School’s Out For Summer!!! 😎

The boarding house is now closed for summer, bringing a well-deserved break. We hope the girls relax, enjoy their time off, and have lots of fun. Wishing everyone a wonderful vacation. We look forward to seeing you all in August!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Splash, Games, and Ice Cream: The Ultimate End-of-Year Bash!

Last Sunday, boarders celebrated the end of classes with a fun-filled day of games, laughter, and treats. Exciting activities like bungee jumping, foosball, foam in the garden, swimming, Sumo wrestling, and more provided a lovely break from studying for their exams and kept everyone entertained. The pool and water slide provided thrilling, cooling fun, while an ice cream stand offered a variety of refreshing flavors.

This end-of-year celebration was a perfect reminder of the importance of community, fun, and making the most of every moment.

Lots of love,
Aida & Yewande


From Our Home to the World ❤️

As a house parent, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless moments of growth, joy, and discovery within the walls of our home. Throughout the year, I watched these young individuals grow, facing triumphs and struggles with resilience and determination. Late-night study sessions, heart-to-heart conversations, and even the occasional disciplinary talk — each of these instances was an opportunity for growth and learning.

Our house became more than just a place to sleep and study; it became a home. We shared meals, celebrated birthdays, and supported each other through thick and thin. The bonds formed within these walls are strong and lasting. We laughed together, cried together, and ultimately, grew together.

Seeing my students walk across the stage to receive their diplomas is a testament to their hard work and perseverance.While I am excited for the adventures that await them, I will miss their presence, their laughter, and even the occasional chaos that comes with living in a house full of young energy. Our home will feel different, quieter, but I know it’s all part of the beautiful cycle of growth and change.

To Gia, Martina, Melissa, Stacy, Zia and Zoya: thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. You have taught me as much as I have hoped to teach you. I have no doubt that you will continue to inspire and achieve great things. Remember, you always have a home here, a place where you are loved and supported unconditionally.

As you step out into the world, carry with you the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the confidence that you are capable of achieving your dreams. The future is bright, and it is yours for the taking. Congratulations, graduates—go out and shine!

With love and pride,

Aida & Yewande

Home Sweet Home: How We Snapped Our Way to Victory 🏆

We are beyond excited to share that our house has won the boarding photo competition! The theme, “Home at CDL,” challenged us to capture the essence of what makes this campus feel like our second home. Our goal was to highlight the places and moments that embody comfort, belonging, and a sense of family.

In our photo, we showcased the warmth and togetherness that define our life at Louis Yung. Winning this competition is a testament to the unique bond we share. It’s about more than just the image; it’s about the collective spirit, the friendships that feel like family, and the strong sense of belonging that turns our campus into a home

A huge thank you to everyone in our house who participated and contributed their creativity and enthusiasm. Your efforts have beautifully captured what “Home at CDL” means to us. Let’s continue to make every day memorable and uphold the wonderful spirit that led us to this victory.

Here’s to more moments of joy, unity, and success!

Lots of Love,


Fit and Fun: Last Week’s Hilarious Fitness Challenge Recap

Welcome to our recap of last week’s May Fitness Challenge! Here’s a quick look at the fun and engaging activities we tackled:

Tuesday: Held a one-leg pose with a partner, testing balance and teamwork.

Wednesday: Catch and clap challenge, where we tossed a ball, clapped, and caught it again.

Thursday: Keepy-uppys with a football, juggling it as many times as possible without letting it touch the ground.

Friday: Jumping jacks challenge, counting how many we could do in 30 seconds.

Saturday: Timed squats with a twist—10 squats with a water bottle balanced on our heads.

Sunday: Finished the week strong with a 5K run, testing endurance and stamina.

Great job to everyone who participated! Get ready for another week of fun challenges. Stay fit and keep moving!

May Fitness Frenzy!!! 💪

Here’s a quick recap of the heart-racing action:

Tuesday: Hand-Tap Showdown! Teaming up with a buddy, the girls tapped their way through a lightning-fast minute, testing their coordination and teamwork. High-fives all around for the epic energy!

Wednesday: Burpee Blitz! Midweek madness hit hard with the burpee challenge. Gabi went all-out, jumping, squatting, and sweating through a minute of pure intensity. Phew, talk about a workout!

Thursday: Ballin’ Figure 8 Spectacle! Today, Gabi and Sonia took agility to new heights with the figure 8 ball challenge. It was like a dance with the ball as they weaved through their legs, racing against the clock. Who knew fitness could be this fun?

Bring on the next challenge! 🚀💪

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Fitness Challenge day 6

Today has been day 6 in our challenge, we have had 2 brave girls trying to hold a squat. We probably won’t be the winners but we have tried hard! Well done and good job to Zia and Martina.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Day 3 & 4 Showdown: May Fitness Challenge Fun!

Day 3 of the May fitness challenge brought us face-to-face with a quirky yet engaging task: jumping over a pillow as many times as possible in one minute. Gabi, despite feeling full and possibly facing a less-than-ideal outcome, bravely took on the challenge.

Fast forward to Day 4, where the challenge morphed into an “around the world” affair. Zia, Martina, Melissa, Gabi, and myself eagerly took up the gauntlet, discovering that what seemed simple was, in fact, surprisingly challenging.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Chop ‘n’ Chat: Cooking Up Fun 👩‍🍳

Tonight was awesome! We all got together in the boarding house kitchen to cook dinner. With our aprons on and utensils ready, we dove into cooking. There was laughter, chopping, and stirring as we shared stories and worked together. The kitchen buzzed with energy and the smell of delicious food.

Gathering around the table, we dug into the meal we made together. We shared jokes, exchanged stories, and maybe even gave some questionable advice, but it was all part of the fun. These spontaneous moments of connection are what make cooking together in the boarding house so special.

After dinner, some of the girls decided to keep the fun going with a spontaneous game of badminton. Kaia was a formidable opponent while laughter filled the air as they rallied back and forth. It was a spontaneous burst of energy and excitement, a perfect way to unwind after a delicious meal together.
Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande


Twist & Shout: Day 2 of May Fitness Challenge

Today marks the second day of the May fitness challenge. The challenge du jour? None other than the invigorating Russian twists, testing not only strength but also agility and endurance. As the clock counted down, laughter and determination filled the room as the girls tackled the challenge of completing as many Russian twists as possible in sixty seconds. Amidst the fun, a competitive spirit emerged, driving them to push beyond their limits in friendly rivalry.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

May Fitness Challenge!!! 🏋🏽🔥💪🏼

I’m excited to introduce our May Fitness Challenge organized by Ms. Perrine and Ms. Iola! This initiative aims to provide our students with a brief break from their studies and a chance to engage in some stress-relieving activities as they prepare for their upcoming exams.

The first challenge, the Water Flip Challenge, saw enthusiastic participation from the girls.

We’re eagerly looking forward to taking part in the upcoming challenges!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Happy Birthday Melissa!!! 🎂

On Monday, Melissa marked her 18th birthday and spent it with her family. Today we commemorated the occasion with a cake. Her friends adorned her room and gifted her 18 presents, each accompanied by a heartfelt note symbolizing each year of her life. Melissa was visibly delighted and deeply moved by their gesture.

We wish her many more years filled with joy.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Second Place, But We’re Still Number Fun!

As their house parent, I’m immensely proud of our girls’ journey to second place in the boarding talent show. Their dedication, teamwork, and resilience were remarkable. Despite challenges, they embraced rehearsals with determination. On stage, their performance radiated talent and unity, captivating the audience.

While the judges may have awarded them second place, from my perspective, their achievement goes far beyond a ranking. It’s about the growth they’ve experienced and the memories they’ve created together. I’m honored to witness their development and look forward to supporting their future successes.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Boarding Talent Show Gets a Dash of Disney Delight!

As the curtains parted the girls, prepared to lip sync and dance their way through a Disney melody at the annual boarding talent show. With synchronized movements and expertly timed expressions, they brought the magic of beloved classics to life on stage. The audience’s cheers fueled their enthusiasm as they danced through familiar tunes, transporting everyone to enchanting realms. Their hand painted custom shirts not only unified them visually but also symbolized the dedication and teamwork that fueled their performance, making the magic of Disney come alive on stage.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande


Maslenitsa in LY7

Today we have celebrated in the house Maslenitsa, a Russian tradition which celebrates the waking of the earth, banishing winter and welcoming spring. We have shared in the House a nice moment together, as tradition says, we have cooked pancakes and written down something to leave behind, which normally will be burnt, but we will plant in our garden to grow nice flowers from them.

It was a nice moment of sharing, and the pancakes were delicious.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Farewells & Flashbulbs

The girls had their official graduation photoshoot on Wednesday. As the house parent of these incredible young, witnessing their official graduation photo session filled me with a mix of pride and nostalgia. From their tentative beginnings to this moment of radiance and promise, I’ve had the privilege of watching them grow, supporting each other through challenges, and forming bonds that will endure. As they posed for their photos, I was reminded of the countless memories we’ve shared within the LY7 walls – the laughter, the tears, and the quiet moments of reflection. Though saddened by the thought of bidding them farewell, I’m grateful for the lessons they’ve taught me and the enduring connections we’ve forged.

As they stepped away from the camera, poised to embrace their futures, I was filled with hope for the adventures that lie ahead. May they carry with them the resilience, compassion, and love they’ve cultivated during their time here. And while they venture into the world beyond, they’ll always have a home in the hearts of those who’ve journeyed alongside them.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Off-Key Shenanigans 🎤👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

In the cozy confines of the LY7, Marusya, Melissa, Gabi, and Gia decided to inject some liveliness into their evening by hosting an impromptu karaoke session. With makeshift microphones in hand and a playlist filled with classics, they transformed the common area into their own private stage. Martina, though a reluctant participant in the background, found herself amused by the exuberance of her housemates’ performances. As each belted out tunes with varying degrees of skill and enthusiasm, laughter filled the room, creating a harmonious blend of camaraderie and merriment. Long after the music stopped, the echoes of their karaoke chaos lingered, a testament to their epic night of off-key fun.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande


A Heartfelt Welcome Home: Celebrating Marusya’s Success 🎉

In a touching display of affection, Gabi, Gia and Melissa surprised Marusya upon her return home after passing the Swiss Maturité exams. With a freshly baked tart, balloons, and her favorite snacks laid out, Marusya felt overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness.

In celebrating Marusya’s success, we celebrate the power of friendship, the resilience of the human spirit, and the beauty of coming together to lift each other up. And as we raise our glasses to toast to her accomplishments, let us also raise our hearts in gratitude for the bonds that unite us and the joy that fills our lives.

Welcome home, Marusya. Your journey may have been long and challenging, but with friends like these, the destination is always worth it. Here’s to your success, and here’s to the beautiful journey that lies ahead. Cheers!

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande


February break

February break is here! Time to unwind, recharge, and indulge in some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Enjoy every moment, recharge your batteries, and return refreshed for what lies ahead!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Building Bridges: The Heart of Global Citizenship

At our boarding house, nestled within a diverse community of individuals from various corners of the globe, we recently engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on what global citizenship truly means to us. The insights we gathered were as enlightening as they were inspiring.

Taking care of the world emerged as a cornerstone of our understanding. Beyond geographical boundaries, we recognized our shared responsibility to nurture and preserve our planet for future generations. Whether through sustainable practices or advocating for environmental stewardship, embracing global citizenship compels us to safeguard the precious resources of our Earth.

Internationalism resonated deeply within our dialogue, reflecting a commitment to fostering connections beyond national identities. We celebrated the richness of diversity, acknowledging that our differences serve as catalysts for growth and understanding. Through embracing internationalism, we cultivate empathy and forge bonds that transcend borders, bridging divides with compassion and curiosity.

Open-mindedness emerged as a guiding principle, essential for navigating the complexities of our interconnected world. As global citizens, we embrace diverse perspectives, challenging our own preconceptions and embracing the beauty of cultural exchange.

In the end we settled for this as our definition of global citizenship.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Love and Laughter: Valentine’s Day in Boarding

Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, chocolates, and roses exchanged between partners. However, within the cozy confines of our boarding community, this day takes on a unique and heartwarming twist. Far from family and hometowns, boarding house residents come together to celebrate love in all its forms – friendship, camaraderie, and the bonds that make their shared space feel like home.

In the dining hall, dinner is a delightful affair. Tables are adorned with heart-shaped treats and roses. Residents exchange roses, cards and small gifts, expressing gratitude for the support and companionship they’ve found within these walls. Laughter and chatter fill the room as stories are shared and memories are made.

Valentine’s Day in boarding may not always involve grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection, but it’s a celebration nonetheless – a celebration of the love and friendship that make this place feel like home.

Lots of love,
Aida & Yewande


Embracing the Year of the Dragon 🐉

As we welcome the Lunar New Year, excitement fills the air with anticipation and joy. This vibrant celebration, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar and is observed by millions around the world. Families gather to honor age-old customs, from cleaning their homes to prepare for good fortune to savoring traditional dishes bursting with symbolic meaning.

The Year of the Dragon heralds a sense of renewal and optimism, as vibrant red decorations adorn doorways and lanterns light up the night sky. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and coming together with loved ones to embrace the promise of a fresh start.

I will leave you with the legend behind the red decorations.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Pillar 3 Wrap up!!!

Today, we wrapped up our exploration of the third pillar, which centers on cultivating positive relationships. We reflected on our progress and shared insights gained throughout our journey. Our discussion delved into the topic of microaggressions, and we explored feedback received. The girls and I thoroughly enjoyed preparing for and presenting this pillar. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and hope they found the experience rewarding.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Spotting Toxic Ties – Red Flags, Green Lights, and Real Talk! 🚦

This is the final week of our wellbeing pillar 3. We delved into the world of toxic friendships and relationships, exploring the warning signs that often go unnoticed.

Through Kahoot scenarios, students were presented with various situations commonly found in friendships and partnerships. Each scenario prompted them to choose between red, yellow, or green flags, creating a visual representation of the dynamics at play. This interactive approach allowed for a deeper understanding of the subtle nuances that can indicate toxicity.

What made the session truly impactful was the openness with which students shared their personal experiences. Students discussed strategies they employed to navigate toxic situations and highlighted the importance of setting boundaries. By sharing personal experiences and insights, our community demonstrated resilience and a commitment to cultivating relationships that contribute positively to our well-being.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Navigating Cultural Diversity in International Friendships

Entering the third week of our focus on building positive relationships, we delved into the realms of international friendships and microaggressions. The boarders, enjoy a distinctive experience at international schools as they have the incredible opportunity to build connections with peers hailing from various corners of the globe

International friendships enrich their lives by exposing them to diverse perspectives, cultures, and traditions. These connections foster mutual understanding, breaking down barriers and promoting global harmony.

However, even with positive intentions, international friendships may inadvertently give rise to unintended microaggressions due to cultural differences and misunderstandings. To navigate this potential challenge, it’s essential to approach these relationships with an open mind, cultural sensitivity, and a genuine willingness to learn. This proactive approach not only helps steer clear of unintentional microaggressions but also cultivates a deeper and more authentic understanding between individuals from diverse backgrounds.

They learned how to spot microaggressions and what to do in such situations. It was educational for the students and sparked a lot of conversations. ion proved impactful for the students, sparking numerous meaningful conversations. Feel free to join the dialogue by scanning the QR code below – your input is highly valued!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Chasing Snowflakes ❄️

This weekend, the boarders turned the snowy slopes of Leysin into their playground, with choices ranging from skiing and snowboarding to tobogganing, ice skating and a cool excursion to Glacier 3000.

Gabi and Gia, glided effortlessly through the freshly fallen snow, and carved their way down the slopes with skill and precision. Laughter echoed across the hills as the students embraced the thrill of speed and the joy of mastering the slopes. For Zoya and Stacy, tobogganing offered a delightful alternative. Clad in warm winter gear, they raced down the tracks, wind in their hair, and smiles on their faces.


The highlight of the weekend for Melissa, Martina and Zia undoubtedly the excursion to Glacier 3000. A short journey brought the students to an otherworldly landscape of ice and snow. The panoramic views from the top were nothing short of breathtaking, with the Alps stretching out in all directions like a majestic white carpet.

Until the next winter adventure,

Lots of Love

Aida & Yewande

Week 2 of Building Positive Relationships 👯‍♀️ 👯

Positive friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood. They help children and teenagers learn important social and emotional skills, like being sensitive to other people’s thoughts, feelings and wellbeing.

Healthy friendship and relationships occur when both people:

* Care about each other.

* Understand and respect each other and are responsible for each other.

* Solve problems together and communicate with honesty.

* Share at least some of the same goals and values.

In the previous week, we delved into the qualities we value in our friendships. Now, in the current week, we’ve taken the opportunity to inquire with our friends about how we come across as friends ourselves.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Bonding Over Dinner 🍽️

We love when we get to have dinner together in the house . We swapped stories about the day’s adventures, discussed classes, and simply enjoyed a moment of respite from the IB mock exams.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Building Positive Relationships

Today marks the starts of our third well-being pillar, centered around fostering positive relationships with a particular focus on friendships. As a house, we are taking the lead in championing this pillar.

We understand that friendships are some of the most important relationships we build in life. Our friends are the families we get to choose therefore it is essential to introspect on the reasons behind our friendships, ensuring that these bonds contribute positively to our lives

This week our emphasis is on identifying the qualities we desire in our friends. We have created a brief video to delve into this topic, aiming to inspire students to contemplate their friendships more deeply.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Happy New Year!!! 🎊

We’ve returned to campus for the start of a fresh semester, and to mark our comeback, we indulged in a galette des rois (king’s cake). This delightful pastry is typically baked for Epiphany on January 6th but is commonly savored from Christmas through the entire month of January. Each galette contains a hidden surprise—a small porcelain figurine known as a fève. The fortunate person who discovers it is crowned king or queen for the day.

As we savored the galette, we gathered to share stories about our holidays. It was a delightful way to kick off the new semester.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Happy Holidays!

The Boarding House now is quite as all the girls are around the world enjoying a well deserved break. We wish all of you a nice holidays, full of joy and looking forward to be back well rested and full of energy for 2024.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Secret Santa 🤫🎅

At the boarding house, we kicked off our Secret Santa with tons of excitement. There were giggles and surprises as we exchanged quirky gifts under the twinkling lights. With everyone playing detective to figure out their Santa, the holiday vibes got even cozier in our shared space.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Winter Dance

Attending the annual winter dance was a magical experience, as the venue was transformed into a winter wonderland with twinkling lights and festive decorations. The boarders, adorned in gorgeous dresses and sharp suits, created a glamorous atmosphere that added to the enchantment of the evening. The dance floor buzzed with laughter and graceful movements, accompanied by the  tunes of our very own Dj Zia. As the night unfolded, it became a cherished memory, filled with warmth, joy, and the spirit of celebration.

A special thank you to Ms. Lucelia for organising such an amazing event.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Fête de l’Escalade: A living tradition.

Each year, the citizens of Geneva take part in the tradition of smashing a chocolate marmite (cauldron). Decorated with the city’s colors — red and yellow, the cauldron also features its coat of arms. There is a specific ritual that accompanies this process, the youngest and the oldest join hands and recite the phrase, “Ainsi périrent (or périssent) les ennemis de la République.” This translates to something like, “Thus perished (or perishes) the enemies of the Republic!” Then, they smash the chocolate cauldron with their clasped fist.

Martina (the oldest) and Gabi (the youngest) performed this ritual with successfully? Have a look at how they did.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Boarding Award Ceremony

Yesterday, we honored our boarders at our yearly Award Ceremony, presenting medals to individuals who demonstrated exceptional dedication to Boarding Life, Activities, and Academics.

Gabi received the award for Boarding life for embodying the qualities  we look for in a global citizen. She has truly taken to boarding like fish to water.

Martina was awarded both the activities award and an academic award for having the highest GPA in the IB2 class. Her dedication to her activities and charity work is very commendable.

Gia was also awarded an academic award for having one of the top grades in her IBCP2 class and we are all very proud.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Why did the gingerbread house go to therapy? It had frosting issues.

Building a gingerbread house is a festive and creative holiday tradition that brings joy to everyone. The process itself fosters a sense of togetherness and bonding, making it an ideal activity for families and friends during the holiday season. Zoya, Gabi and Melissa had a fantastic time decorating together and the finished product was great.


Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

White LY7

Our beautiful garden has been the setting for an afternoon of games in the snow. the girls have enjoyed themselves and have created a new neighbor in the garden that may not be around for long. It was a unique moment to remember and we enjoyed it together.

International Day of Persons with Disability

Today is the International Day of Persons with Disability. We have made a bit of reflection and a small exercise in the house be aware of barriers that people with disabilities suffer in their daily routine, and see where they can find difficulties. Girls were quite involved on this and a great moment to share experiences and make a reflection.

An active weekend

A very active weekend for the girls. Our 3 brave girls, Martina, Zia and Gabi have run l’Escalade, Well done girls, we are so proud of you and your courage.

But there was also time to enjoy the Montreux Christmas market, a wonderful ocasion to visit this amazing place by the lake and enjoy the Christmas ambience already. The girls enjoyed so much and had the chance to buy some presents.

🍰🏆 Sweet Victory in the Bake-Off! 🏆🍰

Thrilled to announce that we clinched the top spot in the annual Bake-Off competition! Our winning creation? A divine triple-layer japanese sponge cake with strawberries and whipped cream. The girls then iced the cake with a swiss meringue buttercream in the design off a christmas tree with cake pops as presents.

Shoutout to the girls for turning the kitchen into a party zone. Winning tastes even sweeter when you’ve got an awesome team by your side! 🥳🍰 #BakeOffWin #DreamTeam

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Seasonal Cheer

We got all festive this week, diving into the seasonal decorations with a mess of lights and ornaments. Unboxing the good stuff, we’re laughing, sharing stories, and jazzing up the house with funky decorations. It’s a full-on Christmas transformation, and it’s all hands on deck, making memories as we go.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Gift Box Appeal

Today we have participated in a very special event which creates a very special environment in our community. In this occasion, Zoya and Stacy representing our house, helped to wrap the present that will bring joy to other kids this Christmas.

Its very nice to see the enthusiasm in our students when doing such a lovely iniciative to help others. Well done to all the students who participated.


House Dinner

We had dinner together in the house last night. As we passed plates, swapped stories, and probably spilled a bit of rice (oops!), we laughed and enjoyed spending time together.

Here is where we tried (a little unsuccessfully) to take a group picture with us all in front of the ipad.
Have a great weekend.
Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Exploring the Charms of Lyon: A Memorable Boarding House Trip

In the spirit of spontaneous adventures, our boarding house recently embarked on a day trip to Lyon, and let me tell you – it was nothing short of magical! From the early morning excitement to the laughter-filled train and bus rides, our day in Lyon was a delightful escape, offering a taste of the city’s charm in just a few short hours.

Lyon, nestled in the heart of France, is a city renowned for its rich history, delectable cuisine, picturesque landscapes and amazing shops. Our first stop was the heart of Lyon – the Old Town. Narrow cobblestone streets, charming boutiques, and the scent of freshly baked goods in the air greeted us. Lyon, famed for its culinary prowess, beckoned our taste buds and we had a lovely lunch in the old town.

No trip to Lyon is complete without a leisurely stroll along the riverbanks. The Rhône and Saône rivers provided the perfect setting for relaxation and reflection. We then spent the rest of the day shopping till we literally almost dropped.

As the day unfolded, our boarding house family shared laughter, stories, and the joy of exploring a new place together. Our day trip may have been brief, but the connections forged and the experiences shared made it a chapter in our boarding house story that we’ll cherish forever.

A special thank you to Melissa for planning the trip. Until the next escapade, Lyon – merci for the memories!

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

In our journey towards fostering a culture of wellbeing, this week’s focus is on a fundamental aspect of human interaction – respecting diversity, specifically in terms of race and ethnicity. Building a community that values and celebrates differences not only enriches the lives of its members but also plays a crucial role in preventing bullying.

To combat bullying and promote a culture of respect, we must actively foster inclusivity. We’re creating a space where everyone feels valued, no matter where they come from.

This week, Mr. Iker and Ms. Ana have introduced a challenge for the students. The objective is to encourage them to recognize and appreciate the commonalities that they share.

The girls in the house had a lot of fun with this challenge. There were many takes of the audio recordings due to the sheer amount of laughter. The challenge proved to be fun and educational to an extent.

Till next time.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Spooky Season

Pumpkin carving is a cherished tradition that brings people together during the spooky season of Halloween. On Tuesday evening we sat together and enjoyed this creative activity.

We hope you enjoyed this spooky holiday.
Lots of love,
Aida & Yewande

Welcome back

Welcome back everyone. We hope this finds you refreshed and recharged after the break! We’re excited for the learning and memories ahead this term.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Happy Holiday!

we would like to wish you happy holidays. may they be days to enjoy with family, friends and to recharge your batteries. We look forward to seeing you back with lots of activities and events to enjoy. Happy holiday!

Home is Where the Burrito is

Tonight we had dinner together in the house. This time, our humble abode turned into a festive fiesta with a hint of Mexican flair – because we had burritos for dinner. Taste-wise, the burritos were a hit. But what elevated the meal was the sprinkle of shared jokes, the garnish of collective effort, and the sauce of companionship. Dining in together is as much about the moments created as it is about the food consumed.

As always here are our morning pictures.
Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Celebrate this win; you’ve earned it!

I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Gia, Zia and Martina on their outstanding achievement of being inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS). This recognition is a testament to their dedication, hard work, leadership, and commitment to both academic excellence and community service.

Being a member of the NHS is no small feat. It means that they have not only showcased academic prowess but also embodied the core values that the society holds dear: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Each of these pillars represents the best in student achievement, and their induction signifies that  they’ve met the rigorous criteria set by the national organization.

To my girls, I am confident that with the foundation you’ve built and the recognition you’ve now received, you’re poised for even greater successes ahead. Cherish this moment and take pride in your accomplishment.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Movie Night Magic

Last night we decided to have an impromptu movie night. A movie night, in essence, is more than just about the film. It’s about dimming the lights just right, making sure the snacks are in easy reach, and wrapping yourself up in your favourite blanket or snuggling next to your loved ones.

Stacy and I made some Nigerian beignets, which are aptly named “puff puff”. We pulled out our leftover snacks and got down to the business of picking a movie. We eventually landed on Grease. Zia had never watched it before and her reactions were priceless. The best part was the off-tune sing-alongs, and of course, the emotional rollercoaster that is “Hopelessly Devoted to You.”

Till the next movie night! Stay groovy! 🕺💃🎤🍿📽️

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Taco Thursday!!!

This week we decided to cook dinner and eat as a family. Eating together is more than just sharing food; it’s sharing life. It’s about laughter, stories, and building memories.

Taco Thursday is a testament to the idea that while traditions are comforting and wonderful, there’s always room for flexibility and change. Whether you’re a Taco Tuesday purist or ready to adopt Taco Thursday , there’s no denying that any day with tacos is a good day.


Have a fantastaco day!

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

A great weekend!!

This weekend we had so much fun. On Friday we celebrated at school the traditional “Welcome bbq”, where our girls had the change to help in the diverse charities. Well done!

All the girls attended different activities, bodyshaping, stretching, and tennis. Some of the girls went to the amusement park Walibi where they had so much fun, and Gabi joined our Boarding trip to Disneyland Paris.

No doubt it has been a great weekend for all of us, and we have got energy for the week!!


Lots of love,

Aída and Yewande

French Connection

One of our aims this year is to improve our overall level of french as a house. We have fluent speakers and absolute beginners in the house. We decided that the fluent speakers will write out phrases throughout the week for the non french speakers. Learning a new language can be intimidating, but this method takes the pressure off and can boost confidence. This increased confidence can have a profound impact on their overall language learning journey.

The girls have taken it a step further and have started adding translations of their native tongue as well. This was not the plan at the start but it is amazing to see how it has grown organically. We live in this international environment and by sharing the beauty of language, students aren’t just sharing words, they’re sharing worlds, experiences, and a piece of themselves.

And as always I have included our daily pictures.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Welcome Wednesday

This week’s pictures are a little early but that’s no harm. We had 2 special guests make an appearance . We were very happy that Regina and Michelle came over for a cup of tea and to spill the tea. Their university adventure has begun and we can’t wait to hear all about it.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Fun Weekend

This weekend the girls participated in a wide range activities.

Zia and Martina volunteered to clean up the lake.

Stacy went to the gym and got her workout on. Gia and Gabi had a great time racing on the go kart course. Gia came 1st and Gabi came 3rd.

Zia, Martina and I made some cinnamon rolls for the house. They went down a treat and we got positive reviews.

Zoya had an amazing workout in her body shaping class. Sofja went to stretching and released some stress.

Melissa brought back some canelés from Bordeaux and Gabi made a brazillian dessert called brigadeiro. We concluded our Sunday by sharing the desserts and chatting.

We hope you also had a great weekend.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

That Thursday Feeling

Rituals are an important part of human life, steeped in beauty and significance. They provide a sense of order and structure in an otherwise crazy world, they promote feelings of safety and that wholesome feeling of groundedness.

Our daily picture is our little ritual that has come to provide comfort and adds a little magic to our day. We finally have one photo with all the girls.


We had our dinner in the house today and the girls really enjoyed it. We sat and talked about our day, jokes were made and ideas flowed. It was truly a warm and refreshing atmosphere.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande



Mountain Weekend

Henry Ford once stated that “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” I believe that the main goal of the mountain weekend is to spend time together and bond.

During this weekend, the girls participated in a myriad of activities from zip lining to rock climbing and a sprinkle of some good competition. The girls genuinely had fun together therefore I think the weekend was a success.


Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande


Picture Time

Thank you to Marusya and Melissa for spearheading our goal to get a daily picture. We usually take these in the morning before breakfast and this has integrated nicely into our routine. The next step is getting every single girl to make an appearance.

We even had a familiar face come back to visit.  The girls were pleasantly surprised and thrilled that Ms. Irini came to visit.

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande

Sport Competition

Today we have had the first House competition of the year!! The girls have participated in the games and had so much fun. It has been a pleasure to see them trying hard to beat other Houses and gain some point for the House Competition. They are already winners for us!! Well done girls!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande


Thursday in LY7

“Being part of a family means smiling for photos.” –Harry Morgan

We started off the day with a selfie which Marusya has wants to become a daily routine. Some love the camera and others don’t but we all have a good time together. We hope you enjoy these snapshots of our day.


Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande


First week

We have come to the end of our first week of school. We had our welcome back assembly and a welcome dinner. This weekend, the girls participated in some activities, did some shopping and spent time together.


Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande


“A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery.”
— Sarah Ban Breathnach

This quote sums up the yearly experience for all our students but especially our new ones. This is Gabi’s first year in CDL and we are certain it will be a memorable one. She has already participated in a range of activities and is making new friends. Gabi has fit right in to our little family and we are all excited to see what the year brings

Lots of Love,

Aida & Yewande


Ready for the new School Year!

We are happy to announce that Louis Yung 7 Boarding House is open and ready to receive the girls. We are excited to start a new year full of new things to experience, learn and live in Boarding. We are ready to welcome you all to this year 2023-2024!

End of year event!!

As the school year comes to an end, it’s time to celebrate and bid farewell to the year. What better way to do so than with an epic end-of-school event that promises a day filled with laughter, excitement, and an abundance of fun? Our students had so much fun and some of our gils were brave enough to try a scary jump!!  We got some energy with popcorn, ice cream, and burritos for dinner.

👩‍🎓 Graduation Weekend 🎉

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Congratulations, dear Eva & Regina!

As this momentous chapter of your lives comes to a close, we bid you a heartfelt farewell and celebrate the remarkable journey you have undertaken this far. Throughout this past year, you have experienced growth, formed deep friendships, and gained invaluable experiences. We have immense pride for the individuals you have become, as your resilience, determination, and positive spirit have made a lasting impact on those around you. From the early mornings and late-night study sessions to the shared laughter, tears, and significant support, you have embodied the true spirit of sisterhood, forming lifelong bonds that will extend beyond the walls of this House. Equipped with passion, and a strong belief in your abilities, embrace the challenges that lie ahead, as they will shape and strengthen you further. As we bid you farewell, our hearts are filled with joy. The future holds even greater adventures for you! Remember, your potential known no bounds, and we have every confidence in your ability to shine brightly! We believe in you, and will forever hold you in our hearts.

Eva – Graduation video clip

Regina – Graduation video clip


A Fun Afternoon in the Garden: Crêpes, Socializing, and Exam Relief! 

On Monday afternoon (Pentecôte), our boarding house garden transformed into a vibrant and cheerful gathering space where the girls had the chance to bond, make delicious crepes, and temporarily set aside their books. With both Aida and Eirini present, it was an event that fostered a sense of community, relaxation, and shared laughter. At LY7, we are strong believers of the power of breaks in fostering a positive mindset and building a strong support system!

With the help of Regina, our pastry chef, and Melissa, the French crêpe master, we all embraced the opportunity to indulge in delicious crepes. Each girl had the opportunity to choose her own fillings and toppings, ranging from classic options like Nutella and fresh strawberries to more adventurous combinations like lemon zest and powdered sugar. Laughter and friendly banter accompanied the crepe-flipping process as the girls tested their culinary skills.

End of Year – ‘No-Stress Campaign’

It might seem like there’s no time for exercise during the exam period, but it is widely believed that taking time to fit in some movement can have immense benefits!

  1. Exercise relieves anxiety and stress
  2. Exercise improves memory retention
  3. Exercise increases focus and concentration
  4. Exercise boosts your energy

For this reason, ‘May Fitness Challenge’ was back again this year! Since the beginning of this month, we have had daily fitness challenges for the Boarding community. Each day, students were encouraged to take part in various exercises and compete against fellow boarding students.

The winners of the daily challenges in each House were rewarded with privileges, and there was also a prize for the student who participated in the most challenges throughout the month. The main goal of this initiative was to provide our students with a chance to have fun and briefly disconnect from the pressure and stress they may be feeling due to their exams. Congratulations to all those actively engaged in this campaign!

In addition to the daily fitness challenges, our girls have been regularly attending the weekly “Fitness,” “Bodyshaping,” and “Stretching & Relaxation” sessions on campus, which also take place on weekends.

International Day

Today we have celebrated International Day in CDL. A very important day for us to celebrate in our community. The girls have volunteered to help and had so much fun. Thank you girls for your support in this important day.

Study Breaks: The Delightful Escape of Baking and Cooking

Taking a break from studying to indulge in some culinary adventures can be a refreshing and enjoyable way to recharge someone’s mind and nourish their soul. Not only does it provide a much-needed escape from the stress of studying, but it also offers a creative outlet and a chance to explore new healthy flavors and recipes. The act of baking is a multisensory experience. It allows our girls to focus on the present moment immersing themselves in the task at hand. Not to mention, the rewards of their culinary efforts are simply delightful. Whether it’s enjoying a warm slice of homemade blueberry pie or sharing a meal with the rest of the House, the joy of creating something with their own hands is unparalleled. 

A big thank you to Ms. Sarah for sharing her passion for baking with our girls during the two weekends she spent in our House!

The highlight of our cooking adventures in these past two months was our pizza making session, led by Martina, our one and only Italian cook of the House! 


                       Our last family-style dinner in the House with Regina and Eva!



Celebrating the End of Grade 12 Exams

Congratulations to all our boarding students of Grade 12 on completing their exams! 

As the curtains draw to a close on the Grade 12 end-of-year exams, we want to extend our warmest congratulations to Eva and Regina who have both persevered through countless hours of studying, faced challenges head-on, and demonstrated unwavering determination throughout this academic journey.  

Dear Eva and Regina,

Now that the exams have come to an end, it’s time to take a moment to reflect on how far you have come. Regardless of the outcomes, know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. The knowledge you have gained, the skills you have honed, and the personal growth you have experienced are all invaluable. You have shown immense growth not only academically but also as individuals ready to tackle the challenges of the world. As you await the results, remember that they are just one part of your journey. Embrace the valuable lessons you have learned, cherish the memories made, and hold your head high knowing you have given your best! 


Eirini & Aida


“We keep this love in a photograph”…

Dear girls,

It was such a privilege for me to be your House Parent for a few months, and it has been an incredible journey! Watching you grow, mature and work hard to achieve your goals has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

I remember the day I came into the House and I met all of you. It was such a big adventure for all of us to learn to know each other after a few months with another House Parent. Thankfully, we became a wonderful team and I enjoyed each moment with you… Even if living every day together was not always so easy! I am proud of you and the progress you have made.

It is time now for me to say goodbye. I know that transition might be challenging, but I am confident you will handle it easily.

Please, remember all the values we have instilled in this House. Always be kind, compassionate, and respectful towards others. Pursue your dreams and your goal with determination as you did for the past few months! And above all, never forget that you are strong and capable!


What if happiness was just a slice of pizza?

Tonight was a special night. It was my last night as Louis Yung 7 House Parent. We decided to celebrate our last evening together with a pizza party! Because… Who doesn’t love pizza?

As you may see, we had so many choices and it was nice to spend a good moment together! It was the opportunity to forget about the stress and the anxiety of the exams that are coming soon.


March Weekend Recap: Boarding House Fun and Activities!

Weekend activities are an integral part of the CDL boarding experience, offering our girls a chance to unwind and explore their interests outside of academic pursuits. In March, a diverse range of activities were offered on and outside campus that catered to a variety of interests and hobbies. The weekend activity schedules with all the options can be found below.

‘Bodyshaping’ and ‘Stretching & Relaxation’ have been by far the two most popular ones for the girls in our House this month. It appears that they have come to understand that physical fitness is essential for a healthy lifestyle and that attending such activities on a weekly basis helps them stay active and maintain their physical health. These classes are taught by Ms. Linda, an experienced instructor who guides students through various exercises and stretches that help improve their flexibility and muscle tone.

As we head into our two-week spring holiday, here’s a look at some highlights of our past few weekends at Louis Yung 7.

Ice Skating – Marusya & Gia

Talent Show

On Tuesday, the girls took part in the Boarding Talent Show, a special event that brings together the entire Boarding community and showcases diverse skills and talents of our students, such as dancing, acting, singing, doing magic tricks, or playing instruments. The girls had the chance to perform, as well as enjoy the performances and acts of their fellow boarders. The Louis Yung 7 unicorn dancers came 4th place, after receiving 100 points, based on three criteria: creativity, participation and performance!


Behind the scenes: Due to their academic commitments at this time of the year, finding time to rehearse and putting a performance together was definitely a challenge, but we are very proud of the girls for having managed to do so, with success. During our rehearsals in the House, not only did we have a lot of fun, but it was a great opportunity for them to bond even more, by collaborating, exchanging ideas, and helping one another. Thank you, Stacy, for taking the lead. Your enthusiastic spirit was much appreciated!

A big WELL DONE to everyone! It surely was a memorable and enjoyable experience for the entire boarding community!

Wellbeing Pillar 4 – Online Safety

The fourth pillar of our wellbeing programme is concerned with Online Safety. For this particular pillar, Regina, our advocate, has been leading the discussions during the wellbeing meetings in the House. 

1.Online Life vs Real Life 

Our first takeaway point for this pillar was Online life vs Real Life. So, during the first wellbeing session, Regina hosted a quiz in the House to get the girls thinking about their internet and social media usage. How much time do we spend online daily? How do we choose to interact with friends? Do we live in the moment, or through a lens? Do we use our phone at night?’ etc. Also thinking about the balance we have in our lives between time spent online and the elements of Pillar 1. Once the girls completed the poll, the results were shown and an interesting discussion followed, with the girls agreeing that finding a balance between online and offline activities can help them have meaningful relationships and maintain good mental and physical health. The last part of the first session included signing up for a Phone Detox challenge that Regina proposed, and the girls agreed to give it a try for a week! 

2. Scams, Security, Identity theft  

The topic of the second session on Online Safety was ‘Scams, security, and identity theft’. Regina delivered a presentation on how to safely navigate the worldwide web and how to protect ourselves by identifying scams. In this digital age we all live in, awareness of the different types of online scams is absolutely necessary. Taking precautions means that our online personal information can be protected to a greater extent. The girls were engaged in a Kahoot quiz on online safety.

Some of the questions they had to think about were: ‘What is the strongest password? When shopping online, which payment option is generally the safest? What does “Accept all cookies” mean? What is catfishing? What is the best way to know if a website is secure? How can you be found online?

Regina then shared some videos with the rest of the girls related to Social Media Safety Tips and how to prevent identity theft,  


Sunday Brunch! 🥞

At CDL, our Sunday morning tradition is to enjoy a delicious brunch! As can be seen in the photos, our famous Sunday brunch has endless options for all of our girls’ preferences. We are very thankful to our kitchen staff for ensuring that our Sundays always begin like this! 

Wishing you a great week ahead!

Happy International Women’s Day! 🌷

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day on which the achievements of women are recognised. It is celebrated every year on the 8ᵗʰ of March. It is also a day to come together and remind each other that we need work towards equality for women all over the world. The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is #EmbraceEquity.

It gives us great happiness and pride to see our girls flourish into compassionate, ambitious and extraordinary young women. Girls, may you always be Dreamers, Believers, Doers and Achievers!

⛷️ Inter House Ski Competition 🏂

Today, Gia and Marusya represented Louis Yung 7 in the Inter-House Ski Competition. The competition took place at an amazing ski resort at La Tzoumaz this morning! Our two passionate skiiers were determined to do their best in the Race, but most of all, to enjoy a wonderful day in the mountains! 

They both returned to the House with huge smiles and an amazing surprise for us all… Louis Yung 7 is the winning House in this competition, as Gia managed to finish in first place and Marusya in fifth place, giving us a total of 220 points!! Way to go, girls! 


Let’s talk about… Lebanon!

During the monthly assembly, Gia and two of her friends decided to talk about Lebanon. They shared with us their cultures, foods, and why we really need to visit their country. Good news: they convinced us! It’s time to take our flight tickets now…


❄️Happy February Break!❄️

Louis Yung 7 has just closed for the February mid-term break. We are proud of all the girls for all they have achieved throughout this half term. We hope they get to enjoy this well-deserved break and return with their batteries fully charged! The boarding house will be open again on Saturday 25th February from 9am. We are already looking forward to seeing everyone in a week’s time!

Wood craft in the making..!

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Art comes in many forms. Woodcrafting is an underappreciated method of art with many benefits. Wooden objects may look simple; however, the creation process is intricate. Woodworking engages the brain system in a complex manner. It involves creativity, math, logic, memory, spatial reasoning, emotions, and hand-eye coordination. Every part of the brain operates while planning […]

Let’s celebrate a French tradition!

As an international school, it is important to share traditions. Today, the girls discovered the “Chandeleur”, a French tradition that takes place on February 2nd (yes we are a bit early). The Chandeleur is mostly known as “the day of the crêpes”, simply because we eat crêpes on that day!

In some French regions, people hold a coin in their left hand and need to hold the pan in their right hand. If you flip the crêpe on the first attempt, it means you will have financial luck for the rest of the year. It’s a very superstitious day The girls all tried to flip their crêpes and thankfully, none of them fell on the floor. But most importantly, they were delicious!


Wellbeing Pillar 2 : Positive friendships.

Tonight during our well-being tutorial, we focused on the reflective question: Do you embrace the international community, or do you prefer the convenience of building friendships within your own culture and language? 


Celebrating with cake and bubble tea

Here is the answer from the girls: “At Louis Yung 7, we are all from different nationalities. Sometimes, we share the same languages but that’s it. It is something very positive and amazing in the House because it helps us to embrace other’s cultures and to discover new countries! Also, we believe international friendships helps us to be a better open-minded person. Sometimes, having some friends from the same country is easier, but when we make friends at Collège du Léman, it is not because of their nationalities, it is because of their personalities.”


Lunar New Year!

Today, we celebrated the Lunar New Year (a little bit early!), one of the most important events in Asian countries. It’s a time of joy and happiness!

Did you know over 2 billion people celebrate the Lunar New Year? Now, they can add all of our students to their statistics!

2023 is the year of the Rabbit (兔), starting on January 22nd and ending on February 9th. The year of the Rabbit is supposed to be a year of luck as it is considered the luckiest of the 12 Zodiac animals! Here is a little recap of the Rabbit story :

To celebrate it, we had a nice Chinese dinner with the girls!

But… What are the girls’ Zodiac signs? Let’s find out!

Gia, Marusya, Melissa, Zia (born in 2006) :  Dog () : honest, amiable, kind, cautious, prudent, loyal etc.

Stacy, Ameli, Martina, Regina (Born in 2005) : Rooster () : talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, loyal etc.

Eva (Born in 2004) : Monkey () : creativity, curiosity, cleverness, confidence etc.

So… Is their Zodiac signs match their personality? I have to admit some of them are real!







La Fête de l’Escalade

In 1602, Geneva was coveted by the Savoyards. Chales-Emmanuel I intended to make Geneva his capital north of the Alps. On the night of 11-12th December 1602, a troop of 2000 soldiers launched a surprise attack. Arriving in Painpalais, the mercenaries climbed the walls surrounding the city. Armed with nothing more than courage and halberds, the citizens of Geneva, men and women alike, ran out of their houses to defend the city. They fought off the enemies using any means to hand. A number of stories recall the courage of La Mère Royaume, who scalded one Savoyard with her pot of soup. Since 1881, chocolate cauldrons decorated with the coat of arms of Geneva have been sold and eaten at this time every year in honour of the bravery.
Following the tradition, Zia and Eva, the youngest and oldest girls in our house, smashed a chocolate ‘Marmite’ and we all enjoyed eating the chocolate afterwards!

Winter Ball

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The anticipated special night of this term was finally here on Saturday! Our annual Winter Ball! The girls were certainly very excited for this celebration, especially because it had been two years of not being able to celebrate it outside school due to the restrictions. The event was a great success and the girls seemed […]

Santa is here!

Santa decided to come early this year to bring us a present!

But first, we ate a delicious apple pie, which is the perfect cozy winter dessert. It was so good, that is why I made two for the girls! Nothing was left…

Then, it was time for Secret Santa. Everyone was part of it and it was a lovely moment with the girls. What a pleasure to have those moments of joy in the House! I hope everyone was happy about their present!


Busy weekend!

What a weekend full of fun and sports!

Stacy, Martina, and Zia went to the famous “Course de l’Escalade” on Sunday and did well! Look at them, smiling and focusing on their objective!

While Regina, Ameli and Gia went to Europa-park to have some fun too!

Bake-Off House Competition

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Today, Louis Yung 7 took part in the inter-house Bake-Off competition. With Regina being the master pastry chef, and Ameli, Eva and Marusya being excellent sous-chefs, the girls spent a really fun afternoon in the kitchen preparing our carrot cake. The result certainly impressed our judges, but what is more, is that we all enjoyed […]

Weekend activities in Louis Yung 7

Apart from ‘Samedi du Partage’, today the girls took part in several on-campus activities of their choice, such as Woodcraft, Stretching, Bodyshaping and Running. They also helped out in decorating the dining hall Christmas tree. It’s always great to see them being this active and trying their best to keep a balance between academics, fitness and hobbies!

Samedi du Partage

As every year, CDL participated again in the Samedi du Partage initiative with a lot of our students volunteering during the day on Saturday to promote the activity. The aim of the food collection of Samedi du Partage is to help all people in need in Geneva, whatever their difficulties, their age or their situation. From our House, Stacy, Zia and Martina took on this volunteering role with a huge smile and a great sense of responsibility! Thank you, girls, for all that you do to be active members of the broader community!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

The Wednesday assembly was a little bit different today. December is coming soon which means… Christmas too! It was time to decorate the House! Everyone helped!

But first, the girls prepared some delicious popcorn to give us the energy to decorate the whole house.

Then, Martina put Christmas songs to get us into the Christmas spirit and… LET’S GO!

To conclude this beautiful evening, we had a show from our new Christmas trio. A round of applause for them please!





Weekend is here… Let’s go outside!

Louis Yung 7 was quite empty this weekend because the girls went outside to enjoy the sunny weather.

Martina decided to be part of the running activity…

While Ameli was enjoying her Interlaken’s trip…

And Stacy did some shopping for Chritmas at Montreux!


Pillar 2 : Diversity.

Noticing differences is normal but there are many ways to be an ally.
While last week we reflected on how the sense of diversity is part of a global world, this week we will reflect with the students on the notion of diversity itself. It’s easy to label diversity as something uniquely linked to ethnicity, creed or sexuality… However, there are many, many other forms of diversity.
Simple things such as personal tastes or hobbies are a source of diversity, and these are at least as visible as the above-mentioned ones.
Therefore, why do we bear a judgement towards someone who doesn’t have the same religion or the same beliefs and not towards someone who doesn’t listen to the same music or supports another sports team?
The video below gives a simple explanation on the real notion of differences and diversity.

We all want to be allies in this crusade and all our work in terms of charity and community service does pay a great service to bring us together, acknowledging the differences but strengthening our similarities. That should be the key and that is the way that as a school we’re paving.
On a more individual level, we believe the answer lies in the following video.

University advising

Today, Eva and Regina had an important meeting with Mrs. Batey, our CDL University Advisor to discuss their plans for the future. As you can see, they are very focused and probably thinking about which university they should choose for next year!



Wellbeing Programme Pillar 2 – Fighting bullying and promoting diversity

Last week we started our 2nd Pillar of our Wellbeing Programme.

It is a very delicate topic but it’s good to be able to talk about it openly and objectively. As in pillar 1, we have two take away points. This week we discussed about Take Away point 1

Take away point 1 – Integration and diversity are part of the international agenda of the world’s most important institutions.  

We talk about it at a lower level, at schools, work and public places. However, that topic is at the heart of the identity of all the major international organizations and that is something that sometimes we overlook to consider diversity something to think of at an individual level. Beyond the political message on the importance of diversity, institutions like the UN have a policy of promoting diversity in their work force and enabling all types of people to access job position within their ranks and therefore setting the example on integration and teamwork.   

Globally what we want to achieve with this point is that students understand that Diversity and Integration are present far beyond the school environment or our individual background and that it’s a top priority in the world today. Sometimes, this might be overlooked, and we believe it’s important they acknowledge that the work and reflection being done here is echoed in the World Leading Institutions.

Welcome back to Louis Yung 7! 

Arrival weekend has just come to an end, with our girls returning from all over the world, after having spent an enjoyable week away with family. From our side, we are definitely glad to have them back and to hear them share their experiences with such enthusiasm! On another note, with Halloween being just around the corner, the atmosphere on campus is rather ‘spooky’ and so is our House! A big warm welcome back and Happy Halloween! 

Sharing is caring

Today we gathered around the kitchen and prepared a delicious meal for the whole house. All the girls from the house have cooperated, together, to prepare a salad, two omelettes and two lasagnas. They chopped the vegetables, fried and boiled the ingredients and also helped with the table set up.

In the end, we had the meal sitting all together and enjoying this valuable moment, laughing and chatting, sharing and caring because at the end of the day, that is what matters. Thanks to all of them for being so cooperative and helpful.



A Lebanese dinner in our House

Tonight we have improvised a House dinner, as we received a nice present from Gia’s family: local and homemade Lebanese food. It was delicious and we also enjoyed nice and intense conversations to get to know each other better and celebrate Aída’s birthday with a lovely cake. The “Happy birthday” song was sung in 8 different languages!! It has been a very nice evening with a great family ambience.

Wellbeing programe – First Pilar

Tonight at our weekly meeting we had the opportunity to reflect on paper about this first pillar of our wellbeing program. The girls have written about how their friends and the people around them have a positive impact on their healthy balanced lifestyle regarding nutrition and physical activity.

An active weekend

Even though the weather has become a bit grey and wet, our weekend has been very active. Our girls have participated in different activities, such as running club, tennis or golf. Of course, we have also been delighted by our Sunday’s brunch to recover.

Wellbeing Session

Today in the Wellbeing Session, we had discussed how to have a healthy balanced diet and how it could help in our lives. Also, the girls had enjoyed a very relax meditation to help them to regulate stress.


Helping our community

We had had a very solidary weekend. Our girls have had the opportunity to help in different initiatives. Thank you girls for this important mission and give your time to the community.

Martina and Zia joined the lake cleaning in Geneva

Gia and Zia helped to clean our neighbourhood and School area.

Mexican Night

Every Wednesday we enjoy our International Night and we have the chance to taste different flavours of different countries.

Tonight we have had the Mexican Night!! It was delicious and the girls have enjoyed so much!!

Incredible Mountain Weekend Orientation

First Mountain Weekend in Verbier. Our girls did Rope Course, Rock Climbing, Overnight Hiking, Multi- sports and they had a lot of fun while doing it. The girls enjoyed that there was a wide variety of activities to choose from. The experience bounded them closer . In addition, they had more time to spend with their classmates and got to know their them a bit better.

Overall, each one of the girls enjoyed the trip very much. All of the girls are looking forward to the future mountain weekends with CLD

House Competition

Our brave girls have fought today to win the Sport Competition. It has been amazing to see how this group is becoming a family and how the House spirit has united them today. The result doesn’t really matter, but they have proved they will be great competitors this year!

Full house and loads of fun

These days we have been busy, receiving our girls, getting to know each other, having fun and having loads of emotions. We have asked the girls to think of one word to describe these first days… “Awesome, exciting, cozy, new, home….” were some of them. This is just the beginning of the new adventure in Louis Yung 7 Boarding House. Welcome to the new School year 22/23!

Our first Brunch together

Going out together

Some time to relax and use the Wellbeing welcome package

Some responsible studens already studying

Louis Yung 7 closes doors for the year

Today the House closes the door with loads of memories of the year. Our girls are already part of the story of this House and we hope they have take valuable lessons and great memories! We wish you a great summer and we will be opening on the 24th of August! Enjoy holidays!

Last weekend of the year

This has been our last weekend in Boarding for this year. We have had our last brunch and celebrated the CLD International Family Day, with a great success despite the high temperatures. Kate volunteered to help and was presenting her stage performance! Well done!!

Fun Day for all Boarders!!

What a day it has been for all our students in Collège du Léman, the weather was splendid, the school organised various wonderful activities, beverages and endless yummy ice creams for us all to enjoy. It was lovely to see everyone taking part and making the most of this event 🙂

Graduation Day!

An early start this morning for our girls in LY7 to get ready for their very special graduation day, we watched this ceremony live from our boarding house, it was an amazing moment to see them in their beautiful dresses and graduation gowns. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Sophie Bernardo, Varvara Timoshkina, Petra krizkova and Polina Ryzhuk for their achievement and we wish them the very best in the future.


A special dinner

Tonight, we have celebrated a very special event. Tonight the grade 12 girls returned and we have had the opportunity to have a last dinner together. Even though it is not raclette session, it was girls’s choice. And we made virgin cocktails. We share laughs news and a very nice evening once again all together for last time this year. After dinner we played a very special Kahoot that make girls laugh and cry of emotion for our farewell.





Long Weekend at CDL!!!

A wonderful long weekend at Collège Du Léman,  so many things were organised, a trip to Copenhagen, Montreux Castle, golf, biking and much more…  We were delighted to have the on-site pool open with a lifeguard for our students to enjoy! At LY7 we had a sound bath meditation in the lovely outdoor garden. As always brunch was exquisite. Varya made us some homemade frozen drinks this afternoon, they were just yummy 🙂 overall it was an enchanting weekend.


Our garden is growing

We have planted several vegetables and flowers and it is already visible how soon we will have some results. Today we have seen our first bean!! Our main gardener is Varya who is excellent with plants and loves to spend time taking care of the garden.

Sunday Brunch at CDL

The girls and house parents enjoyed a magnificent selection of food for brunch today, we all look forward to Sunday to indulge with this wide selection of delicious food catered for us but our amazing team of chefs. Thank you so much


Raise awareness and self-reflection

Last academic Pillar 5 will focus on TIME IN!

This pillar allows students to reflect on what they experience in their own inner world, which includes their feelings, thoughts, perceptions, memories, beliefs, hope, dreams, desires, motivations, longings ect… these feelings can occur even without them being aware of it. The lack of self-awareness entails the failure to see the patterns in our behaviors and thinking. As a result, we risk making choices that are not aligned with what we really are and with what we really want. When we develop the habit to pay attention to these inner experiences we become more self-aware. This can help us have more control over the decisions and choices we make preventing us from being at the mercy of our own feelings, desires and external negative pressure.

This is a very powerful exercise that will support students to make safe and responsible choices.

Homemade virgin cocktails

This sunny weather has inspired Varya today to collect some mint and flowers in our garden to create a refresh and beautiful virgin cocktails for us in the House. Varya is very creative and she has prepared this lovely drink tonight. Thank you Varya!

Weekend @ Louis Yung 7

A busy weekend for our students studying hard and preparing for the approaching exams! however, we managed to find some time to enjoy the weather in our amazing outdoor garden, the girls joined in this Sunday, the sound bath workshop to unwind the stress cumulated throughout the week. We also took part in May fitness challenge highest score of jumping jacks performed by Petra 61 jumps in 30seconds Sophie scored 47 jumps and Rym 43 jumps. It was a nice moment shared with the LY7 girls, creating lots of memories before end of term.

Wellbeing Pillar 4

We are finishing our Wellbeing Pillar 4 based on Online Safety.

As conclusion of the Pillar the girls have decided to create a Poster with their own ideas and great reflections on it that we also discussed during our last meeting.

We couldn’t make the Phone Detox, but it was very nice to make them aware of the little accomplishments they can do to don’t be so dependent on devices. Each of the girls checked their daily and weekly activity on the phone and we had some surprises! It was great to reveal and share all together putting some attention on our Wellbeing.


Dinner at Home

Lovely dinner at home, the lasagna, salad and desert were delicious!!! we truly enjoyed sharing this moment together. Thank you to our great chefs and to our boarding staff for organizing this meal.

Rehearsal and Sound Bath

Wonderful afternoon LY7 girls & LDG had a rehearsal for their talent show performance, I was very impressed with the rhythm!! I won’t say more. Check our blog on Tuesday or Wednesday evening to watch their act. The girls also enjoyed a sound bath experience to unwind, release and reboot. It was a very relaxing moment.


Brunch Today

We had a lovely shared brunch this morning, as always we were not disappointed by the lovely selection of food to choose from. We happily chatted and discussed our plans for the day. The weather was fabulous, a taste of spring was very much welcomed:)

CDL day

Today we have celebrated CDL day, an amazing event where the staff and students have participated to create a special atmosphere on Campus. We have run the annual Grand Prix, we have enjoyed several concerts and performances. A lovely day to celebrate CDL spirit!

Spa Day

What could be better than a Sunday in a Spa?…. Probably share it in family with the LY7 girls! A great opportunity to relax together, have some laughs and a small excursion to Geneva with a stop for a dinner included.

The girls have enjoyed and we all are going to sleep pretty well tonight, ready for a new week.


Pillar 4 Online Safety, Think before you post!

A very important topic is being discussed with students to raise awareness about online safety, sharing pictures and personal details on social media.

Also to remind them about the serious impact posting particular pictures of them or friends can have in the long run! This Online Safety Pillar is extremely important as teenagers use social media frequently to maintain friendships, share interests, and connect with people. It has become a key part of their day-to-day life but they need to be aware of what NOT TO POST!! Unfortunately, it can not be removed.

Chinese New Year

2022 the year of the tiger the dining hall transformed beautifully to celebrate and welcome the Chinese  New Year, the students and staff enjoyed tasting some scrumptious Chinese food and desserts. Xiè Xiè

Crans-Montana ski weekend

Collège du Léman students spent a long weekend in Crans-Montana, they had an amazing ski experience with breathtaking views! The ski resort of Crans-Montana offers suitable pistes for all levels to make their ski experience unforgettable. All students enjoyed many activities on offer during their stay for skiers and non-skiers from snowboarding, skiing, snowtubing, ice skating, a day trip to Sion, escape game, board games, and trampoline. They liked their free time in town with friends exploring and dining in several restaurants.

Making Foccacia

Today we have made a delicious Foccacia, participating in the NAE Focaccia Art project. 

Petra has been so motivated and has done a great and tasty job also trying to make Hummus for first time with a secret recipe!! Thank you Petra! It was a great success and we have shared all together in a nice evening meeting.


Happy Holidays

We wish you a cheerful holiday with lots of fun, rest, and memorable moments with family and friends.

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022

From Aida and Rym                 


We have celebrated L’Escalade this weekend. It is an annual festival in Geneva, held each December in celebration of the defeat of an attempt to conquer the Protestant city by the Catholic Duchy of Savoy. We have had fun in the House with the traditional ritual of breaking the “Chocolate Marmite”.

Christmas Dinner

This weekend we have enjoyed our traditional Christmas dinner. It was lovely to share a special night together before the holidays and have all the girls together for this special event. We have tasted a delicious dinner and had a great time.

Awards night

Tonight we have celebrated our traditional Awards Ceremony.

Congratulations Sophie and Polina for the Academic Award, Petra for the Activities Award and Varya for the Boarding Life Award. We are so proud of you girls! Well done!


Happy Thanksgiving!
Tonight we have enjoyed a special meal together to celebrate this traditional dinner. A delicious pleasure and a nice evening! Thank you, very grateful 🙂

Wellbeing Night

Tonight we have shared a nice dinner in the House. We have enjoyed a raclette and the girls really enjoyed it.

After during our weekly meeting, we have received Miss Jody’s visit who has talked to us a bit about Empathy, in relation with our Pillar 2 of our Wellbeing Program – How to fight against Bullying. We have talked about diversity and respect. It has been a lovely evening.

About our weekend

We have spent a lovely busy weekend in Louis Yung 7. We have had time for a bit of work in the House, keeping clean our lovely house. Also time for baking muffins. And we have been helping in the Gift Box project, which will bring a lot of joy to some kids in the East of Europe for Christmas. Thank you girls for your help and solidarity!

Halloween Night

Today we have celebrated the scariest party of the year. The girls had made a great effort to be creative and achieve a nice result to participate in the pumpkin carving. We have enjoyed a nice dinner and every girl has participated in the costume contest. It was a great experience sharing the night all together 🙂

Time for a break

It is time for a well-deserved break. Our girls have been working hard since the beginning of the year. We have enjoyed Boarding life and all the activities we had the opportunity to share in our community. It is time for October break, a perfect moment to recover energy and come back full of positivity. Enjoy the holiday! See you soon!

Bake off

Today we have had the first House Competition of this School year!

Our participation with Varya’s work and effort was on a very high level. Well done for this cake!!

Hobbies to de-stress

This week in our Wellbeing program, we have discussed ‘How can we use our hobbies to de-stress?’ 

The girls have talked about what help them to de-stress and how they use their hobbies to relax and keep their balance. We have identified our hobbies, which is the first step to afer use them as beneficial activities and positive form of relaxation or destressing.

Art, music, sport, crochet were some of the ideas we came up with.

Today’s session is linked with what we have been talking about these days:  ‘How can we identify personal stressors‘. The girls discussed the different things they associate with stress and how they deal with it. It was nice to learn from each others ways of dealing with stress.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Tonight we celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with moon. Each September, Chinese families gather to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon’s roundness symbolizes harmony and prosperity, and the festival celebrates the harvest, often bringing together family members from near and far. This is an opportunity for cultural exchange which the girls have enjoyed this evening together in the House.

Wellbeing Pillar 1 – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds

We are now entering the second week of the first Pillar of our wellbeing programme – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds.

One of the takeaway points from this pillar is “How important is sleep?”. We find it a crucial topic for the students to explore when discovering how to take care of themselves and how they can maintain a healthy body and mind.

This week during our House Assembly we watchted the TED-Ed video “The benefits of a good night’s sleep” from Shai Marcu which has generated interesting discussion about this important topic.

For the next weeks we will keep discussing about our sleeping habits and how we can improve them.


Weekend in LY7

We have spend a nice weekend together, there was time to study, but also to have fun together. Some of the girls joined the Baking Club this weekend and we have had a movie night on Saturday. It is a great feeling spending time together!



Welcome Assembly

We are happy to see all of our students back and finally, we have had the opportunity to share a moment together and celebrate our first Assembly of the year. We proudly had Sophie on the stage sharing with the entire Boarding Community her Goals for the year.

For dinner, we have enjoyed our traditional Swiss welcome dinner. We are ready for the new School year!

Great news: Louis Yung 7 is open!

We are happy to let you know that Louis Yung 7 Boarding House is open and ready to receive our girls. We are sure this is going to be a very important year for all of us and we will be happy to share every moment of it. Looking forward to welcome you back!

Switzerland is the safest country in the world right now for COVID-19 . Collège du Léman is there !!







Click on the links below to read more about the COVID situation in Switzerland:

#collegeduleman #internationalschool #staysafe #backtoschool #socialdistancingwithkids



Well-being Session : Manage Covid-19

This week in our Well-being Tutorial, Isabela made a presentation focused on Covid-19 and how to feel and manage this phase.
We have to remember that no one is alone in this situation, so there is no need to feel scared because we are all in this together. Let’s try and focus on ourselves and the ones we love and not to panic. Be thankful for what you have. We should be eating well looking out for each other, being healthy and stable exercise. Our bodies experience new things. Remember to be clean while we all are stuck in this quarantine. Let’s figure out a way we can make our world a better place and cleaner so that we don’t have a problem like this in the future. At this moment we cannot forget who we are. We can’t let this get to us. We shouldn’t give up when we are so close to our goals. Let’s not lose hope because there is always a little good in a bad situation and we should accept that. And sure, enough things will eventually get better very soon. We just need to be patients, and we will get there.



Happy Spring Holidays!!

We wish you a very restful, joyful and peaceful holiday with your loves one. Here in Louis Yung 7, we will be looking to see all of you, Alina, Laetitia, Ruijin, Aruzhan, Lulu, Louise, Johane, Isabella after the holidays. 🙂 We miss you!

Dr.Malberg Talk

Tonight we had our beloved Dr.Malberg in CdL answering our question about COVID-19.

When in situations like this, it’s important to educate ourselves rather than panic for no reason. Keep a good personal hygiene, stay calm, we will get through this!

























Fun week in the mountain skiing. Ruijin had a lovely time in Crans Montana. She had been skiing everyday and also going out during her free time in the village.

Ruijin had won a helmet playing Bingo one of our nights in this beautiful place.






Wellbeing 19. The Purpose of Friendship

As our friendship wellbeing is coming to an end, we discussed the purpose of friendship.

Firstly: Networking

Secondly: Reassurance

Thirdly: Fun

Fourthly: Clarifying our Minds

Fifthly: Holding on to the past

the list goes on and on…

As we go on with our lives, friends are the ones who are by our side.

Here is an interesting video of in-depth discussion about the purpose of friendship:

Amazing Laetitia and her new friendship

Recently, Laetitia has been helping out in old portena to take care of the two little ones, Karina and Elsa. She made so much effort to get them ready for bed and play with them during social hours. The girls and Laetitia enjoy each other’s company very much.

Friendship isn’t about age or nationality, as long as you genuinely put in your time and energy, it will grow beautifully.


Week 18. Wellbeing Session with Ms.Jody

Tonight, Ms.Jody came to LY7 to check how are things going after our recent room change. All the girls have shown their satisfaction with our current rooming arrangement which is extremely important to our wellbeing.

Ms.Jody showed us a  picture of a flock of birds flying in the sky, and she explained why the birds flock.  It improves a bird’s chance of survival against predators because a large group of birds is stronger and better protected and with many eyes, the flock is far more likely to spot a would-be marauder. Also, the predator will find it harder to concentrate on a single victim, increasing the individual member of the flock’s chance of survival. Flocking also enables birds to fly further using less energy because when the strong leader bird flaps its wings it creates uplift for the birds behind. Living in the same house is just like flocking, in order to fly farther, faster and safer, we need to work as a team, support each other uplift each other.

World News Committee

The brand new World News Committee, led by students and guided by Mr.Rob, Mr.James, Ms.Terri, was introduced in today’s assembly.

Students who are interested in journalism, writing or just love to put their focus on what is going on in the world at the moment are welcome to join. They will discuss current affairs and relevant world news and then present in the future boarding assemblies.


La réforme du Bac se met en place avec succès au CDL…

Les épreuves communes de contrôle continu (E3C) qui concernent les élèves de 1ère, dans le cadre de la réforme du Bac 2021, se sont mises en place sous les meilleurs auspices au CDL, qui devient centre d’examen. Les enseignants ont reçu leurs convocations et les épreuves ont débuté le jeudi 30 janvier , avec l’anglais, dans des conditions optimales. Avec la dématérialisation, autre nouveauté de cette réforme, les copies, anonymes, sont numérisées, les corrections se font en ligne et chaque élève pourra consulter sa copie corrigée sur son propre compte…Une remarquable avancée….Prochaines étapes : les épreuves de LVB et d’histoire-géographie….Merci à toute l’équipe pédagogique et administrative pour son engagement sans faille et plein succès à tous nos élèves pour cette première étape du Bac…Emmanuel Coigny Executive Principal 1er et 2nd cycles #collegeduleman #ecoleinternationale #baccalaureat

Week 17. Wellbeing Session. Of Course We Mess Up!

Friendship, like all other things, isn’t always smooth sailing. It will be tested throughout the years, and only that will make it stronger!

In this session of wellbeing, we discussed how to deal with conflict and disagreement in friendship. First of all, we have to admit people aren’t the same, but it doesn’t change the fact different minds can have similarities here and there. Secondly, communication is key when we have disagreements with friends, we all agree that misunderstanding oftentimes is just lack of communication.

Mountain Weekend 2

Last weekend, boarders of CDL had our Mountain Weekend Vol.2 in Crans-Montana

We had all kinds of fun in our winter activities such as skiing curling and ice-skating

Can’t wait for the next one!

Week 16. Wellbeing Session. Are you a good friend?

How can you make good friends if you’re not one yourself? The definition of a good friend varies from person to person, but there are certain traits, characteristics, and qualities that most people would agree make someone a good friend.

In this week’s wellbeing session, we are asking ourselves are we good friends to others and what makes us a good friend?

Some say we are there for our friends when they need help, others think they can lift their friends up when they’re down, we also agree that good friends should always stay true and honest to each other, respect each other’s individuality and accept each other for who they are.

There are many more qualities of good friends that we have discussed. Some qualities are more important to some people than they are to others. Each person must set his or her own criteria for what it means to be a good friend. And that means you, too, must possess those qualities in your interactions with your friends.

House Assembly

Today our usual weekly house assembly has a special guest, Ms. Jody, our boarding counselor.

The girls are very happy to get to know Ms. Jody, and very grateful for her to visit us.

First Boarding Assembly in 2020

Starting off 2020 with Good vibes and positive energy.

There are voices that have been telling us the world is getting worse, but through Mr.Usher’s recap of 2019, we realize there is so much progress that this world has made in the past year.

We tend to focus on bad things so that we overlook all the positive changes around the globe. Just like Mr.Usher said,  focus on good things, do good things and be a good example, good things will come to you.


Week 15. Wellbeing Session. Friendship

In today’s wellbeing session, we watched an interesting TED talk video about how human relationships affect our mental and physical health. We all know that friendships and more in general relationships are an essential part of a human being’s life, in this Ted talk a psychoanalyst shared the study of his team, that the key of living a happy long life is not about fame or fortune but to have good relationships with friends family and community.

Today our VIP Teachers visited our Boarding House

Merci aux professeurs qui sont venu nous rendre visite à Louis Yung 7 aujourd’hui. C’était un plaisir de passer du temps avec vous, et on espère que vous vous êtes amusé autant que nous (non seulement à cause de notre nourriture !)  🙂

Thank you to all the teachers that came to visit us in Louis Yung 7 today. It was a pleasure being able to spend time with you, and we hope you enjoyed yourselves too (not only because of our food!)  🙂







Fete de l’Escalade

L’Escalade, or Fête de l’Escalade, is an annual festival in Geneva, Switzerland, held each December in celebration of the defeat of an attempt to conquer the Protestant city by the Catholic Duchy of Savoy. Troops sent by Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, attempted a surprise attack during the night of 11–12 December 1602, but according to legend, were repulsed by a cook who dumped boiling vegetable soup on the invaders before raising an alarm. The celebrations and other commemorative activities are usually held on 12 December or the closest weekend.

After a short history lesson, we sure enjoyed smashing chocolate and eating it all

Week 14. Wellbeing Session. Charity Project.

Following our Pastoral program, Well-being and Charity Projects, today in our session we have addressed the theme of Charity, Solidarity and Illusion Projects. Girls wrapped the presents, wrote each child a personalised Christmas Card and prepared them all for collection.These gifts will be delivered this week. Thank you girls for your support !!

Winter is coming

As a wise man once said:

A lot of people have had a cold lately, to stop the cold spreading we need to always stay warm.

Luckily we got cozy winter starter pack  ! Thank you Mr. Usher for always taking such a good care of us.

Dinner at Home

In the spirit Christmas we made roast chicken tonight, paired with quinoa salad and french fries.

So sorry for the girls who weren’t home this weekend, we didn’t spare any food at the end of the night.

We are very pleased that Artem from Olympus joined us, I’m not saying he was the reason we finished everything, but he contributed a lot to devour the two whole mini chicken 😛

Week 13.Wellbeing Tutorial.Community Service by Louise L.

This week in our Wellbeing session  Louise L  gave an excellent presentation focused on Community Service


What is Community Service?

Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time. Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the environment. Community service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship, school, or non-profit organization, or you can start your own community service projects.  Community service can even involve raising funds by donating used goods or selling used good like clothing

Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community. Some students are required to do community service in order to graduate high school or to receive certain honors. Some adults are also ordered by a judge to complete a certain number of community service hours.

Volunteer activity ideas

 Why Should You Participate in Community Service?

There are numerous benefits to participating in community service, both for yourself and others. Below are some of the most important benefits of volunteering:

Gives you a way to help others

Helps improve your community

Can help strengthen your resume and college applications

Can be a way to meet new friends

Often results in personal growth

Gives you a way to gain work experience and learn more about certain jobs

Volunteer activity ideas

How Should You Use This List?

This list of over one hundred community service examples is organized by category, so if you’re particularly interested in working with, say, children or animals, you can easily find community service activities more related to your interests.

In order to use this list most effectively, read through it and make note of any community service ideas that match your interests and that you may want to participate in. Some considerations to keep in mind are:

Who would you like to help?

 Is there a specific group of people or cause you are passionate about? Look for projects that relate to your passion and interests. You may also just want to perform particular community service activities that allow you to do hobbies you enjoy, like baking or acting, and that’s fine too.

Do you want a community service activity that is reoccurring or a one-time event?

Perhaps you don’t have enough time to regularly devote to community service. In that case, it may be better to look for opportunities that only occur once or sporadically, such as planning special events or helping build a house.

What kind of impact do you want to have?

Some people prefer to participate in community service activities that have a quantifiable impact, for example, activities where you know the specific number of kids you tutored, dollars you raised, or cans of food you collected. This is in contrast to activities that don’t have such clear numbers, such as creating a garden or serving as a volunteer lifeguard. Some people prefer quantifiable activities because they feel they look stronger on college applications, or because they simply enjoy knowing their exact impact on the community.

What skills would you like to gain?

Many community service activities can help you gain skills. These skills can range from teaching to medicine to construction and more. If there is a particular skill you’d like to learn for future classes, jobs, or just out of personal interest, you may want to see if there is a community service activity that helps you learn that skill.Volunteer activity ideas



Award Ceremony First Marking Period

Tonight we had The Awards Ceremony led by Mr Usher, where some of our girls received a medal for being involved in Activities, Boarding Life and Academically reaching amazing grades. Well done to all of the winners!

Academics ; Louise J.

Award Boarding life : Louise L

Award : Activities  Jessica

Collège du Léman.Tanzania Expedition

Here are the grade 8/4ème and grade 9 students participating in this year’s Tanzania Expedition. This trip is seen as a life-changing experience for the students; They will work on a range of projects to help the development of local communities and will build confidence, independence and leadership skills in a dramatically different setting. The Tanzania Expedition is a fantastic opportunity to experience not only a new culture and its significant challenges, but also to meet and build lifelong friendships with fellow Nord Anglia students from around the world. We wish them well! #collegeduleman #Internationalschool

Our Advent Calendar in LY7

Advent calendars give a special meaning to Christmas.


Advent calendars are a countdown to Christmas Day, they start on the 1st December

The windows of the calendar are opened every day leading up to Christmas where you can see a pretty picture or find some chocolate inside.

The very first advent calendars were produced in the early 1800’s in Germany although not the cardboard type we get these days.

Christians thought of different ways of counting down the days from the start of Advent to Christmas Day.

At first Christians kept track of the days by making chalk marks on their door, which were rubbed off one by one as Christmas got closer.

Advent Candles and putting up a small religious picture to mark each day were other ways of counting down the days.

The first actual advent calendar which we still buy today was produced in the early 1900’s, although first mass-produced in 1908 by Gerhard Lang who worked at the Reichhold & Lang printing office in Munich, Germany.

The business produced over thirty different calendar patterns until the 1930’s. These calendars had 24 doors and were a lot better decorated than the advent calendars we have these days.

Before long, advent calendars had doors which when opened contained religious pictures, and some had chocolate in to keep the children’s attention.

This was proving to be popular over the years but had to be put on hold when World War II started, because paper, cardboard and chocolate was limited.

However, once the war was over the production of advent calendars soon picked back up in 1946, not containing chocolates though.

Towards the end of the 1950’s, chocolate advent calendars re-appeared and started to spread across the world.

Ten years later, many countries were using the advent calendar to count the days to Christmas Day.

Advent calendars are still very popular all across the world and now come in thousands of different varieties, some with just pictures in, others with just chocolate

Collège du Léman Talks

It was a great pleasure to welcome Reginald Bien-Aimé, speaking about The Future of Work, in our second edition of CDL Talks – Inspiring Future Leaders series. #collegeduleman #madeforinspiration #CDLTalks #InspiringFutureLeaders #Internationalschool





Week 11. Wellbeing Tutorial. Charity Projects

Different ways to live Christmas!

Following our Pastoral program, Well-being and Charity Projects, today in our session we have addressed the theme of Charity, Solidarity and Illusion Projects!

 In our community we are very involved teaching our students about topics ranging from respect and tolerance, to values and self-awareness, for being fortunate enough to be able to experience life abroad, here at College de Leman.

 As every year with the arrival of Christmas, our charity projects and community services are more accentuated.

 On a voluntary basis, our girls in Ly7 (as well as more CdL students) will participate in a charity project on several upcoming Christmas dates. On which we will bake pancakes.

They will buy gifts for children who live in foster homes. Our students will be the ” Papa Noeles” for some of the children who`s families who do not have as many possibilities as the students of CdL boarding school.

In 3 different foster homes, around 125 gifts, “125 childhood wishes “from our ”  CdL Papa Noeles “, will make a magical Christmas possible for these children of foster homes!

niños pobres en Líbano

We are proud of our students!! A huge thank you!   

Open Day at Collège du Léman

Our Director General Mrs. Pauline Nord

Mr.Emmanuel Coigny, Executive Principal  1er  et 2nd Cycles

Mr. James Bearblock, High School Principal. Director of School Advancement

Mr. Mathieu Hartman, Middle School Principal

Mrs. Kathryn Nuttal, Prinicpal Primary (right) and Mrs. Florence Bremnes, Primary Français Teacher (left)

Our Boarding Team led By Mrs. Dominique Salamin and student Huang Xinyuan (Alison)

 Mrs.  Claire Rocheteau, Camps Manager

Mr. Romolo Calvini, Extracurricular Activities Manager
Mr. Renaud Peron, Services Manager

Mrs. Claire Larnaud, Key Accounts Manager , Marketing and Admission and Mr.Cédric Antonio, Senior Market. and Comm. Manager

Collège du Léman, Open House on Saturday 16th of November

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, alumni, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals


Week 9. Wellbeing Tutorial. Respecting Diversity at Collège du Léman

This week in our Wellbeing session we focused on Respecting Diversity. Our ‘RISE’ values of Respect, Internationalism, Spirit and Excellence, are at the heart of everything we do, bringing together more than 110 nationalities and cultures to create one family.

Respect for diversity is the hallmark of our school community that is confident and strong in its values and beliefs. When students understand that each individual is unique with their own individual differences they can begin to value and appreciate these for the richness they bring to the school and wider community.

What language do you speak? What is your religion? What holidays do you celebrate? What is your racial identification? What is your ethnic identity? What is your culture? Why is cultural diversity so important?

Our culture is what shapes us, it shapes our behavior and our identity. Culture is our way of living, it refers to the shared language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are passed down from one generation to the next.


The term “culturally diverse” is often used interchangeably with the concept of “multiculturalism.”

Sociologist Dr. Caleb Rosado, who specializes in diversity and multiculturalism, described seven important actions involved in the definition of multiculturalism:

  • recognition of the abundant diversity of cultures;
  • respect for the differences;
  • acknowledging the validity of different cultural expressions and contributions;
  • valuing what other cultures offer;
  • encouraging the contribution of diverse groups;
  • empowering people to strengthen themselves and others to achieve their maximum potential by being critical of their own biases; and
  • celebrating rather than just tolerating the differences in order to bring about unity through diversity.


Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from one another, but first, we must have a level of understanding about each other. Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world in which we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups.

In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect “ways of being” that are not necessarily our own. So that as we interact with others we can build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures. Furthermore, this diversity makes our country a more interesting place to live. As people from diverse cultures contribute language skills, new ways of thinking, new knowledge, and different experiences.


  • Increase your level of understanding about other cultures by interacting with people outside of your own culture
  • Avoid imposing values on others that may conflict or be inconsistent with other cultures
  • When interacting with others who may not be proficient in English, recognize that their limitations in English proficiency in no way reflects their level of intellectual functioning
  • Recognize and understand that concepts within the helping profession, such as family, gender roles, spirituality, and emotional well-being, vary significantly among cultures and influence behavior
  • Within the workplace, educational setting, and/or clinical setting, advocate for the use of materials that are representative of the various cultural groups within the local community and the society in general
  • Intervene in an appropriate manner when you observe others engaging in behaviors that show cultural insensitivity, bias, or prejudice
  • Be proactive in listening, accepting, and welcoming people and ideas that are different from your own

Collège du Léman, Nord Anglia Education

Collège du Léman is a member of the Nord Anglia Education family of schools and our CEO, Andrew Fitzmaurice, has recently published  an op-ed looking at how we can provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in today’s ever-changing world. Please click on the link below to read the article.

#collegeduleman #internationalschool #globaleducation #madeforyou

L’Escalade Race in Geneva



Run with CDL!

The 42nd Course de l’Escalade ( will be on Sunday1st December 2019. The Course de l’Escalade is a fun race held each December in the old town of Geneva as part of the wonderful Escalade celebrations. This traditional race is the largest race in Switzerland and is open to everyone as of 6 years old. Come join the CDL Team!

Registration Deadline: 8th November before 18:00

How far do we run?
6-7 yrs run 1.36 km;
8-9 yrs run 1.74 km;
10-13 yrs run 2.34 km;
14-17 yrs & men and women mix (group 2) run 4.83 km;
Men and women mix (group 3) run 7.3 km

Registering as a CDL runner means that you must pick up your running package at the Olympus on the Friday 29th of November as of 15:30 or at the pasta party which will be held at the Eiger Cafeteria on the same date. The package will also be available at the CDL tent in the school village at the Parc des Bastions one hour before the race on Sunday. The cost of the race will be billed to you through CDL.Registration fee CHF 25.- Students

Week 8. Wellbeing.Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity

After our October Break, we started the Second Pillar of our Wellbeing Programme , focused on Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity.

During this session we discussed What is bullying, what bullying includes, and how to deal with bullying at school.

There is no legal definition of bullying. But it is usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically, and is often aimed at certain people because of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation or any other aspect such as appearance or disability.

Bullying can take many forms including: physical assault, teasing, making threats, name calling, cyber bullying

Bullying includes: people calling you names, making things up to get you into trouble, hitting, pinching, biting, pushing and shoving, taking things away from you, damaging your belongings, stealing your money, taking your friends away from you, posting insulting messages or rumours, in person on the internet or by IM (cyberbullying), threats and intimidation, making silent or abusive phone calls, sending you offensive phone texts, bullies can also frighten you so that you don’t want to go to school, so that you pretend to be ill to avoid them

anti bullying advice

How to deal with bullying at school. Action Plan.

If you are being bullied at school, tell a friend, tell a teacher and tell your parents. It won’t stop unless you do. It can be hard to do this so if you don’t feel you can do it in person it might be easier to write a note to your parents explaining how you feel, or perhaps confide in someone outside the immediate family, like a grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin and ask them to help you tell your parents what’s going on.

Your tutor needs to know what is going on so try to find a time to tell him or her when it won’t be noticeable. You could stay behind on the pretext of needing help with some work. If you don’t feel you can do that, then speak to the school nurse. Don’t be tempted to respond to any bullying or hit back because you could get hurt or get into trouble.

The following sessions we will share more details in this regard with our students.


Boarding Department, wishes you all a Happy Diwali!!

Diwali, Deepawali or Dipavali is the Hindu  festival of lights, which is celebrated every autumn in the northern hemisphere (spring in southern hemisphere). One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali or Deepavali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance”. During the celebration, temples, homes, shops and office buildings are brightly illuminated. The preparations, and rituals, for the festival typically last five days, with the climax occurring on the third day coinciding with the darkest night of the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, the festival generally falls between mid-October and mid-November. #collegeduleman #happydiwali #internationalschool #festivaloflights.



National Honour Society at Collège du Léman

We would like to congratulate all those who have been selected to the National Honour Society! Selection is based on four components: academic achievement, leadership, service and character.

The National Honour Society has played an integral role in our CDL community for decades and we are proud to continue this tradition for many more years!

#collegeduleman #internationalschool #throwbackthursday


Wellbeing Session. Week 7 Screen Time

This week in our Wellbeing seccion we focused on Screen Time Tracker . We care about all the elements which interfere with the life of our students. One of these is the time spent in front of screens which can be considered as something worrying for some youngsters these days.

University Fair at Collège du Léman

Welcoming 114 institutions from around the world, Collège du Léman is honoured to have hosted the largest school-run university fair in the region. Our students had the unique opportunity to speak with different universities and explore the different options available to them.

#collegeduleman #internationalschool #madeforyou #madeforsuccess

Wellbeing Week 6 . Switch off time

This week in our Wellbeing session we focused on ” A Healthy Mind & Healthy Body ” : Yoga Session, Switch off time !!


The Benefits of Yoga

  1. Improves your flexibility
  2. Builds muscle strength
  3. Perfects your posture
  4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
  5. Protects your spine
  6. Betters your bone health
  7. Increases your blood flow
  8. Drains your lymphs and boosts immunity
  9. Ups your heart rate
  10. Drops your blood pressure
  11. Regulates your adrenal glands
  12. Makes you happier
  13. Founds a healthy lifestyle
  14. Lowers blood sugar
  15. Helps you focus
  16. Relaxes your system
  17. Improves your balance
  18. Maintains your nervous system
  19. Releases tension in your limbs
  20. Helps you sleep deeper
  21. Boosts your immune system functionality
  22. Gives your lungs room to breathe
  23. Prevents IBS and other digestive problems
  24. Gives you peace of mind
  25. Increases your self-esteem
  26. Eases your pain
  27. Gives you inner strength
  28. Connects you with guidance
  29. Helps keep you drug free
  30. Builds awareness for transformation
  31. Benefits your relationships
  32. Uses sounds to soothe your sinuses
  33. Guides your body’s healing in your mind’s eye
  34. Keeps allergies and viruses at bay
  35. Helps you serve others
  36. Encourages self-care
  37. Supports your connective tissue
  38. Uses the placebo effect, to affect change





Wellbeing Week 5. Time Management

This week in our Wellbeing session the girls had the chance to break down their day and really look at how they spend their time.




We have suggested 7 time management tips for them :
1. Eliminate distractions
2. Be focused at the task at hand
3. Use a calendar
4. Use a checklist
5. Get organised
6. Schedule rewards
7. Get a good night’s sleep

Mandalas as a meditation technique. Wellbeing Week 4 .

This week in our Wellbeing session we focused on ” A Healthy Mind “.  “Breathe” Mandala Drawing Meditation

In Sanskrit, the word mandala means “circle.” Circles are a powerful symbol found in every culture. We see them in halos, prayer wheels, and other religious symbols as well as architecture and nature.

Mandalas are sacred circles that have long been used to facilitate meditation in the Indian and Tibetan religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Many other religions, including Christianity, Native Americans, and Taoists, have incorporated mandalas into their spiritual practices as well.
The simple act of coloring a picture can be quite beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety.One popular way to do this is to color mandalas and use it as a form of meditation.
Mandalas as a form of meditation are entering medicine as a healing tool. An increasing body of clinical trials suggests that meditation may reduce stress, combat depresion, reduce pain, and lower blood pressure.
 It may also boost the immune system and stimulate the release of melatonin, a hormone believed to slow cell aging and promote sleep.
How to Color a Mandala .There is not much to coloring a mandala for meditation purposes. It requires just a few simple steps and some time when you can be alone.
 1-Crayons, pencil crayons, chalks, pastels, paint, or markers in a variety of colors.
2- Print a mandala or use a mandala coloring book.
3- Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can work comfortably with no distractions.
4- Start coloring.
When coloring, try not to think too much about your choice of color and don’t worry about matching colors. Let your instincts guide you. After you begin with the first color, the rest will follow naturally.

Weekly House Assembly : RISE

At College du Leman, RISE stands for Respect, Internationalism, Spirit, and Excellence. These values are at the heart of our community. Alina and Leticia gave an excellent House Assembly on what this means : Respect, Internationalism, Spirit and Excellence.



Wellbeing. Week 3 ” An apple a day keeps the doctor away “

 Nurturing Healthy Session Week 3

If you really want to eat, keep climbing the fruits are on the top of the tree. Stretch your hands and keep stretching them! Success in on the top, keep going!!

In our community we believe that fruits are very important for the daily food intake, and as we are supporting a healthy lifestyle, every Tuesday and Saturday we are getting the fruits-sources of many essential nutrients that are under consumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate.

Also, a healthy and well-balanced diet supports brain development!

In 2008 scientists have proved that a diet that includes fruit can also increase your focus in the classroom, so you will be able to learn new information and get higher test scores …

Snack after school

Collège du Léman.Résultats Maturité 2019

Fier d’eux !!  100% de réussite à la Maturité!! (cinquième année de suite) Félicitations aux maturants et aux professeurs!!! Merci à toute l’équipe pédagogique pour son engagement de tous les instants et pour avoir su si bien guider et accompagner nos élèves!! Emmanuel Coigny Principal 1er et 2nd Cyles #collegeduleman #internationalschool #geneva #maturitésuisse — at Collège du Léman.


B.A.T Time

Yesterday LY 7 ladies had our Boarding Academic Tutor meeting with Ms. Mélanie Batey.

For the first meeting we focused on academic workload/choices and potential issues for the year as well as trying to start setting some targets.

Ms.Batey will be helping us with our academic issues for the whole year. Already looking forward to the meeting on next Thursday 🙂

Wellbeing , Second Session

 In our second Welbeing Session, the girls answered the four issues raised last week.  Using their answers, we set up a new action plan: 

1- Unlike us, who have grown up without the internet and mobile phones, our students were born into the age of the Internet and for them it is something intrinsic and second nature.  Students need 7/ 8 hours per night to sleep. Due to their lack of sleep we made a deal: During the week, they are not allowed to use mobile phones after 22.30.  Parents agree with this deal.

2- To help relax their body and mind after an intensive daily routine, we suggested that they take a shower and drink a tea or infusion before bedtime. Obviously, family calls/chats are important as well as attending yoga classes or meditating, all helping them feel more relaxed.

 3- They need at least five meals: breakfast, snack at school, lunch, snack after school, and dinner. We suggested that they avoid eating fast food and energy drinks. Best to drink water. Tuck shop is cancelled so they can buy their health food. 

4- They must practice more sports. Almost all of them have signed up for 1 or 2 activities during the week/weekend: fitness, volleyball, horse, soccer, tennis.

  Next week the students will make an evaluation of this action plan.

Wellbeing Program at Collège du Léman. We care about our students !!

Following our Pastoral Program, last Tuesday we had our first Wellbeing session: Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies. 

We began by asking them to give us a synonym for the word Wellbeing and what personal association they have with that word. Understanding the initial concept is important. Some of their responses included: feeling happy, healthy, calm, lively, vital, energetic, having a good sense of humor and being glad.

Following, we asked them questions like:

– How many hours do you sleep and what time do you approximately fall asleep?

– How do you manage to relax in the face of problems in general?

– How many meals do you have per day and what do you eat? What do you drink?

– What sports do you practice and how often? Do you practice yoga or meditation?

They will give us their answers in detail the following week and we will discuss it together

Lausanne , Olympic Museum

LY7  ladies visited yesterday the Olympic Museum in Lausanne  and  got the flame  of the Olympic spirit: Citius , altius , fortius (Faster, higher, stronger)

The Olympic Capital, Lausanne has been home to the IOC (International Olympic Committee) for 100 years and in 1993, the IOC founded its unique official museum on the banks of Lake Geneva. In 2013, The Olympic Museum was completely renovated with the most up-to-date facilities. Now on three floors, the exhibition presents the origin of the games, the competitions and the athletic spirit through over 150 screens and 1500 objects: The Olympic torches and medals of all The Olympic games, as well as the equipment of the most famous athletes. 

Happy Jeûne Genevois !!

      Jeûne Genevois (meaning Genevan fast) is a public holiday in the canton of Geneva, which occurs on the Thursday following the first Sunday of September. It dates back to the 16th century.

    Tarte aux pruneaux (plum pie)  is often served as dessert in Geneva homes on Jeûne genevois. Any knowledge as to how this tradition began seems to have been lost, although it may have come about as a means to allow women and housekeepers a way to spend the day in prayer, having cooked plum pies the day before (area plums being in season).

Yes, we’re open, again !

Collège du Léman is welcoming all the new and “old ” boarders . Villa Louis Yung 7 is finally starting to come alive again after the summer break!  Wishing all the boarders a fantastic, exciting, productive, and unforgettable New School Year 2019/2020


Wishing you all a fantastic Summer !!

Happy holidays! We wish you all a well-deserved and relaxing Summer holiday! Thank you to our LY7 girls : Mongoljin, Costanza, Lorena, Alessia, Ayaka, Laetitia, Zhe and Andrea for making this year so special and enjoyable for us. We shall miss you!

Boarding Team


Collège du Léman, Made for Champions !! 🏆 💪

This summer, Collège du Léman will partner with the Juventus Academy to provide a unique opportunity in Geneva.

The Juventus Academy Geneva Training Camp is open to youngsters, boys and girls, aged 8 to 18, regardless of whether or not they already play competitive football. The method adopted by J-Academy for teaching children the skills to play football closely follows the children’s own development as young people, from their introduction to the game to physical maturity.

The camp offers a perfect environment for student fulfilment. After training sessions, Boarding students will have the opportunity to benefit from the international Summer Camp ambiance during evening activities and week-end excursions.

A great way to combine their passion for football and international friendship.

More information :



Collège du Léman is pleased to invite you to an exceptional violin concert from our boarding student Daniel Lozakovich


Daniel Lozakovich’s majestic music-making has left critics and audiences spellbound. “Perfect mastery. An exceptional talent,” observed Le Figaro after a recent performance, while the Boston Globe praised the “poise, tonal purity, and technique to spare” of his debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Andris Nelsons at Tanglewood.

All the funds raised will be donated to the Blackswan Foundation (, which promotes research for rare and orphan diseases around the world.

We look forward to welcoming you to this event!

Programme (accompanied by Stanislav Soloviev – Piano)

Johann Sebastian Bach
Chaconne, partita n° 2, BWV 1004

Niccolò Paganini
Caprices nos 21 et 24

Robert Schumann
Sonate pour violon n° 1 en la mineur op. 105

Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski

Camille Saint-Saëns
Rondo capriccioso

Johannes Brahms
Sonate F-A-E, scherzo


Open House at Collège du Léman 27nd of April, Come to join us !!

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now on and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals


Alumni Dinner 2019

This  Friday 26th of April, we had the great pleasure to meet with some former students who came to have dinner with the actual Grades 12 in order to share their experience and to recall good memories of their time in CDL!




Congratulations Costanza !

Costanza has been selected to receive an Excellent in CAS / Service Learning Award.

To receive this award students has demonstrated excellent engagement, maturity and dedication 🙂

Bravo Costanza! Proud of you!

Happy World Book Day ! 📖

Reading is power. Read up, speak up, change the world !!


World Book Day is celebrated by UNESCO and other related organisations every year on the 23rd of April. Also called the World Book and Copyright Day, it is an occasion to promote the joy of books and the art of reading. 23rd April was selected by UNESCO to pay tribute to great literary figures including William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega who died on this day. This date was finalised in the year 1995 in the UNESCO General Conference, held in Paris, to honour authors and books worldwide.

Collège du Léman

Collège du Léman has been elected 2nd place in its category for the “Best Employers of the Year 2019” ranking by Bilan magazine!

CDL is second behind Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), followed by our sister school Champittet in third place!

This ranking is based on 11 criteria which include development and training, health, corporate social responsibility, etc.

This result encourages the staff to continue their improvement efforts to contribute to the well-being of the CDL community by providing useful services to all.

CDL likes to thank all of its staff for their daily efforts and for this success that makes CDL a great place to work!



Happy Palm Sunday !

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.It initiates Holy Week, the last week of Lent.

Epic Boarding Concert by Andrea Viscione

Enjoy the videos and pictures !


Healthy diet habits & 🐟 Empanada

This Sunday we received Linda who teach the students about healthy diet habits. It was a very informative talk and the girls of Megard and Ly7 learnt new facts about healthy eating.

Before the talk we prepared a delicious Tuna empanada, an easy way to cook a nutritious Snack!

Tech-Free weekend

Our LY7 girls deciced to spend this sunny weekend with a whole range of  Tech- free activities. It was a pleasure to see you  colouring, painting, lego making, sunbathing, relaxing or stretching in our wonderful garden……

Second Awards Ceremony !!

Tonight we had “ Our Second Awards Ceremony” where some of our girls received a medal for being involved in Activities, Boarding Life and Academically reaching amazing grades. Well done to all of the winners!

Academics  IB2 : Costanza Belli

Academics G12 : Lorena Alexandre


Boarding Life : Mongoljin Enkhtaivan

Activities Fulfilment: Costanza Belli

Collège du Léman is pleased to invite you…

… to an exceptional violin concert from our boarding student Daniel Lozakovich.

Daniel Lozakovich’s majestic music-making has left critics and audiences spellbound. “Perfect mastery. An exceptional talent,” observed Le Figaro after a recent performance, while the Boston Globe praised the “poise, tonal purity, and technique to spare” of his debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Andris Nelsons at Tanglewood.

All the funds raised will be donated to the Blackswan Foundation (, which promotes research for rare and orphan diseases around the world.  We look forward to welcoming you to this event!

Programme (accompanied by Stanislav Soloviev – Piano)

Johann Sebastian Bach
Chaconne, partita n° 2, BWV 1004

Niccolò Paganini
Caprices nos 21 et 24

Robert Schumann
Sonate pour violon n° 1 en la mineur op. 105

Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski

Camille Saint-Saëns
Rondo capriccioso

Johannes Brahms
Sonate F-A-E, scherzo

Successful students Art Exhibition

The art exhibition was held recently in Cervin Auditorium . The exhibition showcased the work of our Art students, including Lorena and Andrea from Louis Yung.

For art lovers, this was an opportunity not to be missed as the quality of the students’ portfolios has led to a successful event.

Well done girls!


Greek Dinner by Mongoljin

The Old Portena houseparents that some of the Prefects have duty with organised a wonderful goodbye dinner for me, Margie, Costanza, and Katya. The girls helped set up the tables and we all enjoyed a delicious Greek homecooked meal. It was a great night to celebrate our year together and how much we all have learned from each other. I know that I will miss my time with the girls and my chats with the houseparents.


The first edition of the Geneva Motor Show took place in 1905 before receiving international recognition in 1924. Since then, the Geneva International Motor Show has become one of the most well-known and most popular motor shows in Europe, and is one of the 5 “majors” recognized by the OICA (International Organisation of Automobile Constructors)

About 220 exhibitors, including the major carmakers, a lot of designers, equipment suppliers, as well as important industrial suppliers present around 900 cars over the 110,000 m2 of the 7 halls of Palexpo in Geneva. Taking place in spring, resumption of the car selling, the Geneva Motor Show is the manufacturers’ favourite event to present their last creation before their launch on the market. Each year, over 100 World and European Premieres are unveiled. After the two days dedicated to the about 10,000 representatives of the media coming from all over the world to cover the show, the 660,000 visitors – nearly the half is international – will finally discover these technological jewel and their part of dream.

Open House at Collège du Léman 2nd of March, Come to join us !!

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now on and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals



Open House at Collège du Léman, 2nd March

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now on and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals



Sarah’s visit!

Sarah, one of our most memorable boarders from last year, was back today for a visit.

There is truly nothing better than the feeling you get when you see your friends  again 🙂

Delhi High Tea

At College du Leman, Geneva, Switzerland RISE stands for Respect, Internationalism, Spirit, and Excellence. These values are at the heart of our community.

So meet with us on 14th February in Delhi.
Let’s talk about education in the 21st century with our education representatives Kevin Gilbert and Asija Safigulina.

The event will take place:
Day & Date: Thursday, February 14th, 2019
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Ring Road, New Delhi.

For more information contact:
Bharati Thakore
Admissions Head India
College Du Leman Sàrl
Tel: +91 9833439080A
Nord Anglia Education School


Bharati ThakoreCollege Du Leman, Geneva, Switzerland – Delhi High Tea


Eugenia’s first weekend

Our new LY7 girl, Eugenia, has had a great weekend. She has visited Geneva , walked around the lake in Versoix and enjoyed a karaoke Sunday session in Villa de lac 🙂

Not only this…. at home, there has been a lot of talking to get to know each other!  We are super happy to have Eugenia with us!

Christmas Dinner at the Kempinski Hotel

On Saturday evening, the girls enjoyed our annual Christmas dinner and dance at the Kempinski Hotel. The girls looked lovely in their outfits and it was lovely to see everybody helping each other to get ready for the event. What a fantastic evening of good food, good company and dancing. Enjoy their videos and pictures !!!


Awards Ceremony !

Tonight we had “The Awards Ceremony” where some of our girls received a medal for being involved in Activities, Boarding Life and Academically reaching amazing grades. Well done to all of the winners!

Boarding Life : Andrea Viscione



Boarding Activities: Alessia  Yue Yin

Make a difference! Recycling at CDL

Putting items in the recycling bin that can’t be recycled can contaminate the recycling stream. It is important to think about how to use it, so material ends up sorted and recycled correctly.

Ly7 girls try it at home and at school with the School recycling stations!

Diversity in Collège du Léman

We are different, we are all the same!

This evening’s meeting was about the celebration of diversity and internationalism. Respect across different cultures is important for the school’s principle of RISE, but it is much more than just an acronym. It is the most important principle in our house as we are all coming from different cultures. Living with such an amazing internationalism spirit made us all learn about different cultures and most importantly, embrace our own. People are all the same, regardless of where they come from, we must celebrate our differences all together.

Geneva Tradition: L’Escalade by Costanza Belli


” For two weeks in December, the city of Geneva goes Escalade mad. As Roy Probert found, the people dress up in period costume and pay homage to a humble soup pot that saved the free world. Or something.

Geneva may be renowned as the world capital of peace and humanitarian work. But during the Escalade period, the citizens of the city show a surprising fondness for guns, swords and canons.

All Swiss people, it seems, have a secret love of dressing up in period costume, polishing muskets and playing fifes and drums. The Genevans are no different. But when they do it, they are remembering a decisive event which arguably made the city what it is today.

The actual day of the Escalade is December 12. It is Geneva’s 4th of July and Bastille Day, though in keeping with Geneva’s puritan past, it’s celebrated with rather more sobriety. It marks the night when the small Protestant city state defeated the Catholic forces of the Duke of Savoy and, it’s claimed, cemented its place as a bastion of freedom and tolerance.

“If it had not been for the Escalade, we would probably be French now. And that’s worth celebrating,” says Jean-Michel, who, like his father and grandfather before him, is a member of the 1602 Society, which organises the annual Escalade procession through Geneva’s Old Town.

But what, the visitor will be forgiven for asking, is the significance of the chocolate cauldrons that seem to be in every shop window in the city from the middle of November till the middle of December?

These are “marmites”, and they symbolise the soup pot which played a crucial role in defeating the French hordes.

The story goes something like this: On the night of December 11, the Duke of Savoy launched a surprise attack on the city. As they scaled the city walls with ladders (escalade means to scale) his men were spotted by a woman now affectionately known as Mère Royaume, who poured a pot of boiling vegetable soup over their heads and raised the alarm.

In reality, it was not Catherine Cheynel (Mère Royaume’s real name) who raised the alarm. But she was one of thousands of ordinary Geneva citizens who helped fight off the Savoyards, and her inventive weapon became the symbol of the Escalade.

Today the marmite is made of chocolate and filled with marzipan vegetables. Tradition dictates that the youngest and oldest people smash the chocolate pot and recite the phrase: “Thus perish the enemies of the republic”. In French, of course.

The really serious escalade festivities take place on the weekend closest to December 12. Members of the 1602 Society, dressed in those authentic Reformation period costumes, stage an understated, but fascinating procession through the old town.

At intervals along the way, they stop and a proclamation is read out (the same proclamation that was made after the Duke had been put to flight), muskets and canons are fired and the Geneva anthem Cé qu’è lainô (He who is on High) is sung.

Very few people seem to know what the 68 verses of Cé qu’è lainô mean, as they were written in an ancient Geneva patois. But that does not stop young and old belting it out with gusto. And nowadays they just stick to four verses, which helps.

In short, it’s not particularly complementary about the Savoyards. One verse goes something like this: “On the darkest night they came, and it wasn’t to have a drink. It was to loot our homes and kill us for no good reason.” Thank heavens the Genevans won.

“They have quite a story to tell,” says Keith Kentopp, an American who has lived in Geneva for some 30 years and one of the few foreigners in the 1602 Society.

There are around 2,600 members of the company of whom some 700 are allowed to wear costumes.

“There is nothing Disneyesque or commercialised about this. We know who the main characters of the Escalade were and we all have a role to play,” Kentopp says.

“It’s fun to dress up, but in a time of shifting values, the Escalade represents a kind of continuity. It’s about patriotism, tradition, and basic ideals like freedom.”

It’s also important to place the Escalade in its historical context. It happened at a time of massive religious upheavals in Europe, just before the outbreak of the Thirty Years War.

“It was only a small episode in history. Today we would call it a commando raid,” says Christian Colquhon, a former secretary general of the 1602 Society. “But the following year a peace treaty was signed which brought peace to this region.”

The defeat of the Catholic forces from France and northern Italy also confirmed Geneva’s position as a haven for dissidents and persecuted minorities.

“Many specialists agree,” says Colquhon, “if the Duke of Savoy had taken the city that night, it would not be the city that we know today – city of peace, a city of the world and the headquarters of the United Nations.”


Weekend Yoga

This weekend, some of the girls participated in the new yoga program that will be taking place every weekend to practice new relaxation techniques with all the upcoming exam stress. It was an hour long class and we focused on our breathing. It was a great way to practice mindfullness and work on stretching our muscles in order to maintain better posture. For me, this was a great way to spend the hour. Since a lot of us who went were asked by Mr. Usher to come, I was skeptical in the beginning because I had a lot to study today and was worried that this would be a waste of time. However, this was exactly what I needed to recharge my mind and now I feel much more relaxed and focused.



Happy students during a creative session at their Lego club! Did you know that there are more than 100 extracurricular activities at Collège du Léman ? #collegeduleman #internationalschool #geneva #Switzerland

Thank you to everyone !

Great contribution from the whole of boarding for our stand in the Christmas market. Each house baked…We had brownies, apple cakes, gingerbread,brigadeiros, cupckes, chocolate chips and much more. Thank you to everyone who contributed to raise money for funding the  purchase of technology to treat Leukemia.

Cooking for the Christmas Market!

Cooking for tomorrow’s Christmas market  ….. a seriously delicious recipe with Brazilian flavour!

Thank you to our super chefs  Alessia + Ayaka + Henrique + Lorena   ❤️

We hope people enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!

Our successful students and their habits.Proud of them

Get Organized !

Manage your study space

Start with the most difficult subject first.

Make sure you’re not distracted while you’re studying.

Always review your notes before starting an assignment

Each study time should have a specific goal

Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session.

Never procrastinate your planned study session

Saturday 17th November, Open Day at Collège du Léman

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now on  and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals



Teachers in the House

The Teachers came to visit their students in LY7 for the afternoon – it was lovely to have them here! Thank you for coming : Mrs Vanessa Mitchel , Mrs Amelie Van Moorsel ,  Mr Michael Van Leeuwen , Mrs Jana Krainova , Mrs Molly Domenjoz-Atkinson,  Mrs Sophie Moores , Mrs Ana Sotillo Pascual , Mrs Cristina Brazzelli , Mrs Anja Werthenbach , Mrs Cinzia Valdata-Parisot ,Mr Raymond Phillips , Mrs Laura Brandt , Mr Guillermo Villacanas , Mr Etienne Chabilan, Mrs Sonia Iodice-Planche, Mrs Catalina De La Garza Evia Heitz and Mr Benjamin Rankin .

The benefits of working out

Mongoljin and Alessia have made their brain sharper and stronger one more time, in last Saturday Crossfit session.

Yes! working out has also mental health benefits. Chek them out.

Well done girls!

Happy Diwali !!

Boarding Department, wishes you all a Happy Diwali!! #collegeduleman #happydiwali #internationalschool #festivaloflights.

Thank you to Mr Usher and Mrs Salamin to organize this dinner for our  Hindu community at Collège du Léman!!


Europa Park Trip

This weekend Andrea, Lorena and Alessia visited Europapark, Europe’s 2nd largest theme park. The girls had a fabulous day at the park and rode as many of the roller coasters as they could.



Cyber Bullying

During our weekly assembly, and following our Pastoral Program, the main theme raised has been Cyber-bullying and how can we prevent it. Our students were deeply involved, sharing opinions and ideas

Open House on Saturday 17th of November

Would you like to know more about our academic programs, our extracurricular activities, our campus? Register now on  and come meet our Principals.

Programme :-

9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. :
– Welcome and presentation of Collège du Léman
– Visit stands (admissions, bus and lunch, extracurricular activities, camps, learning support, college advisory, PFA etc.)
– Tours of the School
– Informal meetings with Principals


NHS Ceremony

We had the NHS (National Honor Society) Ceremony on Wednesday!! It was an unforgettable experience!!!

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character. The National Honor Society requires some sort of service to the community, school, or other organizations.


Prefect duties at Old Portena


As one of the prefects, I go to Old Portena every Monday to talk to the girls and help out with anything they may need. Today I helped Paria, the sweetest little girl, with her homework for the week. However, last week I spent around two hours simply chatting with the girls and listened to them speak about their crushes, drama at school, life in boarding, and their hopes and goals for the future. At first I was actually very intimidated by the girls (In my opinion, preteen girls are some of the scariest people you will encounter) but I am so happy with how quickly they opened up to me. I have only had duty a handful of times this year but I already know that I will miss these girls very much when I have to graduate.


I am currently reading  Storia della filosofia greca by Luciano De Crescenzo.

“From Eraclitus to Socrates, from Plato to Aristotle and Epicurus, the most entertaining and successful wandering in the history of Greek thought”.



Paragliding 🦅

Lorena, Ayaka and Alessia accompanied by a professional pilot took off from Mont Salève around 1000 to 1300 meters with a magnifique panoramic view of Geneva, its lake and a back drop of the Alps, Mont Blanc and Annecy. Pure adrenaline !!!



LY7 Study Hall 📚

Sometimes our LY7 girls study alone but other times they prefer to stay together for their Study Hall.

Remember that learning with a group of peers could be a powerful tool! Study groups are a place to work on challenging concepts and learn from each other!

Happy Jeûne Genevois

     Jeûne Genevois (meaning Genevan fast) is a public holiday in the canton of Geneva, which occurs on the Thursday following the first Sunday of September. It dates back to the 16th century.
    Tarte aux pruneaux (plum pie)  is often served as dessert in Geneva homes on Jeûne genevois. Any knowledge as to how this tradition began seems to have been lost, although it may have come about as a means to allow women and housekeepers a way to spend the day in prayer, having cooked plum pies the day before (area plums being in season).


Yes, we’re open, again !

Collège du Léman is welcoming all the new and “old” boarders since yesterday, and Villa Louis Yung 7  is finally starting to come alive again after the summer break! Wishing all the boarders a fantastic, exciting, productive, and unforgettable New School Year 2018/2019

House logo competition

We had our first house competition this week and we tried our best to come up with a logo that represented the values of our house. Thank you to Veronika who designed the logo and all the girls for their effort 🙂


Graduation 2017

What an evening to celebrate our graduate students!!

The ceremony was spectacular. We could feel a lot of emotion and pride from the families in the audience.

We had the chance to listen to Tomomi playing the piano and Sofia singing for the interludes! They were absolutely magic.

It was a great evening to end up this school year for the 8 senior girls we had in the House : Julia, Tomomi, Helene, Leen, Lara, Elsa, Enegul and Malika. We wish them good luck in their future studies and a lot of success in their life. We are sure they had learned a lot from their journey in CDL with us!

Alumni dinner

On Friday 7th of April, we had the great pleasure to meet with some former students who came to have dinner with the actual Grades 12 in order to share their experience and to recall good memories of their time in CDL!

It was a nice moment we could spend all together, under the guidance of Mr Clivaz, the school founder, and also the president of the Association of Collège du Léman Alumni (ACLA).

Chocolate festival in Versoix!

Today I heard about the chocolate festival in Versoix, and went there with my house parent, Maria, and my roomate. I enjoyed the chocolate with the strawberries as shown in the picture, and of course the big chocolate fountain. SWISS chocolates are the best!!!

Boarding Award Ceremony

Tonight was the 2nd Boarding Award Ceremony of this school year.

Look at the smile on Lara’s and Sofia’s face, who respectively got an award for the Boarding life and for the activities. They were very proud of themselves… and obviously so we were!!

Had a great Sunday evening!

Enegul and I were invited to a birthday party to one of our friend’s house, Noor. We enjoyed our time, eating delicious traditional meal and chocolate fondue with strawberries, donuts and marshmallow. Happy birthday, Noorie! We love you xx

Beignets de Carnaval

On Tuesday for the House meeting, we enjoyed some “beignets de carnaval”, french pastries baked for carnival.

We shared them as well as the carnival habits and customs from the different countries the girls are coming from.

Birthday celebration in the house

Tonight we celebrated Sofia’s birthday with 2 cakes, a delicious “forêt noire”

and a very good french “galette des rois”! Miam miam.

They all enjoyed this little break in the middle of their work, just enough to give them back some energy for the rest of the evening.

What and when is gonna be the next cake or dish to come?

Karting day!


We really had a good time together with Malika, Enesh, Elsa and Sofia doing karting.

That was a very good activity to release our energy!

Weekend in Montana

This weekend we had the great opportunity to go to Montana in the Valais canton! It was the perfect time as a lot of fresh snow invited itself from the Friday evening. So on the Saturday the kids could enjoy skiing or snowboarding in this perfect condition and on the Sunday they even had the chance to have the sun on top of everything!

We can’t wait to go back next weekend!

Cooking day!



The girls got really involved in the Masterchef competition.

They prepared a “Menu autour de la pomme”with an appetizer “Chèvre chaud et miel sur pomme”, a starter “Tartare de saumon et pomme à l’aneth”, a main course “burger de pomme et boeuf à la coriandre sur galette de pomme” and a dessert “fleur de pomme”.

Everything was very tasty and it was a way for us to use all the apples we had in the house !! 🙂


And then we had dinner in the house with a “French” cheese fondue and a “French fondue bressane” (chicken cooked with eggs and breadcrums boiled in oil) follwed by a “tarte tatin” accompanied with vanilla ice cream!

We couldn’t finish everything… but we enjoyed a lot that moment!

Italian restaurant in CDL


Tonight was the inauguration of our “Tuesday Italian restaurant” in the dining hall. The place is reserved for 36 kids each time and today the priority was given to the prefects, House rep and members of committees.

They could enjoy antipasti, pizza of their choice and pannacotta! HUMMMM

Alumni visit

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On friday I had a very good surpise. The visit of Momo and Akiko who were boarders some years ago (graduated in 2007 and 2008) and of an ex-colleague who was working in the Boarding House Ferrari back then.

They decided to come all the way from Japan to see us!!

It was a very nice and emotional moment, remembering stories and students from that time, sharing news from each other around a cup of tea.

They also had the opportunity to meet Tomomi who was very interested in listening to their CDL boarder experience.

They’re adult now but CDL was a big and important part of their teenage years.

Elsa and Helene going to University Fair?

img_9551CDL took us to a college fair to see universities from all over the world like the U.S, UK, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and many more; to have and idea where we want to go after we graduate, since we are class of 2017 we are graduating this year, it was really nice, Helen and I had a really good time???

A nice evening in the house


Tonight after our weekly house meeting we watched in replay the 1st Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton for the US Elections. It was a very interesting moment… which ended with a group of girls sleeping on the sofas!!

Ramadan Mubarak!

Ramadan Mubarak!This picture was taken in Manor where they sell different type of Eastern delicious desserts!

Here comes the month of Ramadan! May God bless all those who fast and wishing them patience!

Charity Concert!


“1st of July is the international children’s day and mostly celebrated in Russia and in the previous Soviet countries. With Liza Prigozhina, we organised the last charity concert of this 2015-2016 school year dedicated to the children. The donations of the charity was intended  to help children with their needs. Thanks for Liza Prigozhina for organising this event and for all the students participating in this charity.  The entrance was five franks from each person and the donations made up to 300 franks✨???!!! “


Grade 12 Leavers Assembly

It was with a great pleasure that we held this special Assembly in the honor of the Grade 12 students. We enjoyed very much their testimonial videos in which they remember their best memories of their journey in CDL and in which they give advices for the others.

It’s always very emotionnal to see young students who grew up next to you leaving for further adventures.

We wish them all good luck for their exams and all the best for the future!

2016-05-10 18.54.52Here is part of next school year prefect team!

Aliya, Vanessa, Malika and Enegul will have to show their potential during the 5 next weeks in order to be in the final list of prefects.

We believe in you girls!

UK trip to visit universities??

We had such a great opportunity to visit some universities which are situated in the center of London and also those which are out of London to be more sure about our future choice. We visited LSE, London City University, Royal Holloway and some others.  



We had an amazing time with our group of 17 students including day students and great experience. Despite the bad weather we really enjoyed it and hope to go back as soon as possible. 

Chocolate Festival in Versoix ???

Last weekend we had a great opportunity to visit Versoix Chocolate Festival which is 5 minutes away from our school!

imageThere were lots of different sculptures made from chocolate and most of them were rabbits and Easter eggs.

imageIt’s such a pity that we have it only once per year. However, it’s good for those who are on a diet?✌?️


Happy Valentine’s Day!


On the 11th of february, during dinner, all the girls got roses from the girls, when us, girls, were giving chocolates to boys. It was fun:) We also had a photo booth where were taking pictures with different masks during social hour.

Re-enrolment 2016-2017


Dear Parents,

The re-enrolment campaign has begun.

The process will once again be online and you will receive an email notification.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the admissions team at or +41 22 775 55 55.

We look forward to welcoming your child back to Collège du Léman next year.

Best regards,

The Boarding Team.

Healthy Lifestyle!!


Today in the boarding house we have decided to be healthy for once 😛

I made fresh juice for all the girls made out of kiwis, apples, bananas, pears, and oranges!

Secret Santa and Christmas Dinner

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Tonight was a special night in our House. We celebrated Christmas with the famous “secret santa” where each girl has to buy a present to another one raffled, and with a nice french Christmas meal.

The girls enjoyed discovering their presents and food they had never eaten before, like “foie gras”, “pintade” and typical “bûche de Noël” while listening to some Christmas songs. The ambiance was very chilled.

We are all looking forward to organizing another event like that!

Christmas Dance!!



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Last Saturday we had the Christmas Dance at Kempisnki Hotel in Geneva. It was a beautiful evening! Stunning outfits, delicious food, great music and a lot of nice photos!! We all had an amazing time!

Award Ceremony!!

 The “Boarding House Award Ceremony” took place yesterday. Our boarders were awarded for their participation in Activities and for Boarding Life.


Congratulations to Enegul who won the Boarding Life Award!



Congratulations to Malika who won the Activities Fulfilment Award!


Well done everyone!

Montreux Christmas market

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HO HO HO The Christmas spirit is here!

We could feel it everywhere on the Christmas market in Montreux this sunday. Even if the weather was not very good we all enjoyed our journey in the middle of the toys, Christmas souvenirs, Christmas candies and other Christmas decorations. We also had the visit of Santa Claus up in the sky!!

What a pleasure to enjoy this experience all together

Today teachers visited our boarding house:)

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We were really pleased with warm conversations,  jokes and stories. They had a tour all around the house, we showed them our rooms , stayed in the living room drinking tea and coffee where we usually spend the biggest part of our time. I hope they enjoyed, and we are very excited to see them again soon:)



IMG-20151114-WA0001IMG_7109-1dqo8pa-768x1024Vanessa, Enegul, Eliia Fernanda and Malika (not on the picture) went last saturday in the school Le Rosey for the TedX activity. They listened to different people making random but very interesting speeches. That was a good experience for them!

Black and White dinner

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Just before the charity concert we had a Black and White dinner, organised by the Boarding House committee, that Malika, Eliia and Vanessa are part of. It was a great evening, very classy and almost everyone played the game.

It was a very good idea,

we can’t wait for the next event to come!!

Charity Concert!


imageLast night we organized a charity concert to help the disabled children all over the world. For this we made a musical concert, moslty piano, and earned donations from people coming to see our concert. It was an amazing night and thanks for those who came to see the concert and also donated money for the charity. Malika, Vanessa, Sofiya, Liza and I were the ones who organized it!!

PFA BBQ Party!

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The annual start of year PFA barbecue was a succes! A lot of parents came to enjoy and share this moment with the day students, the boarders, the teachers and the house parents.

Everyone had a great time, good dishes – mostly prepared by the parents – and good music played by teachers and students.

House Competition.1st Part, the cheer song

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Last thursday we all went to the auditorium after dinner to perform a cheer song. Everybody was excited and nervous to come on stage in front of the others. All the boarding houses were presented and we got the 4th place out of 14. VERY WELL DONE GIRLS! Special thanks to Malika and Eliia who worked a lot on it, and who you can see with the microphones.

Welcome dinner

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For the first day of school last wednesday the school organised a welcome dinner for the boarders. Nice decoration, nice food, nice outfits for everyone, it was a nice way to introduce the students to this new school year! They all enjoyed it.

Here we are!

Louis Young 7The 10 girls of Louis Yung 7 are very happy to welcome you on their blog for this new school year. They are leen, Polina, julia, Catinca, Valeriia, Eliia, Malika, Fernanda, Enesh and Vanessa, along with their house parents Maria and Valérie. They will post fractions of their boarding house life regularly.

So far they are delighted with their new house and I’m sure you’ll see pictures of it from every corner! However they don’t forget about the main target about being here, which goes with experiencing a boarding life abroad; it is studying in order to succeed, with a lot of new exciting challenges!