Wellbeing Pillar 1: Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds – The Sleep Challenge 🍵📵

During our house assembly last night we discussed with the girls the importance of having a good night’s sleep and how it can help us during the following day to have more energy, be able to focus in class and be more present during the day.

During the past week, the girls were challenged to follow one of the tips in the picture.

Fields changed the warm glass of milk for a nice cup of tea before bed and Haruka turned off her phone every night around 9 pm and had an average of 9 hours of sleep every night. The results were precise: both girls had much more energy during the day and were able to be more productive during the afternoon.

They all agreed that having a good night routine is essential as it helps us to be much more efficient during the following day.

The Saint Loup team.