Dear Girls of Louis Degallier Boarding House,
As the academic year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible memories we’ve shared together in the year 2022-2023. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your houseparent and witness your growth, resilience, and camaraderie.
Throughout the year, I have witnessed your unwavering support for one another, whether it was during challenging academic times or personal triumphs. Your ability to create a warm and inclusive environment within the boarding house has made it truly feel like a home away from home for each and every one of you.
I’ve seen you embark on countless adventures, from late-night study sessions to impromptu dance parties in the common room. The laughter, the late-night talks, and the shared meals have created a tapestry of memories that will remain etched in our hearts forever.
You have shown me your determination, passion, and resilience in pursuing your dreams and goals. From excelling in your academics to participating in extracurricular activities, your dedication has been inspiring. I am confident that each one of you has a bright future ahead, and I am excited to see where your journey takes you.
Thank you for being the amazing young women that you are. Your kindness, empathy, and friendship have made my role as a houseparent immensely rewarding. I feel grateful to have been a part of your lives and to have witnessed your personal growth throughout the year.
As you move forward, remember that the memories you have created here will forever be cherished. The friendships forged and the lessons learned will guide you in the years to come. Stay true to yourselves, embrace new challenges, and continue to support one another in the remarkable way you always have.
Once again, thank you for an incredible year filled with laughter, joy, and shared experiences. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that the bonds you have formed in Louis Degallier Boarding House remain strong and everlasting.
With love and gratitude,
Lies Broux
Louis Degallier Boarding House Houseparents