Oh là là, nous parlons français 🇫🇷

As part of our plan to promote French at home, we’ve put around the kitchen little stickers with the names of the different elements we can find in our kitchen, such as the fridge, the glasses, plates, or the dishwasher.

We will also try to use French as a language of communication with the girls in the house once a week (Google is welcome in our conversations).

À bientôt !!

The Saint Loup team

Sleep Better Challenge is on!

Today we talked about Pillar 1 of the Well-being Project and Etoile who is our representative for Saint Loup presented us with all the wonderful options for better sleep!

Each girl chose one of the tips below so this week we aim for a good night`s rest, and a positive morning mood!

What will you try out before bed?

The Saint Loup team ❤