Our Wellbeing, Our Priority. (Chapter 2.1: Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity)

Our well-being programme is back, and we’ve embarked on our second journey to raise awareness among our boys from Concha and Annexe.

Today marked the commencement of our exploration into the theme of “Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity.”

Our initial focus involves uncovering the common bonds that unite us, inspired by the RISE values of the school.

Guided by Mr. Iker and Miss Ana, our student advocates have presented a challenge to the boys—can they discover similarities with their roommates? They now have several days to craft a short clip sharing what similarities they find.

Stay tuned as we’ll be sharing the results next week!

A heartfelt thanks to our dedicated student advocates: Diego, Amanda Regina, Ana Lu, Giuliana, Adi, Lulu, and Kseniia. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

Some Madness & Badness: House Meetings and Intl. Dinner

Dear all,

Another action packed day here at CDL – even when all may seem quit and peaceful, rest assured that someone, somewhere is acting chaotic!

Today we had the second joint house meeting with Concha Annex, we celebrated the International Weekly Dinner – this week, some lovely, classic Belgian cusine – and despite it all, the lads still managed to clock in a few mad moments playing basketball!

The Concha Team,

The boys – thinking they’re real comedians – digging into some Belgian mussels!

The entire Concha family all in one place!

Lebron who? Introducing the new basketball monster trio!

Team work makes the dream work!