The Guitarist and the Vocalist

Yesterday evening, beneath the enchanting glow of the Boarding Winter Concert, Nikita graced the stage, serenading the entire boarding community. With the gentle strumming of the guitar, Ana Sofia’s ethereal voice intertwined, creating a mesmerizing, romantically-charged performance. Together, they painted a canvas of pure gold talent, casting a spell of romance that lingered in the air.

Hockey Match – Geneve Servette vs Berne

Excitement filled the air as a group of enthusiastic students eagerly attended a thrilling hockey match. Their faces lit up with anticipation as the players showcased impressive skills on the ice. Cheers and applause echoed through the arena, creating a vibrant atmosphere of camaraderie. The students, clad in team colors, immersed themselves in the exhilarating experience, creating lasting memories of a spirited and memorable hockey outing.

Lucky we had Adam with us, who plays for the Geneva Servette Hockey Team U15; he explained the rules and helped us find our way in the crowd of the huge stadium. We all hope to wear a Geneva Servette Hockey jersey with Adam’s name on it one day.


Baking Competition: The Creation of the ‘Concha Caramel Mess’

Dear all,

Today, the boys in the house took part in an inter-house baking competition, and they decided to try their hand at a caramel cake, which was aptly called the ‘Concha Caramel Mess’. While some might argue that other cakes were better, we at Concha know that ours was secretly the best.

How could it not be? The Concha boys made it, so, of course, it’s good!

A shout-out and a huge thank you to Emir, Shiryu, and Firdavs for the brilliant effort they put in.

Best regards,

The Concha Team

A selection of the other competiton

The final product

From humble beginnings to victorious bakers

A team effort

Lets get cooking



Weekend Overdrive

Dear All,

Another busy yet fun weekend here at CDL with the Concha boys, from shopping madness in Geneva to old reliable fun activities here at school – including the boys taking part in an inter house baking competition – there was something fun for everyone to be at!

Here’s to a productive week ahead!

The Concha Team,

Muhan and Daniel at Handball

The Tennis boys at the crowd-favourite weekend activity


The Infinity Cake

In a sweet twist of creativity, students brought the Marvel universe to the kitchen in a baking competition. One standout creation was a cake inspired by the Avengers and adorned with edible replicas of the iconic Infinity Stones. As taste buds embarked on a heroic journey, the delicious spectacle proved that baking can be a true superpower.


A Finger-Lickin’ Birthday

Kristian celebrated his birthday at favorite fast food : ChicChicken  with friends, turning a simple fast-food hangout into a memorable bash.

Amid laughter and buckets of crispy chicken, the laid-back atmosphere and tasty treats made it a celebration to remember.

Who needs fancy venues when you’ve got good friends and finger-lickin’ food?

Happy Thanksgiving!

To celebrate Thanksgiving, the international dinner from yesterday was put on hold so we can have some turkey, pumpkins and a lot of goodies!

Seal of approval from the food judges!

While his last name is not Jackson, Michael is a certified celebrity.

Strongest guys around the block!

Das ist gut!

Second serving s’il vous plait!

Respect week at Concha & Concha Annexe

During our house meeting, we proposed to the boys to define Respect in three words. It might seem easy, right? However, it’s a challenging task as respect is a very broad concept. The crucial twist we added was that the boys couldn’t use the term “respect” in their definitions. This activity encourages them to delve deeper into the concept, expressing their understanding in a concise and creative manner. It serves as a great way to foster critical thinking and articulate personal perspectives on such a fundamental value. How did the boys respond to the task? Answer below: