Ariel enjoyed todays sun by going for a nice long horse ride in the Versoix woods.
Monthly Archives: September 2023
Chalk It Up
Our Wellbeing, our Priority! (Chapter 1.2: Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies)
We conducted our second meeting today, focusing on the topic of sleep.
Our second key takeaway is: “What tools can I utilise to enhance the quality of my sleep?”
During the meeting, the boys had the opportunity to watch a recording featuring our student advocates and some special guests, including Mr Usher, who shared valuable tips on how to achieve restful sleep:
1. Avoid heavy meals before bedtime.
2. Incorporate stretching exercises before going to bed.
3. Turn off screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime and adjust screen brightness to night mode.
4. Engage in reading a book.
5. Practice meditation techniques.
6. Consider drinking warm milk.
As a challenge, each boy has selected one or two of these recommendations to implement and will record their progress in their planners. We are eager to see if these changes positively impact the quality of their sleep. Stay tuned for the results, which will be presented in our monthly assembly next week.
Thank you for your attention and involvement!
Weekend Vibes
Weekend in Concha
In House Dinner
Ce soir nous avons eu la chance de partager le repas ensemble sur la terrasse de Concha. Les étudiants se sont réuni autour d’un plat de lasagnes fumantes. L’odeur alléchante et le goût savoureux ont créé une ambiance chaleureuse. Ils ont partagé des rires et des conversations tout en se nourrissant. Les assiettes vides étaient le témoignage d’une soirée de camaraderie et d’amitié, transcendant les frontières culturelles. Cette expérience a renforcé leur connexion et leur désir de construire des liens durant l’année à venir et promettant de se réunir à nouveau.
Tonight, we had the opportunity to share a meal together on Concha’s terrace. The students gathered around a plate of steaming lasagna. The enticing aroma and delicious taste created a warm atmosphere. They shared laughter and conversations while nourishing themselves. Empty plates were evidence of an evening of camaraderie and friendship, transcending cultural boundaries. This experience strengthened their connection and their desire to build bonds during the coming year, promising to reunite again.
Les Nouvelles Du Monde Pour Apprendre Le Français
Afin de promouvoir la langue Française au sein de notre établissement avec nos pensionnaires de l’internat , nous avons mis en place cette année différentes exercices, ateliers et techniques pour les encourager à apprendre cette belle langue.
Un des exercices consiste à mettre à dispositions des élèves des journaux, des magazines et des quotidiens, ce qui leurs permet de lire en français mais aussi de suivre l’actualité Suisse et Internationale. Même si certains manquent encore d’aisance et de vocabulaire, le contexte et leurs connaissances permettent de lire un article sur un sujet qui les intéresse, en occurrence le Hockey pour Adam ou les jeux vidéos pour Krisitian.
In order to promote the French language within our institution among our boarding students, we have implemented various exercises, workshops, and techniques this year to encourage them to learn this beautiful language.
One of the exercises involves providing students with newspapers, magazines, and daily publications, allowing them to read in French and also to follow Swiss and international news. Even though some still lack fluency and vocabulary, the context and their knowledge enable them to read an article on a topic that interests them, such as hockey for Adam or video games for Kristian.
Our Wellbeing, our Priority! (Chapter 1.1: Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies)
Today, as we do every Wednesday, we held our House Meeting to introduce the topic of wellbeing.
Our first meeting was held today, and we kicked off with the first pillar, “Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies.” This year, along with our colleague Ms. Perrine Manoury and the amazing team of Wellbeing Advocates (Regina, Marcelo, Etoile, Laura Jane, and Ajuka), we focused on the topic of sleep.
Did you know that research shows that 60% of Middle School students and 70% of High School students do not get enough sleep on weekdays? It’s concerning, isn’t it?
So, during this first session, we touched base with the boys to understand how much sleep they are getting and, more importantly, to raise awareness about the consequences of insufficient sleep on our daily lives. We emphasised the first key point, which is “Understanding the importance of sleep in our daily lives.”
The boys watched a video created by our Advocates team, who did an incredible job. We are immensely proud of their commitment and dedication. Now, it’s time for us all to reflect on and work through this important aspect of our lives.
House Meeting & Wellbeing
During tonight’s House Meeting, we kicked off our Wellbeing program by discussing Pillar 1, Healthy Bodies & Healthy Minds.
Our main focus today was on sleep and how getting enough sleep is incredibly beneficial for our health.
Research shows that 60% of middle school students and 70% of high school students are not getting an adequate amount of sleep on weekdays.
The aim of this pillar is to highlight the importance of sleep and healthy sleeping routines in our day-to-day lives. A crucial part of this pillar will be to help the students by providing them with tools to get a better quality of sleep.
The boys will also be participating in the Sleep Better Challenege, where they will be trying out one of the tips we have given them to get better sleep for a week and lets us know next Wednesday.
We are looking forward to the results!