Weekend shenanigans

The girls had a lovely weekend where they went to Chamonix ice cave, Nature walk, tennis and cooking.
They were also able to enjoy the warming weather to study outside for the warming spring season.

lots of love,

the New Portena team xx

Week 4 Pillar 4 – “Online Wellbeing”

We use our electronics in every part of our lives – whether at work or in our free time. However, it is the imbalance of use in our free time that can then cause issues. Who is guilty of being with friends but still checking their phone and sending messages; Or watching Netflix but sneaking in a game of Candy Crush; Or ignoring the moment in favour of getting the best picture for Instagram. Addiction is a strong word, but obsession may be more appropriate in these scenarios.
We want the students to think about the following points;

  1. Are you conscious of how much time you spend on your phone?
  2. Who really wins by you spending more and more time on your apps?

Here is a video that has been made by the Student Advocate Group.

Another resource is the Phone Detox Challenge in the attachment.

The Art Explained

This is a picture from the exhibition of art for grade 12. The artworks that are showcased and which I am working on in AP are focused to portray childhood and telling a story of my brother living with an invisible friend. I was able to work with different mediums and techniques like digital art apps, charcoal, and monoprints and that made the overall process exciting.

I see art as a great way for people to express themselves, that is why I decided to take up this AP course. It also was a great opportunity for me to make my ideas real and create anything I wanted.

When my artworks were showcased I was worried if they would look good enough in front of others, but it made me realize how everyone is different and tells a unique story which makes it more interesting. I was also proud of having the opportunity I haven’t experienced before.

In the future, I am planning to do many more artworks using other techniques as well as and I am very excited about that.


Lots of love,

Sofiia Baran


Sofiia Art Show

Our lovely Sofiia had her AP art show this evening with some pieces about childhood and imaginary friends 🥰

We are so proud of you Sofiia and I had a great time at the art show.

lots of love,

The New Portena Team xxx

Week 3 pillar 4 “Your Online Life”. 

Students are not able to open Insta, TikTok, Youtube etc, without being bombarded by the Life of Influencers. It has been glamorised and normalised as an aspirational pursuit to have 1000s of followers, likes and comments.
We want the students to think about the following points;

  1. What is our true reason for posting our pictures, videos etc online?
  2. Why do we think society now values followers, likes and comments on someone’s post as a measure of their success?
You can create or design your Wellbeing Session in whatever way suits your house. Or below are some resources you can use. 

Here is a video that has been made by the Student Advocate Group. It may prompt a discussion which you can then use for your own students to share their thoughts.

we also played a really fun kahoot in our weekly meeting.

Lots of love,
the new portena team xx

Week 2 Pillar 4 ‘What you post….in that moment’.

We want the students to think about the following points;
  1. When we think we are being funny or witty or purposefully insensitive towards someone else’s post are we really aware of the potential harm or hurt we can cause.
  2. Posting a funny picture or video of someone or your friend can be online- forever!
Here is a video that has been made by the Student Advocate Group.


Our lovely Sabine and Sara led our meetings using the above video and poster

Or attached is a poster that can prompt a discussion


A few of our girls were lucky enough to receive tickets for a lovely classical concert on Friday evening, with the lead solo violinist from Ukraine and with the artistic leadership of the world-renowned violinist Renaud Capuçon. The concert took place at Victoria Hall in Geneva.


The girls said they had an amazing time at the concert and treated themselves to some Starbucks.

Lots of love,

The New Portena Team,



Game Night!

We had a fantastic game night this week. A couple of the girls brought out different types of cards and taught each other how to play different card games from different countries.


Lots of love,

The New Portena Team
