues raised last week. Using their answers, we set up a new action plan:
1- Unlike us, who have grown up without the internet and mobile phones, our students were born into the age of the Internet and for them it is something intrinsic and second nature. Students need 7/ 8 hours per night to sleep. Due to their lack of sleep we made a deal: During the week, they are not allowed to use mobile phones after 22.30. Parents agree with this deal.
2- To help relax their body and mind after an intensive daily routine, we suggested that they take a shower and drink a tea or infusion before bedtime. Obviously, family calls/chats are important as well as attending yoga classes or meditating, all helping them feel more relaxed.
3- They need at least five meals: breakfast, snack at school, lunch, snack after school, and dinner. We suggested that they avoid eating fast food and energy drinks. Best to drink water. Tuck shop is cancelled so they can buy their health food.
4- They must practice more sports. Almost all of them have signed up for 1 or 2 activities during the week/weekend: fitness, volleyball, horse, soccer, tennis.
Next week the students will make an evaluation of this action plan.