Week 3 pillar 4 “Your Online Life”. 

Students are not able to open Insta, TikTok, Youtube etc, without being bombarded by the Life of Influencers. It has been glamorised and normalised as an aspirational pursuit to have 1000s of followers, likes and comments.
We want the students to think about the following points;

  1. What is our true reason for posting our pictures, videos etc online?
  2. Why do we think society now values followers, likes and comments on someone’s post as a measure of their success?
You can create or design your Wellbeing Session in whatever way suits your house. Or below are some resources you can use. 

Here is a video that has been made by the Student Advocate Group. It may prompt a discussion which you can then use for your own students to share their thoughts.

we also played a really fun kahoot in our weekly meeting.

Lots of love,
the new portena team xx