The Floating City

This long weekend, Nick embarked on an unforgettable trip to Venice.

He indulged in delicious cuisine, immersed himself in the rich history of Murano glass, and navigated the intricate water channels, creating memories to cherish forever.

Our wellbeing, our priority (Chapter 5.1: Making Safe and Responsible Choices)

Last Tuesday marked the continuation of our esteemed wellbeing programme as we delved into the final pillar, Pillar 5, “Making Safe and Responsible Choices”.

This particular segment holds special significance as all the materials have been enriched by the contributions of Filippo and Adam. Under the guidance of Mr. Manuel, who has meticulously and enthusiastically prepared everything to ensure it is both meaningful and engaging, this pillar promises to be enlightening.

Throughout the meeting, we explored the concept of peer pressure, examining how it can influence our decisions. The boys were captivated by the visuals created by the advocates and eagerly shared their questions and insights about peer pressure.

Good people and BBQ make the best memories.

After a brief and rainy week, the anticipation for the upcoming long weekend was palpable among all the boys. When we proposed the idea of having a BBQ by the lake, their enthusiastic response was unanimous.

With the invaluable assistance of Ms. Maral, who expertly crafted the perfect recipe for beef burgers, and Mr. Manuel, we prepared a feast fit for our boys. In addition to the burgers, we included some chicken and homemade bread to round out the meal.

Arriving at the venue around 11:30 am, we wasted no time in firing up the grill, a crucial step in any BBQ. Mr. Manuel and Mr. Räphael took charge of this important task. As the delicious aroma of sizzling burgers filled the air, the boys eagerly awaited their meal, with refills of ice-tea keeping them refreshed in the meantime.

Once the burgers were ready, Mr. Manuel and Mr. Räphael served as the ceremony masters, ensuring that each boy received a perfectly cooked burger. The joy and satisfaction on the boys’ faces as they savored the flavors of the carefully prepared meal was truly heartwarming.

Amidst compliments for the chefs and a vibrant atmosphere of happiness, it wasn’t long before every last morsel of food had been devoured. With satisfied bellies and spirits lifted, the boys enjoyed a wonderful afternoon filled with good food and even better company.


Spring Day Shenanigans

Sundays at our boarding house are bustling with life. Our boys embrace the spring season by venturing out to enjoy the Concha Blanca garden and the nearby Swiss spring.

Table tennis and regular tennis are popular choices, along with some boxing bag action.

Some even take to the roads for a refreshing bike ride through the countryside.


One of our concha climbers…


Saturday Swagger: Wakeboarding, Running, and Boxing – A Day in the Life of Our Active Boys!

Ah, Saturdays – a time for adventure, sweat, and the pursuit of fun! Here in our bustling household, the day kicks off with a vibrant energy as our boys gear up for a day packed with activities.

First up, we have the wakeboarding enthusiasts. With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, they’re already at the lake, eager to conquer the waves and showcase their skills. The thrill of gliding across the water, the wind whipping through their hair, is an experience like no other.

  Meanwhile, one of our boys takes to the streets, lacing up their running shoes for a brisk 6-kilometer jog.

And let’s not forget about the two contenders who hit the local gym for a morning of intense boxing sessions.

So here’s to Saturdays filled with adventure, sweat, and the thrill of pushing limits.

Weekend Adventures: Fun, Friends, and Fond Memories at Concha and Concha Annexe!

During the weekend, the Concha and Concha Annexe boys had loads of fun! They tried horse riding, boxing, wakeboarding, running and golf. Between all the action, they also took time to relax and hang out with friends at the house. These activities created awesome memories and lots of laughs for everyone!

Horse Riding:






Sushi Time: