Last weekend before the February Break!

This weekend we had our usual activities again. Our boys took part in tennis, climbing and horse riding. They also went to running, chess, history and drama clubs. This weekend there was also ski club, this time they went to Verbier. New this weekend was the eSports club where several of them got together to play Fortnite and Fifa as a team. As you can see, we have activities for everyone. The boys have had time to rest and enjoy their last weekend before the holidays.

Ice Hockey Star

Every weekend, our boy from Leman, Apollo, plays ice hockey with the Geneva team, Geneve-Servette Associattion. Sometimes he plays in Geneva and sometimes he plays away. So far they are doing well in the league, we will see how they finish, but we are still very proud of what our boy from Leman is achieving.

Let’s go Servette!

🏮 Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Lunar New Year ! 🏮

Gong Xi Fa Cai (Wish you a very prosperous new year with fortune), is a popular phrase used to wish Happy New Year in Chinese Tradition.

The year 2024 is the Dragon year. According to the Chinese tradition, those born in the Dragon years are charismatic, ambitious and successful.

Our Leman boys prepared and celebrated the occasion inviting many of their friends and cooked, laughed and made a festive feast for each other. Great to see people from different nationalities coming together to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


“A Musician cannot move others unless he too is moved” C.P.E.Bach

Today Apollo inspired us with a Musical Performance, bringing sounds of Chinese traditional Music to our Eiger Auditorium.

He performed on a Hulusi flute which is a Chinese wind instrument made of a gourd and bamboo. It has been said to sound like bagpipes but unlike the bagpipe these pipes can be opened and closed. The reed resonator acts as an air pressure reservoir and allows the notes to be deeply bent – the Hulusi flute is in fact a chromatic instrument because the microtones in between the holes are all accessible.

The special ability to bend notes makes the Hulusi a highly expressive instrument which we clearly heard in Apollo’s performance tonight.

Thank you Apollo for sharing your Music with us.


Benvenuti a Roma !

This week-end our students had the amazing opportunity to take part in the trip to Rome. They had a lovely time where they spent it between italian culture & food, fun and of course shopping. They had to the chance to visit the Museum of Vatican and the famous Sistine Chapel. What an enriching trip !


Congratulations to the Léman basketball team who won the second place at the tournament against Zurich International School !!! We are particularly proud of our two boys, Teodoro and Roi who did an amazing job in the team. They are not only making us proud but the whole school.

Red Flags, Yellow Flags or Green Flags

Our weekly wellbeing session, evolved around signals that can be good or bad in terms of how a friendship is developing. Surely we are all aware of this but when we observe another person’s behavior and attitude we get triggered in a positive way when they do something that is reassuring and caring, or negative with it’s the opposite.

The activity proposed was to run a Kahoot, and spot some red, yellow or green flags which can guide us to assess the situation.


Congratulations to Aydan who scored the highest score… we trust he is a good friend 🙂 More important than that was to reflect on how these signs can be read and how to react to them. There are no fully right or wrong answers and it’s for each one to identify what they consider to be a decent code of ethics and a pattern on behavior in a healthy friendship.



Second Ski Weekend!

This weekend, the Leman boys had to split up in two different locations. The juniors of the house went back to Leysin where they could continue to enjoy winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, etc. In addition, they had the opportunity to go to a spa where they could relax during the afternoon and also had fun at the toboggan park, what a lot of laughs they had!

The seniors could go to Crans Montana, where they enjoyed skiing and snowboarding.

They had a great time and enjoyed this weekend off campus!

Birthday boys


Today we have a very double special celebration as our two prefects Roi and Yosuke turn 18 and 19 respectively.

A moment to remember with friends and family from Leman …


Happy Birthday Roi and Yosuke !!

Momo’s sustainable city

Momo’s Geography Teacher challenged him to envision and create a sustainable city. He worked extensively to create a centre engineered to improve environmental impact through precise urban planning, renewable energies and good management.

We later realised that this eco-friendly goal was achieved right in front of our eyes as many Leman students and HouseParents worked sustainably together to help Momo complete his fantastic project.


Well done Momo!!




Microaggresions – Wellbeing Pillar 3

This take away point is particularly relevant as we all have been involved in a situation of this kind… as a “microagressor” or as a “microaggressed”.

We have all shared jokes where we comment about someone’s nationality, sexual orientation, creed, physical appearance, etc… There is no denying about that.

However we agreed that it’s important to think on how the receiver of the joke might perceive it. Will he be affected? Does he take it well or is he vulnerable? Has he had a good day or has he had some traumatic experiences related to this topic?

Despite not having a harmful intention, microaggressions can have a deeper impact in the receiver, and more surprisingly, unexpected ones.

The take-away point is to raise awareness on how sensitive this can be and perhaps, build a stronger awareness on how our words can affect those around us.

Something to follow and observe in the coming months… 🙂

Ski Week-end in Leysin !

We are glad to say that we had a wonderful week-end in Leysin ! Over the week-end our boys enjoyed many winter activities. A lot of them decided to conquer the swiss slopes by going skiing or snowboarding with an instructor. If going on the slopes were not their cup of tea, they visited the magnificent glacier 3000 where they enjoyed the fresh air and the views. For the most adventurous ones, the tobogganing activity certainly gave them strong sensations ! At night, they had the chance to discover and enjoy typical mountain dishes such as raclette. On Sunday, they could either go back on the slopes, take some time to study or go ice skating. So good to see the boys so happy !!



Mountain Week-end !

We are glad to say that we had a wonderful week-end in Leysin ! Over the week-end our boys enjoyed many winter activities. A lot of them decided to conquer the swiss slopes by going skiing or snowboarding with an instructor. If going on the slopes were not their cup of tea, they visited the magnificent glacier 3000 where they enjoyed the fresh air and the views. For the most adventurous ones, the tobogganing activity certainly gave them strong sensations ! At night, they had the chance to discover and enjoy typical mountain dishes such as raclette. On Sunday, they could either go back on the slopes, take some time to study or go ice skating. So good to see the boys so happy !!



Features of a good friend

What are the qualities of a good friend ? What do we look for when we have a friend ?

Just to have a more accurate view of the opinions we have ran a quick survey on the main feature that our boys look for in a friend. We won’t be surprised to see that the 5 main answers are totally linked they naturally they complement each other and are deeply rooted in our sense of affection and bonding.

The main one was loyalty but this can be a form of respect. Caring is a sign of trust and support… and it was interesting to see that Love appeared a few times as the sum up of what friendships are about.

This exercise allowed us to reflect on something so simple and innocent as the way we bond with other people and how naturally we are inclined to get closer with people who inspire us some of these nobles values.

Many other answers were given, some of them mentioned once or twice… Brotherhood, Honour, Company, Help, Honesty…

… aren’t they all valid as well?

Back to the weekend activities!!

After the first week of classes, we have reached the weekend and the boys have been able to enjoy the activities on the campus. As always we had our hours of tennis, climbing, horse riding and cooking class with the chef, where this time they cooked cordon bleu and mashed potatoes. As a special activity, they had Laser Tag. Leman played against Olympus, where they drew. So, we will have to see in another field to have a tiebreaker and a winner.