Menu of These Days 🍽

Good morning everyone,

Here are a few dishes from these days at the Eiger and Leman Canteen:

  • Turkey with a herb omelette
  • Trout with gourmet wheat
  • Samosa with vegetables
  • Vegetarian Croque Monsieur
  • Hake breaded and mashed

Enjoy! 😋

Collège du Léman Team 🙂

Thursday Lunch! 🍽

Dear all,

For lunch today, we had the theme Stop Food Waste a Eiger.

In Leman, we had hash browns, turkey ham quiche and spinach coulis!

We also had Biryani chicken and wok vegetables! 😋


Collège du Léman Team


International Dinner – Albanian Food 🍽

Dear all,

Our International Dinner is back and yesterday, we had Albanian food! 🙌

Facts about Albanian food:

  • Albanian cuisine has its fair share of vegetarian dishes. Meats like beef, lamb, pork, and poultry are common ingredients in meals, too. They are, however, not necessarily a part of all traditional Albanian food recipes.
  • Albanian cuisine is primarily based on healthy ingredients such as vegetables, fruit, fish, and seafood, like the renowned Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is the most popular—and by far the oldest, dating from Roman times—cooking fat used in traditional Albanian dishes.


Thank you to the kitchen staff! 🤩



Collège du Léman Team