Le jour de l’Escalade

“Ainsi périssent les ennemis de la République”

L’Escalade takes its name from the assault on the ramparts of the City of Geneva by the troops of the Duke of Savoy during the night of 11/12 December 1602. Every year in December, the Fête de l’Escalade commemorates the victory of Geneva with a blend of humour and tradition.

Des petardes inside the marmite are a resemble of festivity and the tradition says to break it with a friend.

Boarding Winter Ball 2022

Great outfits, outstanding behaviour and lots of laughs during this great event.

The girls had an amazing time, ate great food, and had so much fun with their Housemates.

Thank you very much to all the staff members who helped to make this possible.


Gingerbread House Competition

Christmas was in the air last night as we built and decorated a gingerbread house. As this is a competition between all the other houses, the girls really got stuck into it and tried their best to decorate to the best of their ability. Let’s hope we win!

The end result!


Boarding Awards Ceremony

Last night, the boarding community gathered to celebrate and give awards to students who displayed an outstanding contribution to Boarding Life, Activities and Academics.

Huge congratulations to all students who won awards, especially our Old Portena girls! We are all very proud of you!

Ashley and Mia are winners of the Boarding Life Award

Ran and Mia are winners of the Activities Awards

A happy Amy got an award for Academics!

Europa Park Trip

Most of our girls spent a fun weekend in Europa Park with other boarders. They enjoyed all the amazing rides and the glittery Christmas decorations – no doubt getting them into the holiday spirit!