Helping our community

We had had a very solidary weekend. Our girls have had the opportunity to help in different initiatives. Thank you girls for this important mission and give your time to the community.

Martina and Zia joined the lake cleaning in Geneva

Gia and Zia helped to clean our neighbourhood and School area.

Mexican Night

Every Wednesday we enjoy our International Night and we have the chance to taste different flavours of different countries.

Tonight we have had the Mexican Night!! It was delicious and the girls have enjoyed so much!!

House Competition

Our brave girls have fought today to win the Sport Competition. It has been amazing to see how this group is becoming a family and how the House spirit has united them today. The result doesn’t really matter, but they have proved they will be great competitors this year!

Full house and loads of fun

These days we have been busy, receiving our girls, getting to know each other, having fun and having loads of emotions. We have asked the girls to think of one word to describe these first days… “Awesome, exciting, cozy, new, home….” were some of them. This is just the beginning of the new adventure in Louis Yung 7 Boarding House. Welcome to the new School year 22/23!

Our first Brunch together

Going out together

Some time to relax and use the Wellbeing welcome package

Some responsible studens already studying

Louis Yung 7 closes doors for the year

Today the House closes the door with loads of memories of the year. Our girls are already part of the story of this House and we hope they have take valuable lessons and great memories! We wish you a great summer and we will be opening on the 24th of August! Enjoy holidays!

Last weekend of the year

This has been our last weekend in Boarding for this year. We have had our last brunch and celebrated the CLD International Family Day, with a great success despite the high temperatures. Kate volunteered to help and was presenting her stage performance! Well done!!

A special dinner

Tonight, we have celebrated a very special event. Tonight the grade 12 girls returned and we have had the opportunity to have a last dinner together. Even though it is not raclette session, it was girls’s choice. And we made virgin cocktails. We share laughs news and a very nice evening once again all together for last time this year. After dinner we played a very special Kahoot that make girls laugh and cry of emotion for our farewell.