Hello Everyone,
For lunch today we were present this Portuguese chicken with sautéed potatoes and grilled peppers 😋🙌🏻
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hello Everyone,
For lunch today we were present this Portuguese chicken with sautéed potatoes and grilled peppers 😋🙌🏻
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Good Night Everyone,
Today for dinner, we had an Spanish inspiration – Tapas 🙌
And delicious dessert 😍
Leaving you so interesting facts about Tapas:
We wish you all an amazing weekend! 🌟
Collège du Léman Team 😎
Hello Everyone,
Today for lunch we had Breaded Hoki with Sweet Potato Fries in Eiger 😋
Breaded Hoki with Sweet Potato Fries
Breaded Hoki with Sweet Potato Fries
In Léman cafeteria with had Spinach Gnocchi 😋
Spinach Gnocchi
Spinach Gnocchi
Once again, thank you to our kitchen staff!! 🙌
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Good evening everyone,
Today our boarders were presented with … Cannelloni 👌
Thank you to our kitchen staff!!
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Dear all,
Today we have an especial lunch – Healthy and Green! 🥦
This is a whole art of putting green on the plate of our students! 🌱😋🙌
Take a look of how good this plate looks!
Delicious 😋
Thank you to our kitchen!! 🙌
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hello Everyone,
Yesterday, as usual, we had our International Dinner and the country was…Hawaii!!! 🌟
It was so delicious 😋
Thank you to the kitchen staff and everyone involved that helped with this fantastic dinner 🙌
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hello Everyone,
We hope your week is going well and with delicious meals like our students! 😁
Example of that is todays lunch. Boulettes de Boeuf à la Zurichoise, roestis maisons and légumes de saison.
So tasty!! 😋
Boulettes de Bouef à la Zurichoise, roestis maisons and léegumes de saison
Thank you again to our kitchen staff!!
Wishing a great week!
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hello Everyone,
Today we had Tandoori chicken with basmati rice, naan bread and Indian vegetables. 😚
Poulet Tandoori with basmati rice, pain naan and Indian vegetables
We also had Tourte Valaisanne! Delicious 😋
Tourte Valaisanne
As if that wasn’t enough, the students were also presented with Carbonara de Dinde!
Carbonara de Dinde
Thank you very much to our kitchen staff!
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hi there,
Today we were presented with a very pleasing and delicious lunch!
Thank you to kitchen staff for your work. 🙌
For dessert, we had Tarte Tatin! Very tasty! 😋
Tarte Tatin
Collège du Léman Team 😊
Hello Everyone,
This Wednesday, like every week, CDL has an international dinner and last night we had a Mexican Evening.
Thank you Chef Luitzer and the interns from this amazing meal! 😋
Sandwich “Pépito” with beef, nachos and guacamole
Chef Luitzer
Sandwich “Pépito” with beef, nachos and guacamole
And to complement this delicious meal, the students were presented with this home made amazing dessert – Pastel de Elote 😊
Pastel de Elote
We leave you with three interesting facts about Mexican food:
We hope our students enjoyed this meal 🙌
Collège du Léman Team 😊